diff --git a/GMS_Client/GMS_client.sqf b/GMS_Client/GMS_client.sqf
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8c3df..0000000
--- a/GMS_Client/GMS_client.sqf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-diag_log format["[GMS] LOADING GMS_Client.sqf at %1",diag_tickTime];
-#include "GMS_clientFunctions.sqf";
-#include "GMS_clientSettings.sqf";
- diag_log format["[GMS_Client] %1 = %2",_x, missionNamespace getVariable[_x,-1]];
-} forEach [
- "GMS_useHint",
- "GMS_useSystemChat",
- "GMS_useTitleText",
- "GMS_useDynamic",
- "GMS_useToast",
- "GMS_aiKilluseSystemChat",
- "GMS_aiKilluseDynamic",
- "GMS_aiKilluseTitleText"
-diag_log format["[GMS] DONE LOADING GMS_Client.sqf at %1",diag_tickTime];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GMS_Client/GMS_clientFunctions.sqf b/GMS_Client/GMS_clientFunctions.sqf
deleted file mode 100644
index b1cf628..0000000
--- a/GMS_Client/GMS_clientFunctions.sqf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
- #define hideOnUse true
- #define showWindow true
- GMS_fnc_nextAnimation = {
- _hostage = _this;
- _hostage switchMove "";
- _animations = _hostage getVariable["GMSAnimations",[""]];
- diag_log format["_fnc_nextAnimation: _hostage = %1 and _animations = %2",_hostage,_animations];
- _hostage switchMove (selectRandom _animations);
- };
- GMS_EH_onAnimationDone = {
- diag_log format["GMS_EH_onAnimationDone: _this = %1",_this];
- private _hostage = _this select 0;
- if (alive _hostage) then
- {
- diag_log format["GMS_EH_onAnimationDone: _animations = %1",_hostage getVariable["GMSAnimations",[""]]];
- _hostage call GMS_fnc_nextAnimation;
- } else {
- _hostage removeAllEventHandlers "AnimDone";
- };
- };
- GMS_fnc_freeHostage = {
- diag_log format["fn_freeHostage: _this = %1",_this];
- private _hostage = _this select 0;
- if (_hostage getVariable["GMS_unguarded",0] isEqualTo 1) then
- {
- _hostage setVariable["GMS_AIState",1,true];
- private _msg = "Thank you For freeing me. I must return home.";
- systemChat _msg;
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
- {
- [_msg,5] call Epoch_message;
- };
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", ["The Hostage Says", _msg]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- } else {
- private _msg = "I am afraid, please kill more of the enemy!";
- systemChat _msg;
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
- {
- [_msg,5] call Epoch_message;
- };
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", ["The Hostage Says", _msg]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- };
- };
- GMS_fnc_addHostageActions = {
- private _hostage = _this;
- private _handle = _hostage addAction ["Free Hostage",{_this call GMS_fnc_freeHostage},[],1,showWindow,hideOnUse]; //,"",{alive _target}]; //,"", (alive _target)];
- };
- GMS_fnc_addAssetAnimations = {
- private _asset = _this;
- _asset addEventHandler ["AnimDone", {_this call GMS_EH_onAnimationDone}];
- _asset call GMS_fnc_nextAnimation;
- diag_log format["_fnc_addAssetAnimations: Animation and event handler added for asset %1",_asset];
- };
- GMS_fnc_initHostage = {
- if (hasInterface) then
- {
- private _hostage = _this;
- _hostage call GMS_fnc_addHostageActions;
- _hostage call GMS_fnc_addAssetAnimations;
- diag_log format["_fnc_initHostage: hostage %1 initialized",_hostage];
- };
- };
- GMS_fnc_arrestLeader = {
- diag_log format["GMS_fnc_arrestLeader: _this = %1",_this];
- private _leader = _this select 0;
- if (_leader getVariable["GMS_unguarded",0] isEqualTo 1) then
- {
- _leader setVariable["GMS_AIState",1,true];
- private _msg = "I surrender.";
- systemChat _msg;
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
- {
- [_msg,5] call Epoch_message;
- };
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", ["The Leader Says", _msg]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- } else {
- private _msg = "I will resist arrest until all of my men are down!";
