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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
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476 lines
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Author: Aaron Clark - EpochMod.com
Epoch Server Settings Config
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
#define _ARMA_
class CfgPatches {
class A3_server_settings {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
epochVersion = "1.3.1";
requiredAddons[] = {};
#include "build.hpp"
// inport loot tables
#include "configs\CfgMainTable.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_CUP.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_MAD.h"
#include "configs\CfgLootTable_MADCUP.h"
// vehicle textures
#include "configs\CfgEpochVehicles.h"
// security checks
#include "configs\security\security_checks.h"
// props template
#include "configs\templates\CfgPropTemplate.h"
// import settings
class CfgEpochServer
#include "\@epochhive\epochah.hpp"
#include "\@epochhive\epochconfig.hpp"
// map config
class CfgEpoch
class Default
// worldSize = 12000;
vehicleSpawnTypes[] = {
// Radiation System
radioactiveLocations[] = {"NameCityCapital", "NameCity", "Airport"};
radioactiveLocationsCount = 3;
// BlackList radioactive locations spawn by object and distance
radioactiveLocBLObjects[] = {}; // PlotPoles are already blacklisted by script
radioactiveLocBLDistance = 500;
// Custom Locations for Radiation
customRadioactiveLocations[] = {
// {{position , intensity , object},
// {{11650,11900,0}, 500, "Land_Device_assembled_F"},
// {{0,0,0}, 0, ""} //any of these will throw an error in the rpt
// Traders
traderBlds[] = {"Building"};
traderHomes[] = {"Building"};
traderUniforms[] = {"U_OG_leader", "U_C_Poloshirt_stripped", "U_C_Poloshirt_blue", "U_C_Poloshirt_burgundy", "U_C_Poloshirt_tricolour", "U_C_Poloshirt_salmon", "U_C_Poloshirt_redwhite", "U_C_Poor_1", "U_C_WorkerCoveralls", "U_C_Journalist", "U_C_Scientist", "U_OrestesBody", "U_Chav_EPOCH"};
// TraderMinDistance = 1500; // Min distance between Traders. If not defined, Server will calculate it by MapSize
traderblockblds[] = {"pier","bridge","fireescape","medevac_house","pillboxbunker","containerine"}; // If a building include this chars in the classname (tolower!!!) they will be blocked for Traders
// Debug Box
telePos[] = {
// N [-0.286865,8.17383,-10.3098, 0]
// S [-0.415527,-7.05298,-10.3098, 180]
// E [13.5127,0.410156,-10.3098, 90]
// W [-14.4316,0.112793,-10.3098, -90]
{ "TP_Booth_n_EPOCH", { -0.286865,8.17383,-10.3098, 0}, "", "north" }, // Trader city 1
{ "TP_Booth_s_EPOCH", { -0.415527,-7.05298,-10.3098, 180}, "", "south" }, // Trader city 2
{ "TP_Booth_w_EPOCH", { -14.4316, 0.112793, -10.3098, -90}, "", "west" }, // Trader city 3
{ "TP_Booth_e_EPOCH", { 13.5127, 0.410156, -10.3098, 90}, "", "east" } // Trader city 4
lightPos[] = {
debugBoxClass = "Debug_static_F";
cloneClasses[] = {"clone_empty_static_F", "clone_male_static_F", "clone_female_static_F"};
// Settings for Events, Missions, etc
spawnDistanceFromPlayers = 500;
spawnDistanceFromJammers = 1000;
spawnDistanceFromTraders = 2000;
HeightenedPlayerVsPlayer = 1; // 0 = OFF
// Shipwrecks Loot Box Spawner
shipwreckLootEnabled = 1; // 0 = OFF
debugShipwreckLoot = 0; // 1 = ON
showBoatLootMarkers = 1;
maxSpawnedShipwrecks = 12;
distFromOtherShipwrecks = 750;
shipwreckDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown"; // decay changes icon (_markers select 2)
shipwreckCompromisedColor = "ColorRed"; // compromised changes active surround (_markers select 0)
shipwreckCustomWrecks[] = {"Land_UWreck_FishingBoat_F", "Land_UWreck_Heli_Attack_02_F", "Land_UWreck_MV22_F"};
shipwreckCustomLocs[] = {};
// Plant Spawner
debugPlantSpawner = 0;
showPlantMarkers = 1;
maxPlantSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherPlants = 2500;
plantDecayTime = 1200; //Half this time results in decayMarkerColor marker
plantDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
plantCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availablePlants[] = {"Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Goldenseal_EPOCH", "Poppy_EPOCH", "Pumpkin_EPOCH"};
// Carnival and Loot Box Spawner
debugCarnivalSpawner = 0;
showCarnivalMarkers = 1;
maxCarnivalSpawns = 2;
distFromOtherCarnivals = 5000;
carnivalDecayTime = 3600;
carnivalDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
carnivalCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
carnivalSpawnedObjects[] = {"Carnival_Tent", "Land_Slide_F", "Carnival_Tent", "Land_Carousel_01_F", "Carnival_Tent", "Carnival_Tent"};
