private["_pos","_timeout","_name","_missionID","_missionType","_missionObjects","_group","_box1","_camonet","_wreck","_hintString","_boxPos","_start","_units","_endCondition"]; /* Based Of drsubo Mission Scripts File: bCamp.sqf Author: Cammygames, drsubo Edited by KiloSwiss */ /* Update 29.03.2017 By [Ignatz] He-Man */ // Start additional Settings only for bDevice (Added by [Ignatz] He-Man) _UseExplodeOnTimeout = false; // If the AI's are not killed after a defined time, the missions ends with "failed", a big explosion comes up with Earthquake _DeviceTimeout = 30; // 30 mins to kill the AIs _alarmtime = 1.5; // 1.5 mins Alarm bofore Explosion _damagenearhouses = true; // Houeses near the exploding device can be damaged _damageRadius = 1000; // Radius effected by damage (higher the number, higher the risk of lag) // End additional Settings _pos = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1 select 1; _timeout = _this select 1 select 2; //Mission timeout _missionID = _this select 2; _missionType = _this select 3; _missionObjects = []; //-- _wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Device_disassembled_F",_pos,[], 0, "NONE"]; _missionObjects pushBack _wreck; _wreck setDir (random 360); _wreck setPos _pos; _camonet = createVehicle ["CamoNet_INDP_open_F",_pos,[], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"]; _missionObjects pushBack _camonet; _camonet setDir (getDir _wreck); _camonet setPos _pos; _boxPos = (_wreck modelToWorld [4,0,0]); _boxPos set [2,0]; _box1 = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_Wps_F", _boxPos, [], 0, "NO_COLLIDE"]; _missionObjects pushBack _box1; _box1 call SEM_fnc_emptyGear; _box1 setDir (getDir _wreck); _box1 setPos _boxPos; _group = [_pos,(6+(random 2))] call SEM_fnc_spawnAI; {_missionObjects pushBack _x}forEach units _group; [_group, _pos] call SEM_fnc_AImove; //[_group, _pos] spawn SEM_fnc_AIsetOwner; _hintString = "Mission
Device discovered!


A nuclear device has been discovered
Remove the device and enemies as soon as possible!"; [0,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2]; /* Mission End Conditions */ private ['_endcondition']; _start = time; _units = units _group; _endcondition = 0; _DeviceTimeout = time + (_DeviceTimeout*60); waitUntil{ sleep 5; _endCondition = [_pos,_units,_start,_timeout,_missionID,[_box1]]call SEM_fnc_endCondition; (_endCondition > 0 || if (_UseExplodeOnTimeout) then {time > _DeviceTimeout} else {false}) }; if (_endcondition < 1 && _UseExplodeOnTimeout) then { for '_i' from 10 to (_alarmtime*60) step 10 do { playSound3D ["a3\sounds_f\sfx\alarm_opfor.wss", objnull, false, ATLtoASL _pos, 15, 1, 3000]; uisleep 10; _endCondition = [_pos,_units,_start,_timeout,_missionID,[_box1]]call SEM_fnc_endCondition; if (_endCondition > 0) exitwith {}; }; if (_endCondition < 1) then { _playersNear = _pos nearEntities[["Epoch_Male_F", "Epoch_Female_F"], _damageRadius]; { [_pos] remoteExec ['EPOCH_client_earthQuake',_x]; } forEach _playersNear; for '_i' from 0 to 10 do { _dist = [6,15] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _direction = [0,359] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _randomPos = [_pos,_dist,_direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _bomb = createVehicle ["SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo_Scripted",_randomPos,[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _bomb setPosATL [_randomPos select 0, _randomPos select 1, 0.1]; uisleep 0.25; _bomb setdamage 1; uisleep 0.25; }; if (_damagenearhouses) then { _nearhouses = nearestobjects [_pos,['house'],_damageRadius]; { _x setdamage ((random [0,((_damageRadius-(_pos distance _x))/_damageRadius),2])min 1); } foreach _nearhouses; }; }; }; SEM_globalMissionMarker = [false,_endCondition,_missionID,_missionType]; SEM_globalMissionMarker call SEM_createMissionMarker; if(_endCondition == 3)then[{ //Win! [_box1,1] call SEM_fnc_crateLoot; if(SEM_MissionCleanup > 0)then{[_pos, _missionObjects] call SEM_fnc_missionCleanup}; _hintString = "Mission success

All bandits have been defeated!"; [_endCondition,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2]; },{ // 1 or 2 = Fail {deleteVehicle _x; sleep .1}forEach _missionObjects; _hintString = "Mission FAILED"; [_endCondition,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2]; }]; deleteGroup _group;