
131 lines
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Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Weapon fired handler
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
player addEventHandler ["Fired", {_this call EPOCH_fnc_playerFired}];
_this select 0: unit: Object - Object the event handler is assigned to
_this select 1: weapon: String - Fired weapon
_this select 2: muzzle: String - Muzzle that was used
_this select 3: mode: String - Current mode of the fired weapon
_this select 4: ammo: String - Ammo used
_this select 5: magazine: String - magazine name which was used
_this select 6: projectile: Object - Object of the projectile that was shot (Arma 2: OA and onwards)
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_ammoConfig","_attachments","_currentDMG","_currentHIT","_cursorTarget","_gesture","_heal","_highestDMG","_newDMG","_nuisanceLevel","_playerNuisanceKeyFinal","_repaired"];
params ["_unit","_weapon","_muzzle","_mode","_ammo","_magazine","_projectile"];
EPOCH_lastFiredLocation = getPosATL player;
switch true do {
case (_ammo isKindOf "B_EnergyPack"): {
if (!isNull cursorTarget) then {
_cursorTarget = cursorTarget;
_repaired = false;
if ((player distance _cursorTarget) <= (((SizeOf (TypeOf _cursorTarget))/2) max 6) min 12) then {
_attachments = handgunItems player;
_heal = false;
if (_cursorTarget isKindOf "Man") then {
if ("Heal_EPOCH" in _attachments) then {
_heal = true;
if ("Defib_EPOCH" in _attachments) then {
if (!alive _cursorTarget) then {
[_cursorTarget,player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_revivePlayer",2];
} else {
if ("Repair_EPOCH" in _attachments) then {
_heal = true;
if (_heal) then {
_highestDMG = 0;
_currentHIT = -1;
_currentDMG = 0;
_currentDMG = _x;
if (EPOCH_AdvancedVehicleRepair_Enabled) then {
if (_cursorTarget iskindof "Landvehicle" || _cursorTarget iskindof "SHIP" || _cursorTarget iskindof "AIR" || _cursorTarget iskindof "TANK") then {
if (_currentDMG > 0.9) then {
_currentDMG = 0;
if (_currentDMG > _highestDMG) then{
_highestDMG = _currentDMG;
_currentHIT = _forEachIndex;
}forEach((getAllHitPointsDamage _cursorTarget) param[2,[]]);
if (_highestDMG > 0) then {
_newDMG = ((_highestDMG - 0.5) max 0);
["Partially healed / repaired",5] call epoch_message;
if (local _cursorTarget) then {
[_cursorTarget,[[_currentHIT,_newDMG]]] call EPOCH_client_repairVehicle;
} else {
[_cursorTarget,[[_currentHIT,_newDMG]],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2];
} else {
["Full healed / repaired or too much damaged",5] call epoch_message;
if ((damage _cursorTarget) > 0) then {
[_cursorTarget,["ALL",0],player,Epoch_personalToken] remoteExec ["EPOCH_server_repairVehicle",2];
case (_ammo isKindOf "B_Hatchet"): {
_gesture = selectRandom ["GestureSwing0", "GestureSwing1", "GestureSwing2"];
player playActionNow _gesture;
call EPOCH_chopWood;
case (_ammo isKindOf "B_Swing" || _ammo isKindOf "B_Stick") : {
player playActionNow "SledgeSwing";
if (_weapon isEqualTo "MeleeRod") then {
call EPOCH_fish;
else {
call EPOCH_mineRocks;
if (_weapon in ["MeleeSword","Power_Sword"]) then {
call EPOCH_chopWood;
case (_ammo isKindOf "ChainSaw_Bullet"): {
call EPOCH_chopWood;
default {
_ammoConfig = (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> _ammo);
_nuisanceLevel = ceil ((getNumber (_ammoConfig >> "audibleFire") * getNumber (_ammoConfig >> "caliber"))*Epoch_NuisanceMulti);
// reduce when not in a city or town
if (EPOCH_nearestLocations isEqualTo[]) then{
_nuisanceLevel = _nuisanceLevel / 2;
// reduce if using a silencer
if (((player weaponAccessories _muzzle) select 0) != "") then{
_nuisanceLevel = _nuisanceLevel / 2;
// Nuisance System 0.1
(EPOCH_customVarLimits select (EPOCH_customVars find "Nuisance")) params [["_playerLimitMax",100],["_playerLimitMin",0]];
_playerNuisanceKeyFinal = "EPOCH_playerNuisance";
if !(isNil "_playerNuisanceKey") then {_playerNuisanceKeyFinal = _playerNuisanceKey};
[_playerNuisanceKeyFinal,_nuisanceLevel,_playerLimitMax,_playerLimitMin] call EPOCH_fnc_setVariableLimited;