32 lines
853 B
32 lines
853 B
//Toggle Debug
Ud_VicDrop = True;
Ud_Bug = True;
//////////DO NOT TOUCH BELOW////////////
diag_log "UD# Loading Init";
[] ExecVM "\ud\fn_deploybike.sqf";
diag_log "UD# Deploy Bike Loaded: Ready to Deploy Ebike";
[] ExecVM "\ud\fn_deploymozzie.sqf";
diag_log "UD# Deploy Mozzie Loaded: Ready to Deploy Mozzie";
[] ExecVM "\ud\fn_deploybicycle.sqf";
diag_log "UD# Deploy Bicycle Loaded: Ready to Deploy Bicycle";
if !(isNil "UD") exitWith { false };
UD = true;
diag_log 'UD: Checking for mission file';
if (isClass (missionConfigFile >> 'Cfgmod')) then {
if (getNumber (missionConfigFile >> 'Cfgmod' >> 'override') == 1) then {
call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers (getText(missionConfigFile >> 'Cfgmod' >> 'file'));
diag_log 'UD: Load Completed';
//call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\x\addons\a3_epoch_code\init\fn_init.sqf';