
107 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-02-18 18:12:10 +00:00
#include "\A3EAI\globaldefines.hpp"
private ["_expireTime", "_spawnsCreated", "_startTime", "_cfgWorldName"];
_expireTime = diag_tickTime + SERVER_START_TIMEOUT;
waitUntil {uiSleep 3; !isNil "A3EAI_locations_ready" && {(!isNil SERVER_STARTED_INDICATOR) or {diag_tickTime > _expireTime}}};
if (A3EAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3EAI Debug: A3EAI is generating static spawns."];};
_spawnsCreated = 0;
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
_cfgWorldName = configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "Names";
private ["_placeName","_placePos","_placeType"];
_placeName = _x select 0;
_placePos = _x select 1;
_placeType = _x select 2;
try {
if (surfaceIsWater _placePos) then {
throw format ["A3EAI Debug: Static spawn not created at %1 due to water position.",_placeName];
if !((_placePos nearObjects [PLOTPOLE_OBJECT,PLOTPOLE_RADIUS]) isEqualTo []) then {
throw format ["A3EAI Debug: Static spawn not created at %1 due to nearby Frequency Jammer.",_placeName];
_nearbldgs = _placePos nearObjects ["HouseBase",STATIC_SPAWN_OBJECT_RANGE];
_nearBlacklistedAreas = nearestLocations [_placePos,[BLACKLIST_OBJECT_GENERAL],1500];
_spawnPoints = 0;
_objType = (typeOf _x);
_objPos = (getPosATL _x);
if (!(surfaceIsWater _objPos) && {(sizeOf _objType) > STATIC_SPAWN_OBJECT_SIZE_REQ}) then {
if ((({_objPos in _x} count _nearBlacklistedAreas) > 0) or {([_objPos,NO_AGGRO_RANGE_MAN] call A3EAI_checkInNoAggroArea)}) then {
throw format ["A3EAI Debug: Static spawn not created at %1. A spawn position is within a blacklisted area.",_placeName];
_spawnPoints = _spawnPoints + 1;
} else {
_nearbldgs deleteAt _forEachIndex;
} forEach _nearbldgs;
if (_spawnPoints < 6) then {
throw format ["A3EAI Debug: Static spawn not created at %1. Acceptable positions: %2, Total: %3",_placeName,_spawnPoints,(count _nearbldgs)];
_aiCount = [0,0];
_unitLevel = 0;
_radiusA = getNumber (_cfgWorldName >> (_x select 0) >> "radiusA");
_radiusB = getNumber (_cfgWorldName >> (_x select 0) >> "radiusB");
_patrolRadius = (((_radiusA min _radiusB) max STATIC_SPAWN_MIN_PATROL_RADIUS) min STATIC_SPAWN_MAX_PATROL_RADIUS);
_spawnChance = 0;
_respawnLimit = -1;
call {
if (_placeType isEqualTo "namecitycapital") exitWith {
_aiCount = [A3EAI_minAI_capitalCity,A3EAI_addAI_capitalCity];
_unitLevel = A3EAI_unitLevel_capitalCity;
_spawnChance = A3EAI_spawnChance_capitalCity;
_respawnLimit = A3EAI_respawnLimit_capitalCity;
if (_placeType isEqualTo "namecity") exitWith {
_aiCount = [A3EAI_minAI_city,A3EAI_addAI_city];
_unitLevel = A3EAI_unitLevel_city;
_spawnChance = A3EAI_spawnChance_city;
_respawnLimit = A3EAI_respawnLimit_city;
if (_placeType isEqualTo "namevillage") exitWith {
_aiCount = [A3EAI_minAI_village,A3EAI_addAI_village];
_unitLevel = A3EAI_unitLevel_village;
_spawnChance = A3EAI_spawnChance_village;
_respawnLimit = A3EAI_respawnLimit_village;
if (_placeType isEqualTo "namelocal") exitWith {
_aiCount = [A3EAI_minAI_remoteArea,A3EAI_addAI_remoteArea];
_unitLevel = A3EAI_unitLevel_remoteArea;
_spawnChance = A3EAI_spawnChance_remoteArea;
_respawnLimit = A3EAI_respawnLimit_remoteArea;
if ((_spawnChance <= 0) or {(_aiCount isEqualTo [0,0])}) then {
throw format ["A3EAI Debug: Static spawn not created at %1. Spawn chance zero or AI count zero.",_placeName];
_trigger = createTrigger [TRIGGER_OBJECT, _placePos,false];
_trigger setTriggerArea [TRIGGER_SIZE_NORMAL,TRIGGER_SIZE_NORMAL,0,false];
_trigger setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", true];
_trigger setTriggerTimeout [TRIGGER_TIMEOUT_STATIC, true];
_trigger setTriggerText _placeName;
_statements = format ["0 = [%1,%2,%3,thisTrigger,[],%4] call A3EAI_createInfantryQueue;",_aiCount select 0,_aiCount select 1,_patrolRadius,_unitLevel];
_trigger setTriggerStatements ["{if (isPlayer _x) exitWith {1}} count thisList > 0;", _statements, "0 = [thisTrigger] spawn A3EAI_despawn_static;"];
_trigger setVariable ["respawnLimit",_respawnLimit];
_trigger setVariable ["respawnLimitOriginal",_respawnLimit];
0 = [0,_trigger,[],_patrolRadius,_unitLevel,_nearbldgs,_aiCount,_spawnChance] call A3EAI_initializeTrigger;
_spawnsCreated = _spawnsCreated + 1;
} catch {
if (A3EAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log _exception;};
if ((_forEachIndex % 5) isEqualTo 0) then {uiSleep 0.25;};
} forEach A3EAI_locations;
if (A3EAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3EAI Debug: %1 has finished generating %2 static spawns in %3 seconds.",__FILE__,_spawnsCreated,(diag_tickTime - _startTime)];};