mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
- Vehicle Upgrade moved to DynaMenu - Hitpoints now also will be given to Vehicles from other BaseClasses (controlled by HitPointNames) - Added a security Check that Players must have a bit distance to upgrade - Fixed some errors in Colorscript for upgraded Vehicles. If it is only an upgrade, same color is used. If it is another Class, a new random color will be taken. - Removed Upgrade Vehicle from Inventory Click - Changed DynaMenu to make it possible to call a script to get iconpath (use "iconcode" instead of "icon" then)
158 lines
4.0 KiB
158 lines
4.0 KiB
Author: Raimonds Virtoss - EpochMod.com
Contributors: He-Man
Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA) - https://www.bistudio.com/community/licenses/arma-public-license-share-alike
//[[[cog import generate_private_arrays ]]]
private ["_iconcode","_action","_arr","_buttonSettings","_c","_cfg","_checkConfigs","_config","_configs","_dName","_display","_entries","_hasTarget","_icon","_in","_selfOrTarget","_subclasses","_tTip","_tooltip","_tooltipcode","_x"];
_in = [_this, 0, "",[""]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_display = findDisplay 66600;
_cfg = "CfgActionMenu" call EPOCH_returnConfig;
_arr = [];
_buttonSettings = [];
/** Variable Defines **/
call compile (format ["%1 = %2;",configName _x,getText _x]);
} count (configProperties [(_cfg >> "variableDefines"),"true",false]);
_hasTarget = !(dyna_cursorTarget isEqualTo objNull);
if (isNull _display && dialog) exitWith {false call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup; false};
if (isNull _display) then {
if (_hasTarget) then {
createDialog "rmx_dynamenu";
} else {
findDisplay 46 createDisplay "rmx_dynamenu";
_selfOrTarget = if !(_hasTarget) then {"self"} else {"target"};
_checkConfigs = {
_config = switch (_in) do {
case "build_upgrade":
_cfg = "CfgBaseBuilding" call EPOCH_returnConfig;
(_cfg >> dyna_cursorTargetType)
case "":
(_cfg >> _selfOrTarget)
_c = format ["_cfg >> '%1'",_selfOrTarget];
_arr = _this;
_c = _c + (format [" >> '%1'",_x]);
} forEach _arr;
(call compile _c)
switch (_in) do {
case "build_upgrade":
if !(isClass _config) exitWith {_in = "";};
_dName = getText(configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (_x select 0) >> "DisplayName");
_tTip = "";
_icon = "";
if !(_x isEqualType []) then {_x = [_x, 1]};
_c = configfile >> "CfgMagazines" >> (_x select 0);
_tTip = _tTip + format ["[%1 x %2] ", _x select 1, getText(_c >> "DisplayName")];
if (_icon isEqualTo "") then {_icon = getText (_c >> "picture")};
} forEach (_x select 1);
_tooltip = format ["%1 >> %2 ",_dName,_tTip];
_action = format ["[dyna_cursorTarget,%1] call EPOCH_upgradeBUILD; true call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup;",_forEachIndex];
_buttonSettings pushBack [
} forEach (getArray (_config >> "upgradeBuilding"));
_configs = "true" configClasses _config;
if (call compile (getText(_x >> "condition"))) then {
if (_selfOrTarget isEqualTo "self" || dyna_distance) then {
_subclasses = configProperties [_x, "isClass _x",true];
_action = if (_subclasses isEqualTo []) then {
format ["%1; true call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup;",getText(_x >> "action")]
} else {
format ["%2 %1 call Epoch_dynamicMenu;",_arr + [(configName _x)],getText(_x >> "action")]
_tooltip = "";
_tooltipcode = getText(_x >> "tooltipcode");
if (_tooltipcode != "") then {
_tooltip = [] call compile _tooltipcode;
else {
_tooltip = getText(_x >> "tooltip");
_icon = "";
_iconcode = getText(_x >> "iconcode");
if (_iconcode != "") then {
_icon = [] call compile _iconcode;
else {
_icon = getText(_x >> "icon");
if (!(_icon isequaltype "") || _icon isequalto "") then {
_icon = "x\addons\a3_epoch_code\Data\UI\buttons\player_inspect.paa";
_buttonSettings pushBack [
} forEach _configs;
call _checkConfigs;
if (_buttonSettings isEqualTo []) then {_selfOrTarget = "self"; call _checkConfigs;};
_entries = count _buttonSettings;
if !(_entries <= 0) then {
[_entries, _buttonSettings] spawn epoch_dynamicMenuPopulate;
} else {
true call Epoch_dynamicMenuCleanup;