// EarthQuake and Mineral Deposit Spawner
debugEarthquakeSpawner = 0;
showEarthquakeMarkers = 1;
maxEarthquakeSpawns = 3;
distFromOtherEarthquakes = 1500;
earthquakeDecayTime = 2400;
earthquakeDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
earthquakeCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availableMinerals[] = {"MineralDepositCopper_EPOCH", "MineralDepositGold_EPOCH", "MineralDepositSilver_EPOCH"};
// MoneyDrop
debugMoneyDrop = 0;
showMoneyMarkers = 1;
maxMoneyDrops = 3;
distFromOtherMoneyDrops = 1500;
MoneyDropDecayTime = 2400;
MoneyDropDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
MoneyDropCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
MoneyDropValues[] = {{3,6},{50,120}}; // {{min money lumps, max money lumps},{min crypto per lump, max crypto per lump}}
// Container Spawner
debugContainerSpawner = 0;
showContainerMarkers = 1;
maxContainerSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherContainers = 3500;
containerDecayTime = 1200;
containerDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
containerCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
// Satellite Crash Spawner
debugSatelliteSpawner = 0;
showSatelliteMarkers = 1;
maxSatelliteSpawns = 5;
distFromOtherSatellites = 2500;
satelliteDecayTime = 2700;
satelliteDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown";
satelliteCompromisedColor = "ColorRed";
availableSatellites[] = {"Land_Wreck_Satellite_EPOCH"};
// HeliCrashes and Loot Box Spawner
HeliCrashesEnabled = 1; // 0 = OFF
debugHeliCrashes = 0; // 1 = ON
showHeliCrashMarkers = 1;
maxSpawnedHeliCrashes = 4;
distFromOtherHeliCrashes = 2000;
heliCrashDecayMarkerColor = "ColorBrown"; // decay changes icon (_markers select 2)
heliCrashCompromisedColor = "ColorRed"; // compromised changes active surround (_markers select 0)
availableHeliCrashes[] = {"Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_01_F","Land_Wreck_Heli_Attack_02_F"};
heliCrashCustomLocs[] = {};
propsPos[] = {
// Will accept several variations of this entry to place objects on the map
// _className - STRING - Class name of the object to spawn
// _position - ARRAY - posATL of the object placement
// _direction - NUMBER or ARRAY - Accepts direction 0-360 or accepts Vector Direction and UP array
// _deSimulate - BOOLEAN - Turns simulation off at spawn to save on performance
// _dynamicSimulation(OPTIONAL) - BOOLEAN - Add the object to arma3 dynamic sim system
// _destruction(OPTIONAL) - BOOLEAN - Setting this to true will allow damage to the object
// _damage(OPTIONAL) - NUMBER - Preset damage limited to maximum 0.75 (75% damaged)
// {_classname, _position, _direction, _deSimulate, _dynamicSimulation, _destruction, _damage},
// 1 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, 119.966, true},
// 2 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, {{0,0,0},{0,0,1}}, true},
// 3 {"Land_MarketShelter_F", { 13315.3, 14512.4, 0.0361125 }, {{0,0,0},{0,0,1}}, true, true, false, 0},
staticNpcPos[] = {};
allowedVehiclesList[] = {
{"I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 3},
// A2 Vehicles
allowedVehiclesList_CUP[] = {
{"I_MRAP_03_EPOCH", 2},
// A2 Vehicles
allowedVehiclesList_MAD[] = {
allowedVehiclesList_MADCUP[] = {
#include "configs\maps\bornholm.h"
#include "configs\maps\stratis.h"
#include "configs\maps\altis.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarusredux.h"
#include "configs\maps\chernarus_summer.h"
#include "configs\maps\australia.h"
#include "configs\maps\takistan.h"
#include "configs\maps\Zargabad.h"
#include "configs\maps\esseker.h"
#include "configs\maps\Sara.h"
#include "configs\maps\SaraLite.h"
#include "configs\maps\Sara_dbe1.h"
#include "configs\maps\Bootcamp_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Desert_E.h"
#include "configs\maps\Mountains_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Porto.h"
#include "configs\maps\ProvingGrounds_PMC.h"
#include "configs\maps\Shapur_BAF.h"
#include "configs\maps\Utes.h"
#include "configs\maps\Woodland_ACR.h"
#include "configs\maps\Napf.h"
#include "configs\maps\tanoa.h"
#include "configs\maps\Malden.h"
#include "configs\maps\abramia.h"
#include "configs\maps\dingor.h"
#include "configs\maps\IslaDuala3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Kapaulio.h"
#include "configs\maps\lingor3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Panthera3.h"
#include "configs\maps\Winthera3.h"
#include "configs\maps\lythium.h"
#include "configs\maps\Enoch.h"