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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Credit goes to AWOL for the original Epoch Group System. Temp Groups do not allow outsiders access to bases, vehicles or safes. Easily switch to Temp Group for Co-Op mission, then back to Perm Group. Full access to Kick, Set Mod, Leave Group/Delete Group. When leaving or deleting group, you will be put back into the actual group of your teammates if online. Fixed Leave/Delete Button to show Delete Group onLoad of Temp Group UI Added refresh to Group UI's so all players are in sync after changes
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140 lines
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Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Epoch Server side securty checks config
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
class CfgSecConf
debug = "false";
class vehicles {
safeVehicles[] = {"I_UAV_01_F","B_Heli_Transport_01_F","Steerable_Parachute_F","NonSteerable_Parachute_F","Land_Camping_Light_F","container_epoch"};
class remoteExecClient{
functions[] = {"bankBalance", "resetGroup", "groupUpdate", "groupUidUpdate", "healPlayer","tradeComplete","resetTempGroup","tempGroupUpdate","tempGroupUidUpdate"};
// code
bankBalance = "EPOCH_bankBalance = _this;";
resetGroup = "Epoch_my_Group = []; Epoch_my_GroupUID = '';";
groupUpdate = "Epoch_my_Group = _this; call EPOCH_Group_update;";
groupUidUpdate = "Epoch_my_GroupUID = _this;";
resetTempGroup = "Epoch_my_tempGroup = []; Epoch_my_tempGroupUID = '';";
tempGroupUpdate = "Epoch_my_tempGroup = _this; call EPOCH_tempGroup_update;";
tempGroupUidUpdate = "Epoch_my_tempGroupUID = _this;";
healPlayer = "{missionNamespace setVariable[format['EPOCH_player%1', _x], EPOCH_defaultVars select(EPOCH_customVars find _x)]} forEach['Temp','Hunger','Thirst','Toxicity','Stamina','HitPoints','BloodP','Alcohol','Radiation'];";
tradeComplete = "EPOCH_TRADE_COMPLETE = _this;";
class learning {
mode = "false"; // true = only trust uids below, false = trust everyone (use only with a passworded server and trusted players)
trustedUsers[] = {};
class blacklist {
badDisplays[] = {-1337,17,19,30,32,45,59,69,71,125,132,155,156,157,162,165,166,167,312,1320,1321,2727,2928,2929,316000};
animations[] = {"AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exerciseKata","AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_exercisePushup","GestureSpasm1","GestureSpasm4","GestureNod"};
class forcedQuality {
// Configs for forced viewdistances via AH matching A3 presets
class Standard
viewDistance = 1600; // Standard Preset = 1600
viewDistanceObects = 1300; // Standard Preset = 1300
terrainGrid = 10; // Standard Preset = 25
class High
viewDistance = 2200; // High Preset = 2200
viewDistanceObects = 1800; // High Preset = 1800
terrainGrid = 10; // High Preset = 12.5
class VeryHigh
viewDistance = 3000; // Very High Preset = 3000
viewDistanceObects = 2600; // Very High Preset = 2600
terrainGrid = 10; // Very High Preset = 6.25
class Ultra
viewDistance = 3800; // Ultra Preset = 3800
viewDistanceObects = 3200; // Ultra Preset = 3200
terrainGrid = 10; // Ultra Preset = 3.125
class Custom
viewDistance = 2500; // High+
viewDistanceObects = 2000; // High+
terrainGrid = 10; // Default in MP: 10
mode = "Standard";
class addEventHandler {
checks[] = {"Fired","InventoryClosed","InventoryOpened","Killed","HandleDamage","HandleHeal","Dammaged","Hit","HitPart"};
class variables {
class whitelist {
#include "data\custom_vars.h" // whitelisted variables
badVars[] = {"ESP_map","ESP_mainMap","ESP_adminMap","AntiAntiAntiAntiHax","fnc_usec_damageHandler","fnc_usec_unconscious","VAGINA_secret","yolo","VERSION","life_fnc_handleDamage","EPOCH_spawnVehicle_PVS","CLASS911_Menu","nuke_vars","JJMMEE_INIT_MENU","PLAYERON","PLAYERNEXT2","ALTISLIFEON","LY_Menu","PLAY","LY_SwaggerLikeUs","BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder_value","BIS_fnc_dbg_reminder"};
nilVars[] = {"EPOCH_antiWallCount","EPOCH_playerEnergy","EPOCH_playerHunger","EPOCH_playerStamina","EPOCH_playerCrypto","EPOCH_target","EPOCH_ESP_TARGETS","EPOCH_ESPMAP_TARGETS","EPOCH_taxRate","EPOCH_ESP_VEHICLEPLAYER","EPOCH_ESP_PLAYER","EPOCH_ESP_VEHICLES"};
class commandMenu {
menus[] = {"","RscSelectTeam","RscTeam","RscMoveHigh","#GETIN","#RscStatus","#WATCH0","RscCombatMode","RscMenuReply","RscCallSupport","#CUSTOM_RADIO","#User:BIS_fnc_addCommMenuItem_menu","RscRadio","RscReply","#ACTION","RscMenuFormations","#WATCH","RscGroupRootMenu","RscMainMenu","RscMenuMove","RscWatchDir","RscWatchMoveDir","#User:BIS_Menu_GroupCommunication","RscMenuStatus","RscFormations"};
// RscDisplay (onload, unload) scanning is automatic and will ensure data matches the server.
// Using the extra whitelist arrays this check can be extended to allow modifications client side that do not exist server side.
class displayOnload {
// Format: {rscDisplayConfigname, extra whitelisted onload data (array of string), extra whitelisted unload data (array of string)}
// The extra onload whitelist for RscDisplayConfigure is for CBA
checkDisplays[] = {
{"RscDisplayMainMap", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayGetReady", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayInventory", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayLoadMission", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayInterrupt", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayOptionsVideo", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayOptions", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayAVTerminal", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayConfigure", {"{""onLoad"",_this,""RscDisplayConfigure"",'GUI'} call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""A3\ui_f\scripts\initDisplay.sqf""; _this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers ""\x\cba\addons\keybinding\gui\initDisplay.sqf"""}, {}},
{"RscDisplayConfigureAction", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayConfigureControllers", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayControlSchemes", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayCustomizeController", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayDebriefing", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayDiary", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayGameOptions", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayJoystickSchemes", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayLoading", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayMicSensitivityOptions", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayOptionsAudio", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayOptionsLayout", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayStart", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayVehicleMsgBox", {}, {}},
{"RscDisplayInsertMarker", {}, {}}
class DebugActive
systemChat1 = "systemChat str _type;";
systemChat2 = "systemChat format['SPAWN %1',_spawn];";
systemChat3 = "systemChat format['Debug-Vehicle: send: 108,%1', _veh];";
systemChat4 = "systemChat format['Debug-Vehicle: _veh: %1', _veh];";
systemChat5 = "systemChat format['Debug-Vehicle: _this: %1', _this];";