////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //GMS_RC Install Instructions// *Ensure GMS_Core is installed prior to this script otherwise it will not work!* //Step 1; Download the file "GMS_RC" from the master branch and extract it to your documents folder. //Step 2; Open the folder - GMS_RC-master\GMS and edit the following files as needed for your prefrences(Remember to save any changes!); GMS_cofigs.sqf - General settings. GMS_configs_default.sqf - Default settings. GMS_configs_epoch.sqf - Epoch server settings. GMS_config_exile.sqf - Exile server settings. GMS_custom_config.sqf - Custom settings. //Step 3; Go back 1 folder into "GMS_RC-main" and pack the folder "GMS" into a pbo. Add the "GMS.pbo" file to your server addons folder (@Exileserver\addons or @Epochhive\addons). //Step 4; Open your mpmission file such as Epoch.Altis/Exile.Altis and copy the folder "GMS_Client" into the the root of your mpmission file. (It could be placed into the following for example: Epoch.Atlis\addons - you would just need to change the directory within the init call function) Open your init.sqf/initPlayerLocal.sqf and add the following line: [] execVM "GMS_Client\GMS_client.sqf"; - //(If adding to "addons/custom folder you would need to edit the line to show the correct file location E.G; [] execVM "Custom\GMS_Client\GMS_client.sqf"; Repack your mpmission file to a pbo and upload to your server. Restart your server and if you run into any issues check your client/server RPT for errors. //Additional script links from GhostriderGaming [GRG]; GMS_Core: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMSCore *Optional addition to GMS series - GMS_AI: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMSAIGMS_AI: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/GMS_AI Repair/Rearm/Refule: https://github.com/Ghostrider-DbD-/Rearm-Repair-Refuel- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////