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2023-04-20 02:47:10 +00:00
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp"
// TODO: Test that vehicles that are either scheduled for deletion are for deletion pending change in owner are proparly handled (kept in the list, deleted when the time arrives).
private _serverIDs = ([2] + (entities "HeadlessClient_F"));
for "_i" from 1 to (count GMS_monitoredVehicles) do
if (_i > (count GMS_monitoredVehicles)) exitWith {};
private _veh = GMS_monitoredVehicles deleteAt 0;
if !(_veh isEqualTo objNull) then
// if the owner is a player do not add back for further monitoring
if ((owner _veh) in (_serverIDs)) then
if ((_veh getVariable ["GMS_deleteAtTime",0]) > 0) then
if (diag_tickTime > ( _veh getVariable ["GMS_deleteAtTime",0])) then
[_veh] call GMSCore_fnc_destroyVehicleAndCrew;
} else {
GMS_monitoredVehicles pushBack _veh;
} else {
[_veh] call GMS_fnc_checkForEmptyVehicle;
GMS_monitoredVehicles pushBack _veh;
} else {