Ghostrider [GRG] f9186fb558 Added the ability to set what types of kill messages are broadcast
These are set in GMS_Conifigs.sqf
2023-09-14 23:38:27 -04:00

160 lines
4.2 KiB

for ghostridergaming
By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
class GMSBuild {
Version = "7.143";
Build = "261";
Date = "09-14-2023";
class CfgPatches {
class GMS {
units[] = {};
weapons[] = {};
requiredVersion = 0.1;
requiredAddons[] = {"GMSCore"};
class CfgFunctions {
class GMS {
class startup {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Init";
class init {
postInit = 1;
class functions {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Functions";
class broadcastServerFPS {};
class cleanEmptyGroups {};
class countAliveAI {};
class createMissionMarkers {};
class deleteMarker {};
class findPositionsAlongARadius {};
class findRandomLocationWithinCircle {};
class findShoreLocation {};
class findWaterDepth {};
class getAllBlckeaglsMarkers {};
class getAllDMSMarkers {};
class getAllMarkersOfSubtype {};
class getIndexFromDifficulty {};
class loadLootItemsFromArray {};
class mainThread {};
class markerSetAliveAICount {};
class messagePlayers {};
class missionCompleteMarker {};
class msgIED {};
class nearestPlayers {};
class playerInRange {};
class playerInRangeArray {};
class restoreHiddenObjects {};
class setDirUp {};
class spawnMarker {};
class updateMarkerAliveCount {};
class groups {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Groups";
class checkGroupWaypointStatus {};
class cleanEmptyGroups {};
class createGroup {}; // Kept for backwards compatability with static missions if these are kept and not updated.
class emplacedWeaponWaypoint {}; // Not sure this is needed - can we do the same thing directly in another script?
class findNearestInfantryGroup {};
class groupWaypointMonitor {};
class setNextWaypoint {};
class setupWaypoints {};
class simulationMonitor {};
class spawnGroup {};
class missions {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Missions";
class addMIssionToQue {};
//class crateMoved {};
class endMission {};
class fillBoxes {};
class garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem {};
class loadLootItemsFromArray {};
class initializeMission {};
class loadMissionCrate {};
class missionCleanup {};
class monitorInitializedMissions {};
class monitorSpawnedMissions {};
class paraDropObject {};
class selectAIBackpacks {};
class selectAILoadout {};
class selectAISidearms {};
class selectAIUniforms {};
class selectAIHeadgear {};
class selectAIVests {};
class selectChanceHeliPatrol {};
class selecctChanceParatroops {};
class selectMissionHelis {};
class selectNumberAirPatrols {};
class selectNumberParatroops {};
class selectVehicleCrewCount {};
class signalEnd {};
class smokeAtCrates {};
class spawnCrate {};
class spawnCompositionObjects {};
class spawnEmplacedWeaponArray {};
class spawnMines {};
class spawnMissionAI {};
class spawnMissionCrates {};
class spawnMissionHelis {};
class spawnMissionLootVehicles {};
class spawnMissionVehiclePatrols {};
class spawnNewMissions {};
class spawnRandomLandscape {};
class spawnScubaGroup {};
class spawnSimpleObjects {};
class spawnSDVPatrol {};
class spawnSurfacePatrol {};
class units {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Units";
class cleanupAliveAI {};
class deleteAI {};
class removeAllAIgear {};
class spawnParaUnits {};
class spawnUnit {};
class unitHit {};
class unitKilled {};
class Utils {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Utils";
class log {};
class vehicles {
file = "\GMS\Compiles\Vehicles";
class alertVehicles {};
class deleteAIVehicle {};
class checkForEmptyVehicle {};
class handleEmptyVehicle {};
class loadVehicleCrew {};
class protectVehicle {};
class releaseVehicleToPlayers {};
class revealNearbyPlayers {};
class scanForPlayersNearVehicles {};
class selectPatrolVehicle {};
class spawnMissionHeli {};
class spawnVehicle {};
class spawnVehiclePatrol {};
class vehicleHit {};
class vehicleKilled {};
class vehicleMonitor {};