155 lines
6.8 KiB
155 lines
6.8 KiB
#include "\A3EAI\globaldefines.hpp"
if (hasInterface || isDedicated || !isNil "A3EAI_HC_isActive") exitWith {};
_startTime = diag_tickTime;
A3EAI_HC_isActive = true;
A3EAI_directory = "A3EAI";
A3EAI_HCPlayerLoggedIn = false;
A3EAI_HCGroupsCount = 0;
A3EAI_enableHC = true;
A3EAI_settingsReady = false;
//Create reference marker to act as boundary for spawning AI air/land vehicles.
_worldName = (toLower worldName);
_markerInfo = call {
if (_worldName isEqualTo (_x select 0)) exitWith {
[_x select 1,_x select 2]
} forEach [
//worldName, center position, landmass radius
["caribou",[3938.9722, 4195.7417],3500],
["chernarus",[7652.9634, 7870.8076],5500],
["fallujah",[5139.8008, 4092.6797],4000],
["fdf_isle1_a",[10771.362, 8389.2568],2750],
["isladuala",[4945.3438, 4919.6616],4000],
["lingor",[5166.5581, 5108.8301],4500],
["mbg_celle2",[6163.52, 6220.3984],6000],
["namalsk",[5880.1313, 8889.1045],3000],
["napf",[10725.096, 9339.918],8500],
["oring",[5191.1069, 5409.1938],4750],
["panthera2",[5343.6953, 4366.2534],3500],
["sara",[12693.104, 11544.386],6250],
["sauerland",[12270.443, 13632.132],17500],
["smd_sahrani_a2",[12693.104, 11544.386],6250],
["takistan",[6368.2764, 6624.2744],6000],
["tavi",[10887.825, 11084.657],8500],
["trinity",[7183.8403, 7067.4727],5300],
["utes",[3519.8037, 3703.0649],1000],
["zargabad",[3917.6201, 3800.0376],2000],
[_worldname,getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"),worldSize/2]
_centerMarker = createMarkerLocal ["A3EAI_centerMarker",_markerInfo select 0];
_centerMarker setMarkerSizeLocal [_markerInfo select 1,_markerInfo select 1];
_nul = [] spawn {
_versionKey = [configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "A3EAI_HC","A3EAI_HCVersion","0"] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
diag_log format ["[A3EAI] Initializing A3EAI HC build %1 using base path %2.",_versionKey,A3EAI_directory];
A3EAI_enableDebugMarkers = (([missionConfigFile >> "CfgDeveloperOptions","enableDebugMarkers",0] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry) isEqualTo 1);
_readOverrideFile = (([missionConfigFile >> "CfgDeveloperOptions","readOverrideFile",0] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry) isEqualTo 1);
_serverDir = [missionConfigFile >> "CfgDeveloperOptions","headlessClientDir","@A3EAI_HC"] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
_useRemoteConfigs = (([missionConfigFile >> "CfgDeveloperOptions","useRemoteConfigs",1] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry) isEqualTo 1); //Using local configs not currently supported.
_debugLevelHC = [missionConfigFile >> "CfgDeveloperOptions","useDebugLevel",0] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry;
if ((!_useRemoteConfigs) && {!isFilePatchingEnabled}) then {_useRemoteConfigs = true;};
diag_log "[A3EAI] Waiting for HC player object setup to be completed.";
waitUntil {uiSleep 2; player == player};
if !((typeOf player) isEqualTo "HeadlessClient_F") exitWith {
diag_log format ["A3EAI Error: Headless client assigned to wrong player slot. Player Type: %1. Expected: HeadlessClient_F",(typeOf player)];
A3EAI_HCObject = player;
A3EAI_HCObjectGroup = (group player);
A3EAI_HCObject allowDamage false;
diag_log "[A3EAI] Attempting to connect to A3EAI server...";
A3EAI_HCLogin_PVS = [A3EAI_HCObject,_versionKey,_useRemoteConfigs];
publicVariableServer "A3EAI_HCLogin_PVS";
_loginStart = diag_tickTime;
waitUntil {uiSleep 1; ((!isNil "A3EAI_HC_serverResponse") or {(diag_tickTime - _loginStart) > 60})};
if (isNil "A3EAI_HC_serverResponse") exitWith {
diag_log "[A3EAI] Headless client connection timed out after 60 seconds of no response from server.";
if (A3EAI_debugLevel > 0) then {diag_log format ["A3EAI Debug: HC Object %1. Group %2",A3EAI_HCObject,A3EAI_HCObjectGroup];};
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (units A3EAI_HCObjectGroup);
deleteGroup A3EAI_HCObjectGroup;
endMission "END1";
_isConnectionRejected = call {
_responseType = (typeName A3EAI_HC_serverResponse);
if (_responseType == "ARRAY") exitWith {
(A3EAI_HC_serverResponse isEqualTo [])
if (_responseType == "BOOL") exitWith {
if (_isConnectionRejected) exitWith {
diag_log "[A3EAI] Headless client connection unsuccessful. HC authorization request rejected (incorrect HC version?).";
{deleteVehicle _x} forEach (units A3EAI_HCObjectGroup);
deleteGroup A3EAI_HCObjectGroup;
endMission "END1";
_configCheck = if (_useRemoteConfigs) then {
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\init\loadSettingsHC.sqf",A3EAI_directory]
} else {
//Not currently supported
if (isNil "_configCheck") exitWith {diag_log "A3EAI Critical Error: Configuration file not successfully loaded. Stopping startup procedure.";};
if (_debugLevelHC > 0) then {A3EAI_debugLevel = _debugLevelHC;};
if (_readOverrideFile && {isFilePatchingEnabled}) then {call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\A3EAI_settings_override.sqf",_serverDir];};
diag_log "[A3EAI] Headless client connection successful. HC authorization request granted.";
//Load internal use variables
call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers format ["%1\init\variables.sqf",A3EAI_directory];
//Load A3EAI functions and A3EAI HC functions
diag_log "[A3EAI] Compiling functions...";
_check = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "A3EAI\init\A3EAI_HCFunctions.sqf";
if (isNil "_check") exitWith {diag_log "A3EAI Critical Error: HC functions not successfully loaded. Stopping startup procedure.";};
_check = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "A3EAI\init\A3EAI_functions.sqf";
if (isNil "_check") exitWith {diag_log "A3EAI Critical Error: Functions not successfully loaded. Stopping startup procedure.";};
_check = call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "A3EAI\init\A3EAI_HC_PVEH.sqf";
if (isNil "_check") exitWith {diag_log "A3EAI Critical Error: PublicVariable EHs not successfully loaded. Stopping startup procedure.";};
diag_log format ["[A3EAI] A3EAI HC started with Debug Level: %1.",A3EAI_debugLevel];
//Build location list
_setupLocations = [] execVM format ['%1\scripts\setup_locations.sqf',A3EAI_directory];
waitUntil {uiSleep 0.5; scriptDone _setupLocations};
_serverMonitor = [] execVM format ['%1\compile\A3EAI_headlessclient\A3EAI_HCMonitor.sqf',A3EAI_directory];
_nul = [] spawn {
while {true} do {
diag_log format ["HC is %1",(typeOf player)];
uiSleep 5;