class cfg3DEN { class EventHandlers { class gms3DEN { OnMissionLoad = "diag_log format['Mission loaded at %1',diag_tickTime]; call gms3DEN_fnc_initialize"; OnMissionNew = "diag_log format['New Mission Created at %1',diag_tickTime]; call gms3DEN_fnc_initialize"; //onHistoryChange = "call gms3DEN_fnc_updateObjects"; }; }; class Mission { class gms3DENmissionSettings { displayName = "Mission Settings"; // display = "Display3DENEditAttributesPreview"; // Optional - display for attributes window. Must have the same structure and IDCs as the default Display3DENEditAttributes class AttributeCategories { class gms3DENCategory { class Attributes { class missionStartMessage { property = "gmsMissionStartMessage"; }; class missionEndMessage { property = "gmsMissionEndMessage"; }; class missionDifficulty { property = "gmsMissionDifficulty"; }; }; }; }; }; }; class Attributes { class Default; class Title: Default { class Controls { class Title; }; }; class gms3DENCheckBoxGarrisonsControl: Title { onload = "call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadGarrison;"; onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for garrisons'"; onCheckedChanged = "diag_log format['onCheckedChanged %1',_this];"; attributeLoad = "(_this controlsGroupCtrl 100) ctrlSetText _value; [_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeLoadGarrison;"; attributeSave = "[cbChecked (this controlsGroupCtrl 100)] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeSaveGarrison;"; }; class gmsGarrisonColorControl: Title { onload = "call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadGarrisonColor;"; //onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for garrisons'"; attributeLoad = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeLoadGarrisonColor;"; attributeSave = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeSaveGarrisonColor;"; }; class gms3DENCheckboxLootVehControl: Title { onload = "call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadLootVeh;"; //onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for loot veh'"; onAttributeLoad = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeLoadLootVeh;"; onAttributeSave = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeSaveLootVeh;"; }; class gms3DENCLootVehicleColorControl: Title { onload = "call gms3DEN_fnc_onLoadLootVehColor;"; //onUnload = "diag_log 'onUnload for loot veh'"; onAttributeLoad = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeLoadLootVehColor;"; onAttributeSave = "[_this,_value] call gms3DEN_fnc_onAttributeSaveLootVeh;"; }; }; class Object { class AttributeCategories { class gms3DENgarrisonedAttribute { displayName = "Garrisons"; collapsed = 1; class Attributes { class GarrisonedAttribute { displayName = "Garrison"; tooltip = "Mark as part of a garrison"; property = "gmsIsGarrison"; control = "gms3DENCheckBoxGarrisonsControl"; //condition = ""; expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];"; defaultValue = "false"; }; class GarrisonedColorAttribute { displayName = "Color On"; tooltip = "Check to color this garrisoned object" property = "gmsGarrisonColor"; control = "CheckBox"; //condition = ""; expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];"; defaultValue = "false"; }; }; }; class gms3DENlootVehicles { displayName = "Loot Vehicle"; collapsed = 1; class Attributes { class lootVehicleAttribute { displayName = "Loot Vehicle"; tooltip = "Set box to checked for loot vehicles"; property = "gmsIsLootVehicle"; control = "CheckBoz"; //condition = ""; expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];"; defaultValue = "false"; }; class lootVehicleColorAttribute { displayName = "Color On"; tooltip = "Check box to color this loot vehicle"; property = "gmsLootVehicleColor"; control = "CheckBox"; //condition = ""; expression = "_this setVariable ['%s',_value];"; defaultValue = "false"; }; }; }; }; }; };