mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- Moved configs to cfgepochclient - Changed Keydown-Check from EPOCH_Buildmode to EPOCH_Target - Replaced "resetonLogin" to only remove "forbidden items"
484 lines
15 KiB
484 lines
15 KiB
Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com
Description: Equips or un-equips item (if equipped) instantly. Item has to exist in the inventory.
to switch weapons slowly use below in your code:
player playAction "reloadMagazine";
_item - className
_drop - drop on ground if inventory full, weapons will be stripped off attachments
weapons stripped because attachments can only be added while weapon is equipped.
_forceEquip - disables un-equip and forces new item to be equipped at all times
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
[_item, false] call epoch_equip; //don't drop item if inventory full. Does not equip requested item if another item already equipped, instead un-equips existing one.
[_item, true,true] call epoch_equip; //drops item if not enough space. Removes existing weapon and equips new one.
0 - fail, item not provided
1 - success
2 - success, but item dropped on ground.
3 - item not found
4 - not enough space
5 - accessory not compatible
private ["_item","_drop","_forceEquip","_return","_loadout","_slot","_uniform","_vest","_bpack","_uniformItems","_vestItems","_bPackItems","_itemInInventory",
params [["_item","",[""]],["_drop",false,[false]],["_forceEquip",false,[false]]];
_return = 0;
if (_item == "") exitWith {_return};
_slot = _item call epoch_itemTypeSlot;
_loadout = getUnitLoadout player;
_uniform = _loadout param [3,[]];
_vest = _loadout param [4,[]];
_bpack = _loadout param [5,[]];
_uniformItems = _uniform param [1,[]];
_vestItems = _vest param [1,[]];
_bPackItems = _bPack param [1,[]];
_itemInInventory = _item in ((magazines player) + (items player));
_fnc_dropItem = {
private ["_item","_nearByHolder","_wH","_wHPos"];
params [["_item","",[""]],["_count",1]];
for "_i" from 1 to _count do
_wH = objNull;
if (isNil "_nearByHolder") then {
_nearByHolder = nearestObjects [position player,["groundWeaponHolder"],3];
if (_nearByHolder isEqualTo []) then {
_wHPos = player modelToWorld [0,1,0];
if (surfaceIsWater _wHPos) then {
_wHPos = ASLToATL _wHPos;
_wH = createVehicle ["groundWeaponHolder",_wHPos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
} else {
_wH = _nearByHolder select 0;
if !(isNull _wh) then {
_wh addItemCargoGlobal [_item,1];
_fnc_findItemInContainers = {
private ["_item","_container","_index","_found","_currItem"];
params ["_item"];
_container = 0;
_index = 0;
_found = false;
_container = _forEachIndex;
if (!isnil "_x") then {
_index = _forEachIndex;
_currItem = _x select 0;
if (_currItem isEqualType "") then { //if item
if (_currItem isEqualTo _item) exitWith {_found = true};
} else { //if weapon
if ((_currItem select 0) isEqualTo _item) exitWith {_found = true};
if _found exitWith {};
} forEach _x;
if _found exitWith {};
} forEach [_uniformItems,_vestItems,_bPackItems];
_fnc_moveWeaponFromContainer = {
private ["_idx","_container","_sIdx","_dIdx"]; //_dIdx can only be 0, 1 and 2
params ["_idx","_dIdx"];
_idx params ["_container","_sIdx"];
//copy old entry
_temp = ((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _sIdx select 0;
//delete old entry
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) deleteAt _sIdx;
//add new entry
_loadout set [_dIdx,_temp];
//save changes
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_fnc_MoveWeaponToContainer = {
private ["_container","_sIdx"]; //_sIdx can only be 0, 1 and 2
params ["_container","_sIdx"];
//Delete this block if no issues.
//Commented out because increasing index alone is not enough due to unique attachement placements or ammo size
_exists = _item call _fnc_findItemInContainers;
_exists params ["_container","_idx","_found"];
if _found then {
_cnt = ((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _idx select 1;
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _idx set [1,_cnt + 1];
} else {
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) append [[_loadout select _sIdx,1]];
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) append [[_loadout select _sIdx,1]]; //cut out from above comment, looks like appending alone works great
_loadout set [_sIdx,[]];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_fnc_canMoveToContainer = {
private "_item";
params ["_item"];
if (player canAddItemToUniform _item) exitWith {0};
if (player canAddItemToVest _item) exitWith {1};
if (player canAddItemToBackpack _item) exitWith {2};
_fnc_dropEquipWeapon = {
private ["_equipped","_slot"];
params ["_equipped","_slot"];
if (!_itemInInventory && (_item != _equipped)) exitWith {_return = 3}; //Item not found
if (_equipped != "") then { //something equipped already
if (player canAdd _equipped) then { //can we move it?