- systemChat _msg;
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Epoch") then
- {
- [_msg,5] call Epoch_message;
- };
- if (GMSCore_modType isEqualTo "Exile") then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", ["The Leader Says", _msg]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- };
- };
- GMS_fnc_addLeaderActions = {
- private _leader = _this;
- private _handle = _leader addAction ["Under Arrest",{_this call GMS_fnc_arrestLeader},[],1,showWindow,hideOnUse]; //,"",{alive _target}]; //,"", (alive _target)];
- };
- GMS_fnc_initLeader = {
- if (hasInterface) then
- {
- private _leader = _this;
- _leader call GMS_fnc_addLeaderActions;
- _leader call GMS_fnc_addAssetAnimations;
- diag_log format["_fnc_initLeader: Leader %1 initialized",_leader];
- };
- };
-if !(isServer) then
- GMS_useHint = false;
- GMS_useSystemChat = true;
- GMS_useTitleText = false;
- GMS_useDynamic = true;
- GMS_useToast = false; // Exile only
- GMS_aiKilluseSystemChat = true;
- GMS_aiKilluseDynamic = false;
- GMS_aiKilluseTitleText = false;
- GMS_processingMsg = -1;
- GMS_processingKill = -1;
- GMS_message = "";
- GMS_fnc_killScoreNotification = {
- params["_bonus","_distanceBonus","_killStreak"];
- //diag_log format["fn_killScoreNotification:: -- >> _bonus = %1 | _distanceBonus = %2 | _killStreak = %3",_bonus,_distanceBonus,_killStreak];
- _msg2 = format["AI Killed
- if (typeName _bonus isEqualTo "SCALAR") then // add message for the bonus
- {
- if (_bonus > 0) then
- {
- _msg2 = _msg2 + format["Bonus +%1
- };
- };
- if (typeName _distanceBonus isEqualTo "SCALAR") then // Add message for distance bonus
- {
- if (_distanceBonus > 0) then
- {
- _msg2 = _msg2 + format["Dist Bonus +%1
- };
- };
- if (typeName _killStreak isEqualTo "SCALAR") then
- {
- if (_killStreak > 0) then
- {
- _msg2 = _msg2 + format["Killstreak %1X
- };
- };
- [parseText _msg2,[0.0823437 * safezoneW + safezoneX,0.379 * safezoneH + safezoneY,0.0812109 * safezoneW,0.253 * safezoneH], nil, 7, 0.3, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles;
- };
- GMS_fnc_dynamicWarning = {
- private["_text","_screentime","_xcoord","_ycoord"];
- params["_mission","_message"];
- waitUntil {GMS_processingMsg < 0};
- GMS_processingMsg = 1;
- _screentime = 7;
- _text = format[
- "%1
- %2
- _mission,_message
- ];
- _ycoord = [safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7];
- _xcoord = [safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.5,0.35];
- [_text,_xcoord,_ycoord,_screentime,0.5] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
- uiSleep 3; // 3 second delay before the next message
- GMS_processingMsg = -1;
- };
- GMS_fnc_missionWarning = {
- params["_event","_message","_mission"];
- if (GMS_useSystemChat) then {systemChat format["%1",_message];};
- if (GMS_useHint) then {
- hint parseText format[
- "%1
- ______________
- %2
- ______________
- Any loot you find is yours as payment for eliminating the threat!",_mission,_message
- ];
- };
- if (GMS_useDynamic) then {
- [_mission,_message] call fn_dynamicWarning;
- };
- if (GMS_useTitleText) then {
- [_message] spawn {
- params["_msg"];
- titleText [_msg, "PLAIN DOWN",5];uiSleep 5; titleText ["", "PLAIN DOWN",5]
- };
- };
- if (GMS_useToast) then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", [_mission, _message]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- //diag_log format["_fn_missionNotification ====] Paremeters _event %1 _message %2 _mission %3",_event,_message,_mission];
- };
- GMS_fnc_dynamicNotification = {
- private["_text","_screentime","_xcoord","_ycoord"];
- params["_mission","_message"];
- waitUntil {GMS_processingMsg < 0};
- GMS_processingMsg = 1;
- _screentime = 7;
- _text = format[
- "%1
- %2
- _mission,_message
- ];
- _ycoord = [safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.8,0.7];
- _xcoord = [safezoneX + safezoneW - 0.5,0.35];
- [_text,_xcoord,_ycoord,_screentime,0.5] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
