2015-09-28 17:04:43 -05:00

139 lines
5.4 KiB

//TODO: read key press from global var (profileNamespace config)
//TODO: admin choice to use missionConfigFile
//TODO: (Ask team) suffix code to close dialog when button pressed
//TODO: unlimited categories
//TODO: functionize var Defines, do check before button action
//TODO: nil before closing display
//TODO: add commented out dialog version to display
//TODO: add cooldown
//TODO: prevent from opening and instantly close if known display is on
if !(isNil "rmx_var_dynamicMenuInProgress") exitWith {};
if (isNil "rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat") then {rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat = "";};
if (rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat isEqualTo "" && !isNil "rmx_var_dynamicMenuHOLD") exitWith {};
private ["_display","_cfg","_cat","_buttonSettings","_configs","_subclasses","_action","_entries","_img","_img2","_center","_defaultScaleX","_defaultScaleY","_distance","_scaleLargeX","_scaleLargeY","_scaleSmallX","_scaleSmallY","_scaleSelectedX","_scaleSelectedY","_points","_positions","_positions2","_positions3","_x","_y"];
rmx_var_dynamicMenuInProgress = true; //needed to suspend button spam, removed later
_display = (findDisplay 46) createDisplay "rmx_dynamenu";
_display displaySetEventHandler ["keyUp", "[false,_this select 1] call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup;"];
//TODO: config choice based on global variable or dynamic config update (slower)
_cfg = configFile;
/** Variable Defines **/
call compile (format ["%1 = %2;",configName _x,getText _x]);
} count (configProperties [(_cfg >> "cfgDynamicMenu" >> "variableDefines"),"true",false]);
_cat = if (rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat isEqualTo "") then {
(_cfg >> "cfgDynamicMenu" >> "dynaButtons")
} else {
(_cfg >> "cfgDynamicMenu" >> "dynaButtons" >> rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat)
/** Button configs **/
_buttonSettings = [];
_configs = "true" configClasses (_cat);
if (call compile (getText(_x >> "condition"))) then {
_subclasses = configProperties [_x, "isClass _x",true];
_action = if (_subclasses isEqualTo []) then {
compile (format ["%1",getText(_x >> "action")])
} else {
compile (format ["[true,57] call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup; rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat = '%1'; %2",(configName _x),getText(_x >> "action")])
//diag_log _action;
_buttonSettings pushBack [
getText(_x >> "icon"),
getText(_x >> "tooltip"),
} forEach _configs;
_entries = count _buttonSettings;
if (_entries <= 0) exitWith {rmx_var_tabmenu = true; rmx_var_dynamicMenuInProgress = nil;};
//Post processing
if (isNil "rmx_var_dynamenuPPHandle") then {
rmx_var_dynamenuPPHandle = ["dynamicBlur",10] call epoch_postProcessCreate;
[rmx_var_dynamenuPPHandle, 1, [1]] call epoch_postprocessAdjust;
_img = "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0)";
_img2 = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\dm_selection.paa";
//defaults don't edit
_center = 0.5;
_defaultScaleX = 0.4;
_defaultScaleY = 0.5;
_distance = 0.7 + _entries / 100;
//edit scaling here (divisor only, larger values produce smaller image)
_scaleLargeX = _defaultScaleX / (1.5 + _entries / 10); //anim invisible
_scaleLargeY = _defaultScaleY / (1.5 + _entries / 10);
_scaleSmallX = _defaultScaleX / (2.5 + _entries / 10); //icons
_scaleSmallY = _defaultScaleY / (2.5 + _entries / 10);
_scaleSelectedX = _defaultScaleX / (1.75 + _entries / 10); //anim selected
_scaleSelectedY = _defaultScaleY / (1.75 + _entries / 10);
_points = 360 / _entries;
_positions = [];
_positions2 = [];
_positions3 = [];
for "_p" from 0 to 360 step _points do {
_x = cos _p * (0.3 * _distance);
_y = sin _p * (0.4 * _distance);
_positions pushBack [_x + (_center - (_scaleLargeX / 2)),_y + (_center - (_scaleLargeY / 2)),_scaleLargeX,_scaleLargeY];
_positions2 pushBack [_x + (_center - (_scaleSmallX / 2)),_y + (_center - (_scaleSmallY / 2)),_scaleSmallX,_scaleSmallY];
_positions3 pushBack [_x + (_center - (_scaleSelectedX / 2)),_y + (_center - (_scaleSelectedY / 2)),_scaleSelectedX,_scaleSelectedY];
rmx_var_controls = [];
//_buttonSettings [icon,tooltip,action]
for "_e" from 0 to (_entries - 1) do {
private ["_ctrl","_ctrl2"];
_ctrl = _display ctrlCreate ["rmx_rscPicture",(66600 + _e)];
_ctrl ctrlSetText _img;
_ctrl ctrlSetPosition (_positions select _e);
_ctrl ctrlCommit 0.1;
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltip (_buttonSettings select _e select 1);
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltipColorBox [0, 0, 0, 0];
_ctrl ctrlSetTooltipColorShade [0, 0, 0, 0];
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseEnter", (format ["_c = _this select 0; _c ctrlSetText '%1'; _c ctrlSetPosition %2; _c ctrlCommit 0.3;",_img2,(_positions3 select _e)])];
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseExit", (format ["_c = _this select 0; _c ctrlSetText '%1'; _c ctrlSetPosition %2; _c ctrlCommit 0.3;",_img,(_positions select _e)])];
_ctrl ctrlSetEventHandler ["mouseButtonDown", (format ["call %1;",(_buttonSettings select _e select 2)])];
_ctrl ctrlEnable true;
_ctrl2 = _display ctrlCreate ["rmx_rscPicture",-(66600 + _e)];
_ctrl2 ctrlSetTooltip (_buttonSettings select _e select 1);
_ctrl2 ctrlSetTooltipColorBox [0, 0, 0, 0];
_ctrl2 ctrlSetTooltipColorShade [0, 0, 0, 0];
_ctrl2 ctrlSetText (_buttonSettings select _e select 0);
_ctrl2 ctrlSetPosition (_positions2 select _e);
_ctrl2 ctrlCommit 0.1;
rmx_var_controls pushBack _ctrl;
rmx_var_controls pushBack _ctrl2;
/** Variable Cleanup **/
call compile (format ["%1 = nil;",configName _x]);
} count (configProperties [(_cfg >> "cfgDynamicMenu" >> "variableDefines"),"true",false]);
rmx_var_dynamicMenuInProgress = nil;
rmx_var_dynamicMenuCat = "";