_container = _equipped call _fnc_canMoveToContainer;
if (_container != 4) then {
[_container,_slot] call _fnc_MoveWeaponToContainer;
_return = 1;
} else {
_return = 4;
} else { //drop it and strip from attachments?
if !(_drop) exitWith {_return = 4;}; //drop not allowed
/* //Delete this block if no issues with dropping on ground
{//Drop equipped items first
_x call _fnc_dropItem;
player removePrimaryWeaponItem _x;
}forEach primaryWeaponItems player;
_x call _fnc_dropItem;
}forEach primaryWeaponMagazine player;
_equipped call _fnc_dropItem;
player removeWeaponGlobal _equipped;
_return = 2; //success, but dropped
if (_forceEquip && _return != 4) then {//Equip new weapon after old one removed
_idx = _item call _fnc_findItemInContainers;
[_idx,_slot] call _fnc_moveWeaponFromContainer;
} else {
//Equip weapon
_idx = _item call _fnc_findItemInContainers;
[_idx,_slot] call _fnc_moveWeaponFromContainer;
_return = 1; //success
_fnc_dropAssign= {
private ["_equipped"];
params ["_equipped"];
if (!_itemInInventory && (_item != _equipped)) exitWith {_return = 3};
if (_equipped != "") then {
if (player canAdd _equipped) then {
_container = _equipped call _fnc_canMoveToContainer;
if (_container != 4) then {
player unassignItem _equipped;
_return = 1;
} else {
_return = 4;
} else {
if !(_drop) exitWith {_return = 4;};
_equipped call _fnc_dropItem;
player removeItem _equipped;
_return = 2;
if (_forceEquip && _return != 4) then {
player assignItem _item;
} else {
player assignItem _item;
_return = 1;
_fnc_MoveShellToContainer = {
private ["_container"];
params ["_container"];
_temp = _loadout select 0 select 5;
_temp2 = [(_temp select 0), 1, (_temp select 1)];
if ((_temp select 1) > 0) then { //only move if ammo not empty, delete otherwise
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) append [_temp2]; //cut out from above comment, looks like appending alone works great
(_loadout select 0) set [5,[]];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_fnc_moveShellFromContainer = {
private ["_idx","_container","_sIdx"]; //_dIdx can only be 0, 1 and 2
params ["_idx"];
_idx params ["_container","_sIdx","_found"];
if (_found) then {
_temp = ((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _sIdx;
if ((_temp select 1) > 1) then {
_cnt = (((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _sIdx) select 1;
(((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) select _sIdx) set [1,_cnt - 1];
} else {
((_loadout select (_container + 3)) select 1) deleteAt _sIdx;
(_loadout select 0) set [5,[_temp select 0,_temp select 2]];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_fnc_dropEquipShells = {
private ["_equipped"];
params ["_equipped"];
if (!_itemInInventory && (_item != _equipped)) exitWith {_return = 3};
if (_equipped != "") then {
if (player canAdd _equipped) then {
_container = _equipped call _fnc_canMoveToContainer;
if (_container != 4) then {
[_container] call _fnc_MoveShellToContainer;
_return = 1;
} else {
_return = 4;
} else {
if !(_drop) exitWith {_return = 4;};
_equipped call _fnc_dropItem;
(_loadout select 0) set [5,[]];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_return = 2;
if (_forceEquip && _return != 4) then {
_idx = _item call _fnc_findItemInContainers;
[_idx,_slot] call _fnc_moveShellFromContainer;
player playAction "reloadMagazine";
} else {
_idx = _item call _fnc_findItemInContainers;
[_idx,_slot] call _fnc_moveShellFromContainer;
player playAction "reloadMagazine";
_return = 1;
_muzzle = (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> (primaryWeapon player) >> "muzzles"));
player selectWeapon (_muzzle select 1);
_fnc_findAccessorySlot = {
_item = toLower _item;
private ["_found","_slot","_accessory","_compatibleMuzzles","_compatibleCows","_compatiblePointers","_compatibleBipods"];
_slot = 0;
_accessory = 0;
_found = false;
_slot = _foreachIndex;
_compatibleMuzzles = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "MuzzleSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_compatibleCows= getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "CowsSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_compatiblePointers = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "PointerSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
_compatibleBipods = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x >> "WeaponSlotsInfo" >> "UnderBarrelSlot" >> "compatibleItems");
for "_i" from 0 to (count _compatibleMuzzles) do {