- uiSleep 3; // 3 second delay before the next message
- GMS_processingMsg = -1;
- };
- //diag_log "[blckeagls] initializing client functions";
- GMS_fnc_missionNotification = {
- params["_message","_mission"];
- diag_log format["[GMS] GMS_fnc_missionNotification: _message = %1 | _mission = %2",_message,_mission];
- diag_log format["[GMS] GMS_useDynamic = %1",GMS_useDynamic];
- if (GMS_useSystemChat) then {systemChat format["%1",_message];};
- if (GMS_useHint) then {
- hint parseText format[
- "%1
- ______________
- %2
- ______________
- Any loot you find is yours as payment for eliminating the threat!",_mission,_message
- ];
- };
- if (GMS_useDynamic) then {
- [_mission,_message] call GMS_fnc_dynamicNotification;
- };
- if (GMS_useTitleText) then {
- [_message] spawn {
- params["_msg"];
- titleText [_msg, "PLAIN DOWN",5];uiSleep 5; titleText ["", "PLAIN DOWN",5]
- };
- };
- if (GMS_useToast) then
- {
- ["InfoTitleAndText", [_mission, _message]] call ExileClient_gui_toaster_addTemplateToast;
- };
- diag_log format["_fn_missionNotification ====] Paremeters _message %1 _mission %2",_message,_mission];
- };
- GMS_fnc_AI_KilledNotification = {
- private["_message","_text","_screentime","_xcoord","_ycoord"];
- _message = _this select 0;
- //diag_log format["_fn_AI_KilledNotification ====] Paremeters _event %1 _message %2 _mission %3",_message];
- if (GMS_aiKilluseSystemChat) then {systemChat format["%1",_message];};
- if (GMS_aiKilluseTitleText) then {titleText [_message, "PLAIN DOWN",5];uiSleep 5; titleText ["", "PLAIN DOWN",5]};
- if (GMS_aiKilluseDynamic) then {
- //diag_log format["blckClient.sqf:: dynamic messaging called for mission %2 with message of %1",_message];
- waitUntil{GMS_processingKill < 0};
- GMS_processingKill = 1;
- _text = format["%1",_message];
- _xcoord = [safezoneX,0.8];
- _ycoord = [safezoneY + safezoneH - 0.5,0.2];
- _screentime = 5;
- [" "+ _text,_xcoord,_ycoord,_screentime] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
- uiSleep 3;
- GMS_processingKill = -1;
- };
- };
- GMS_fnc_handleMessage = {
- params["_event","_message",["_mission",""]];
- switch (_event) do
- {
- case "start":
- {
- playSound "UAV_05";
- [_message,_mission] spawn GMS_fnc_missionNotification;
- };
- case "end":
- {
- playSound "UAV_03";
- [_message,_mission] spawn GMS_fnc_missionNotification;
- };
- case "aikilled":
- {
- [_message] spawn GMS_fnc_AI_KilledNotification;
- };
- case "DLS":
- {
- if ( (player distance _mission) < 1000) then {playsound "AddItemOK"; hint _message;systemChat _message};
- };
- case "reinforcements":
- {
- if ( (player distance _mission) < 1000) then {playsound "AddItemOK"; ["Alert",_message] call GMS_fnc_dynamicNotification;};
- //diag_log "---->>>> Reinforcements Spotted";
- };
- case "IED":
- {
- [1] call BIS_fnc_Earthquake;
- //["IED","Bandits targeted your vehicle with an IED"] call GMS_fnc_dynamicNotification;
- ["Bandits targeted your vehicle with an IED.", 5] call Epoch_message;
- for "_i" from 1 to 3 do {playSound "BattlefieldExplosions3_3D";uiSleep 0.3;};
- };
- case "showScore":
- {
- [_message select 0, _message select 1, _message select 2] call GMS_fnc_killScoreNotification;
- };
- case "warning":
- {
- [_event,_message,_mission] spawn GMS_fnc_missionWarning;
- };
- };
- };
-diag_log format["[GMS_Client] Client Functions Loaded at %1",diag_tickTime];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/GMS_Client/GMS_clientSettings.sqf b/GMS_Client/GMS_clientSettings.sqf
deleted file mode 100644
index 509873b..0000000
--- a/GMS_Client/GMS_clientSettings.sqf
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- Adjust these to suit your liking.
-GMS_useHint = false;
-GMS_useSystemChat = true;
-GMS_useTitleText = false;
-GMS_useDynamic = true;
-GMS_useToast = false; // Exile only
-GMS_aiKilluseSystemChat = true;
-GMS_aiKilluseDynamic = false;
-GMS_aiKilluseTitleText = false;
\ No newline at end of file