/* SEM - "Simple Epoch Missions" configuration file By KiloSwiss */ /* Update 27.03.2017 By [Ignatz] He-Man */ /* Mission start/timer settings */ SEM_MinPlayerStatic = 1; // Minimum number of online players for basic missions to spawn. SEM_MinPlayerDynamic = 1; // Minimum number of online players for additional/parallel running missions. SEM_MaxPlayers = 40; SEM_TimerStart = 5; // Minutes to start first Mission. SEM_MissionTimerMin = 10; // Minimum minutes between missions. SEM_MissionTimerMax = 20; // Maximum minutes between missions. /* Reward/punish settings */ SEM_reward_AIkill = true; // Defines if players get some Krypto as reward for each AI they kill. SEM_punish_AIroadkill = false; // Defines if players should be punished for killing AI units by driving them over with cars. SEM_damage_AIroadkill = false; // Defines if the players car should be damaged when driving over an AI unit. SEM_Krypto_AIroadkill = 0; // How much Krypto will be removed by punishing players for AI roadkills. /* Advanced mission settings */ // Minutes after a finished mission where all mission objects (including AI) will be deleted. SEM_MissionCleanup = -1; // 0 or -1 equals never. // Allow captured Vehicles do be permanent (saved to Database). SEM_permanentVehicles = false; // true or false // Chance of AI dropping their guns and keeping their gear (vests, backpacks and magazines) when killed. SEM_AIdropGearChance = 40; // Values: 0-100% Where 0 means all gear gets removed from dead AI units. // Disable Damage over a specific distance so players can't snipe the mission AI from safe distance. SEM_AIdisableSniperDamage = false; // Set to false to allow sniper damage from any distance. SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance = 700; // Max. distance (in meters) where AI takes damage (min. 300 - max. 1000). /* ################# */ /* ################# */ /* ################# */ /* Advanced settings */ /* Advanced settings */ /* Advanced settings */ /* ################# */ /* ################# */ /* ################# */ SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI = []; // Weapons that should be removed from killed AI SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI = []; // Magazines that should be removed from killed AI //Marker Names where mission spawning is blocked. SEM_blockMarker = [ // "respawn_west" ]; SEM_blockPos = [ [6717,19562,25], [19375,17620,25], [13323,14500,25], [9275,10857,25], [19359,9696,25] ]; /* Static Missions */ SEM_staticMissionsPath = "sem\missionsStatic\"; SEM_staticMissions = [ ["bSupplyCrash", "Supply Van", 45, 15, 2, false], ["bPlaneCrash", "Plane Crashsite", 45, 15, 2, false], ["bHeliCrash", "Heli Crashsite", 45, 15, 2, false], ["bCamp_big", "Bandit Base", 60, 50, 3, false], ["bCamp_small", "Bandit Camp", 70, 50, 3, false], ["bDevice", "Strange Device", 45, 15, 2, false], /* example */ ["file name", "marker name", -1, -1, 5, false] //NO COMMA AT THE LAST LINE! /* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. "file name" MUST be equal to the sqf file name! 2. "marker name" Name of the mission marker. 3. time out, (Number) Minutes until running mission times out (0 or -1 equals no mission time out). 4. probability (Number) Percentage of probability how often a mission will spawn: 1 - 100 (0 and -1 equals OFF). 5. danger level (Number) Color for the mission marker (0=white, 1=yellow, 2=orange, 3=red, 4=violet, 5=black) 6. static/dynamic Use dynamic (true) for convoys and static (false) for stationary missions. */]; /* Dynamic Missions */ SEM_dynamicMissionsPath = "sem\missionsDynamic\"; SEM_dynamicMissions = [ ["convoySupply", "Supply Convoy", 90, -1, 0, true], ["convoyRepair", "Repair Convoy", 90, -1, 1, true], ["convoyStrider", "Strider Convoy", 90, -1, 2, true], ["convoyWeapon", "Weapon Convoy", 90, -1, 3, true] //NO COMMA AT THE LAST LINE! /* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1. "file name" MUST be equal to the sqf file name! 2. "marker name" Name of the mission marker. 3. time out, (Number) Minutes until running mission times out (0 or -1 equals no mission time out). 4. probability (Number) Percentage of probability how often a mission will spawn: 1 - 100 (0 and -1 equals OFF). 5. danger level (Number) Colour for the mission marker (0=white, 1=yellow, 2=orange, 3=red, 4=violet, 5=black) 6. static/dynamic Use dynamic (true) for convoys and static (false) for stationary missions. */ ]; SEM_debug = "1"; // Valid values: "off", "log" and "full" or 0, 1 and 2. /*Debug settings explained: 0 or "off" = Debug is off - This is the default setting. 1 or "log" = Only additional logging is active. - For debugging and proper error reports, please activate this! - Any RPT submitted for bug reports with debug off will be ignored! 2 or "full" = Many settings are changed + additional logging is active. - Missions time out after 10min. - Minimum players is set to 0 (for both static and dynamic missions). - Time between missions is 30sec. - Mission clean up happens after 2min. - AI only takes damage from below 100m. - More events and additional data is logged to the .rpt. */ /* DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE */ /**/SEM_config_loaded = true;/**/