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synced 2024-08-30 18:22:13 +00:00
Tanoa container positions thanks to Sparky Tanoa Apex vehicles added give attributes should not return anything if data is 0 even if random is used
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36 lines
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// EPOCH_giveAttributes
private ["_return","_addPlus","_editableVars","_selectedVar","_varName","_celcuis","_celcuisNew","_customVarIndex","_limits","_currentVal","_newValue"];
params ["_selectedVarName",["_data",0],["_randomizeData",0]];
_addPlus = if (_data > 0) then {"+"} else {""};
_return = "";
_customVarIndex = EPOCH_customVars find _selectedVarName;
if (_customVarIndex != -1) then {
_varName = format["EPOCH_player%1",_selectedVarName];
_limits = EPOCH_customVarLimits select _customVarIndex;
_limits params [["_max",100],["_min",0]];
if (_max isEqualType "") then {
_max = missionNamespace getVariable [_max, 0];
if (_min isEqualType "") then {
_min = missionNamespace getVariable [_min, 0];
_currentVal = missionNamespace getVariable [_varName, EPOCH_defaultVars select _customVarIndex];
if (_randomizeData isEqualTo 1) then {
_data = round(random _data);
if (_data != 0) then {
_newValue = ((_currentVal + _data) min _max) max _min;
missionNamespace setVariable [_varName, _newValue];
if (_selectedVarName == "Temp") then {
_celcuis = _data call EPOCH_convertTemp;
_celcuisNew = _newValue call EPOCH_convertTemp;
_return = format["%1: %2%3 (%4 °F) %2%5 (%6 °C)",(localize format["str_epoch_pvar_%1",_selectedVarName]),_addPlus,_data,_newValue,_celcuis,_celcuisNew];
} else {
_return = format["%1: %2%3 (%4/%5)", (localize format["str_epoch_pvar_%1",_selectedVarName]), _addPlus, _data, _newValue, _max];