_compatibleMuzzles set [_i,toLower (_compatibleMuzzles select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _compatibleCows) do {
_compatibleCows set [_i,toLower (_compatibleCows select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _compatiblePointers) do {
_compatiblePointers set [_i,toLower (_compatiblePointers select _i)];
for "_i" from 0 to (count _compatibleBipods) do {
_compatibleBipods set [_i,toLower (_compatibleBipods select _i)];
if (_item in _compatibleMuzzles) exitWith {_found = true; _accessory = 1};
if (_item in _compatibleCows) exitWith {_found = true; _accessory = 3};
if (_item in _compatiblePointers) exitWith {_found = true; _accessory = 2};
if (_item in _compatibleBipods) exitWith {_found = true; _accessory = 6};
} forEach [(primaryWeapon player),(secondaryWeapon player),(handgunWeapon player)];
_fnc_dropEquipAccessories = {
_properties = call _fnc_findAccessorySlot;
_properties params ["_found","_slot","_accessory"];
if !_found exitWith {_return = 5};
_itemsPlayer = (primaryWeaponItems player + secondaryWeaponItems player + handgunItems player);
for "_i" from 0 to (count _itemsPlayer) do {
_itemsPlayer set [_i,toLower (_itemsPlayer select _i)];
_item = toLower _item;
_itemEquipped = _item in _itemsPlayer;
_equipped = (_loadout select _slot) select _accessory;
if (!_itemInInventory && !_itemEquipped) exitWith {_return = 3};
if (_equipped != "") then {
_equipped = (_loadout select _slot) select _accessory;
if (player canAdd _equipped) then {
(_loadout select _slot) set [_accessory,""];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
player addItem _equipped;
_return = 1;
} else {
if !(_drop) exitWith {_return = 4;};
_equipped call _fnc_dropItem;
(_loadout select _slot) set [_accessory,""];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
_return = 1;
if (((toLower _equipped) != (toLower _item)) || _forceEquip && _return != 4) then {
(_loadout select _slot) set [_accessory,_item];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
player addItem _equipped;
player removeItem _item;
} else {
(_loadout select _slot) set [_accessory,_item];
player setUnitLoadout _loadout;
player removeItem _item;
_return = 1;
player selectWeapon ((_loadout select _slot) select 0);
if !(["CfgEpochClient", "Fav_FastWeaponSwitching", false] call EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntryV2) then {
player playAction "reloadMagazine";
_slot = primary 0, second 1, hand 2
_accessory = silencer 1, laser 2, optics 3
switch _slot do {
case 3:
[(primaryWeapon player),0] call _fnc_dropEquipWeapon;
case 4:
[(secondaryWeapon player),1] call _fnc_dropEquipWeapon;
case 5:
[(handgunWeapon player),2] call _fnc_dropEquipWeapon;
case 6: //accesories
_item call _fnc_dropEquipAccessories;
case 7: //toolbelt
if (_item in (assignedItems player)) then {
switch _item do {
case "ItemGPS":
//can't find a way to display it in A3
"Use [Right Ctrl] + M to toggle GPS" call epoch_message;
case "ItemMap":
openMap true;
case "ItemCompass":
//can't find a way to display it in A3
"Use [K] to toggle Compass" call epoch_message;
case "ItemWatch":
//can't find a way to display it in A3
"Use [O] to toggle watch" call epoch_message;
case default
//do stuff with radios here
if (_item in ["EpochRadio0","EpochRadio1","EpochRadio2","EpochRadio3","EpochRadio4","EpochRadio5","EpochRadio6","EpochRadio7","EpochRadio8","EpochRadio9"]) then {_item call EPOCH_custom_radioActions};
} else {
_item call _fnc_dropAssign;
case 8: //headgear
(headgear player) call _fnc_dropAssign;
case 9: //hmd
(hmd player) call _fnc_dropAssign;
case 10: //bino
[(binocular player),8] call _fnc_dropEquipWeapon;
case 11: //goggles
(hmd player) call _fnc_dropAssign;
case 12: //mines
private ["_allMuzzles","_muzzle","_found","_mags"];
if (_itemInInventory) then {
_allMuzzles = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "Put" >> "Muzzles");
_muzzle = "";
_found = false;
_mags = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "Put" >> _x >> "magazines");
_muzzle = _x;
if (_x isEqualTo _item) exitWith {_found = true};
} forEach _mags;
if (_found) exitWith {};
} forEach _allMuzzles;
player playActionNow "PutDown";
player selectWeapon _muzzle;
player fire [_muzzle, _muzzle, _item];
player setWeaponReloadingTime [player, _muzzle, 0];
case 16: //Grenade launcher shells.
_equipped = (primaryWeaponMagazine player) param [1,""];
_equipped call _fnc_dropEquipShells;