/* GMS_fnc_alertVehicles By Ghostrider-GRG Copyright 2022 Parameters: _unit: the object that was attacked or killed _instigator: the object that pulled the trigger Returns None */ #include "\x\addons\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp" params["_unit","_instigator"]; private _lastAlert = (group _unit) getVariable["GMS_lastAlert",0]; if (diag_tickTime < (_lastAlert + 5)) exitWith {}; // so this function is not totally spammed (group _unit) setVariable["GMS_lastAlert",diag_tickTime]; private _difficulty = (group _unit) getVariable["GMS_difficulty","Red"]; private _index = [_difficulty] call GMS_fnc_getIndexFromDifficulty; private _nearAir = GMS_aircraftPatrols select {_x distance _unit < 1500}; private _nearLand = GMS_landVehiclePatrols select {_x distance _unit < 800}; private _intelligence = GMS_AIIntelligence select ([_difficulty] call GMS_fnc_getIndexFromDifficulty); { private _grp = group(driver _x); private _knowsAbout = _grp knowsAbout _instigator; _grp reveal[_instigator,_intelligence]; [(leader _grp),_instigator] call GMSCore_fnc_setHunt; [(leader _grp), _instigator] call GMSCore_fnc_nextWaypointAreaPatrol; } forEach (_nearAir + _nearLand);