/* Static Mission Generated Using 3DEN Plugin for GMS by Ghostrider GMS 3DEN Plugin Version 1.4 : Build 22 : Build Date 10/16/23 By Ghostrider-GRG- */ /* Do not touch the code below */ #include "\x\addons\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp" #include "\x\addons\GMS\Missions\GMS_privateVars.sqf" _defaultMissionLocations = [[14211,21219.6,3.05176e-005]]; /* Edit these to suite you specific mission */ _difficulty = "Green"; /* Specify the chance this mission is spawned [0 .. 1.0] */ _chanceMissionSpawned = 1; /* Set number of times a mission respawns or use -1 for inifinite respawns */ _maxMissionRespawns = 0; /* Add your Start, End and Timeout Messages Here */ _startMsg = "Enemy forces have taken over Frini Outpost (GREEN)"; _endMsg = "Frini outpost has been reclaimed by patriots!"; _timeoutMsg = "Enemy forces have fled the Frini Outpost with the town loot."; _markerType = ["ELLIPSE",[300,300],"CROSS"]; _markerColor = "ColorWhite"; _markerMissionName = "Frini Outpost"; /* Use the parameters below to customize your mission - see the template or GMS_configs.sqf for details about each them */ /* The following variables MUST be defined in each mission even if you just set them to 0 */ _minNoAI = GMS_MinAI_Green; _maxNoAI = GMS_MaxAI_Green; _noAIGroups = GMS_AIGrps_Green; _noVehiclePatrols = GMS_SpawnVeh_Green; _noEmplacedWeapons = GMS_SpawnEmplaced_Green; /* It is recommended to used specific settings for the variables below. Defaults were set based on difficulty or standard settings. Or just set numerical values to 0 to disable a feature */ _chanceHeliPatrol = GMS_chanceHeliPatrolGreen; _noChoppers = GMS_noPatrolHelisGreen; _missionHelis = GMS_patrolHelisGreen; _chancePara = GMS_chanceParaGreen; _noPara = GMS_noParaGreen; _paraTriggerDistance = 400; _paraSkill = 0.7; _chanceLoot = 0.0; _paraLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Green; _paraLootCounts = GMS_lootCountsGreen; _missionLandscapeMode = "precise"; _useMines = GMS_useMines; _uniforms = GMS_SkinList; _headgear = GMS_headgear; _vests = GMS_vests; _backpacks = GMS_backpacks; _sideArms = GMS_Pistols; _spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround"; _loadCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawn"; _endCondition = allUnitsKilled; _submarinePatrols = 0; _scubaPatrols = 0; _crateLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Green; _lootCounts = GMS_lootCountsGreen; /* Do not touch the code below except to comment out rows containing objects you do not wish to have spawned */ /* Depricated Variable Included for Backwards Compatibility with Existing Missions */ _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [ ]; /* Depricated Variable Included for Backwards Compatibility with Existing Missions */ _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [ ]; _missionLandscape = [ ["RoadCone_F",[0.00195313,0,0],0,[true,true]] ]; _simpleObjects = [ ]; _missionLootVehicles = [ ]; _missionPatrolVehicles = [ ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F",[-45.9648,-16.9082,0.0239182],0] ]; _missionUGVs = [ ]; _submarinePatrolParameters = [ ]; _airPatrols = [ ]; _missionUAVs = [ ]; _missionEmplacedWeapons = [ ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [-13.7734,28.2031,4.0956], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [19.3428,42.7188,0.00157166], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [-38.2256,16.4375,0.000556946], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [15.334,-4.47852,18.1402], 0, "Green"], ["B_GMG_01_high_F", [11.0645,-11.1348,18.1368], 0, "Green"], ["B_G_Mortar_01_F", [-17.6455,-26.2051,3.16071], 0, "Green"], ["B_G_Mortar_01_F", [-19.2656,-21.5527,2.98189], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [-87.0938,59.8027,0.0101089], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [-103.017,37.5527,0.015686], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [18.917,-12.248,16.4111], 0, "Green"], ["CUP_B_D30_AT_CDF", [-54.2988,0.767578,6.10352e-005], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [36.3916,0.0332031,0.0716705], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [29.084,-16.2012,0.0292206], 0, "Green"], ["B_HMG_01_high_F", [-15.415,-38.8555,0.0102463], 0, "Green"], ["B_GMG_01_high_F", [7.09082,-30.8184,0.0953827], 0, "Green"] ]; _missionGroups = [ ]; _missionGarrisonedGroups = [ ]; _scubaGroupParameters = [ ]; _missionLootBoxes = [ ]; /* Do not touch the code below */ #include "\x\addons\GMS\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf";