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synced 2024-08-30 16:02:11 +00:00
436 lines
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436 lines
18 KiB
By Ghostrider-GRG-
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
#include "\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp"
//GMS_activeMonitorThreads = GMS_activeMonitorThreads + 1;
GMS_monitoring = true;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (17): GMS_initializedMissionsList = %1", GMS_initializedMissionsList]] call GMS_fnc_log;
private _missionsList = GMS_initializedMissionsList;
for "_i" from 1 to (count _missionsList) do
if (_i > (count _missionsList)) exitWith {};
// Select a mission category (blue, red, green , etd)
private _el = _missionsList deleteAt 0;
_el params [
"_missionTimeoutAt", // 1 // server time at which the mission times out.
"_triggered", // 2 // integer - specifies if mission was triggered by a player or scripting such as debug setting
"_missionData", // 4 // variable containing information specific to this instance of the mission such as location and objects
"_missionConfigs", // 5 // Variables regarding the configuration of the dynamic mission
#define triggered 2
#define missionCoords _missionData select 0
#define delayTime 1
private _monitorAction = -2;
if (_triggered == 0) then
if ((_missionTimeoutAt > 0) && {diag_tickTime > _missionTimeoutAt}) then
_monitorAction = -1;
//diag_log format["_monitorInitializedMissions (37) Mission Timeout Criteria Met at %1",diag_tickTime];
} else {
private _playerInRange = [missionCoords, GMS_TriggerDistance, false, true] call GMS_fnc_playerInRange;
if (_playerInRange) then {
//diag_log format["_monitorInitializedMissions (41) Player in range criteria met at %1",diag_tickTime];
_monitorAction = 0;
} else {
if (GMS_debugLevel >= 3) then
_monitorAction = 0;
[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (54): mission triggered for GMS_debugLeve = %1",GMS_debugLevel]] call GMS_fnc_log;
}; // simulate the mission being tripped by a player
//diag_log format["_monitorInitializedMissions: time %1 | _monitorAction %2 | _missionParameters %3",diag_tickTime,_monitorAction,_missionParameters];
switch (_monitorAction) do
case -2 : {
_missionsList pushBack _el;
// Handle Timeout
case -1:
_missionConfigs params[
_missionMessages params [
[format["_fnc_monitorInitializedMissions (71): mission timed out: _endMsg %1 | el %2",_endMsg,_el]] call GMS_fnc_log;
[_key, _missionData, "", _missionData,_missionLootConfigs,_isscubamission,-1] call GMS_fnc_endMission;
// Handle mission waiting to be triggerd and player is within the range to trigger
case 0:
//waitUntil {!_spawningMission};
//_spawningMission = true; // to prevent the script from trying to spawn multiple missions at the same time.
#define noActive 2
#define waitTime 5
#define missionData 6
_missionData = [
_missionData params [
_missionConfigs params[
_markers params[
_missionMessages params [
_missionLootConfigs params [
_aiConfigs params [
"_submarinePatrols", // Added Build 227
"_scubaPatrols", // Added Build 227
_el set[triggered,1];
if (GMS_SmokeAtMissions select 0) then // spawn a fire and smoke near the crate
_temp = [_coords,GMS_SmokeAtMissions select 1] call GMS_fnc_smokeAtCrates;
_objects append _temp;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (181): added Smoke objects, _iconMarker %3 | count _objects = %1 | _objects = %2",count _objects, _objects,_iconMarker]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_useMines) then
_temp = [_coords] call GMS_fnc_spawnMines;
_mines = _temp;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (189): spawned mines for mission _iconMarker %3 | located at %1 | mines = %2",_coords,_mines,_iconMarker]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (_missionLandscapeMode isEqualTo "random") then
_temp = [_coords,_missionLandscape, 3, 15, 2] call GMS_fnc_spawnRandomLandscape;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (196): spawned randomly place objects for _iconMarker %3 | at %1 | list of objects = %2",_coords,_temp select 0,_iconMarker]] call GMS_fnc_log;
} else {
_temp = [_coords, _missionLandscape] call GMS_fnc_spawnCompositionObjects;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (199): precisly positioned objects for _iconMarker %3 | at %1 | list of objects = %2",_coords,_temp select 0,_iconMarker]] call GMS_fnc_log;
_temp params["_obj","_hiddenObj"];
_objects append _obj;
_hiddenObjects append _hiddenObj;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (204): added landscape objects for _iconMarker %1 | count _objects = %2 | _objects = %3",_iconMarker,count _objects, _objects]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep delayTime;
_temp = [_coords,_simpleObjects,true] call GMS_fnc_spawnSimpleObjects;
_objects append _temp;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (209): added simple objects for _iconMarker %1 | count _objects = %2 | _objects = %3",_iconMarker,count _objects, _objects]] call GMS_fnc_log;
_ai = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_noAIGroups,_missionGroups,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,_isScubaMission] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
_missionInfantry append _ai;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (213): spawned mission AI for _iconMarker %1 at %2 | with count _missionInfantry = %3 | with _missionInfantry = %4",_iconMarker,diag_tickTime,count _missionInfantry, _missionInfantry]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (!(_scubaGroupParameters isEqualTo []) || {_scubaPatrols > 0}) then
_ai = [_coords, _minNoAI,_maxNoAI,_scubaPatrols,_scubaGroupParameters,_difficulty,GMS_UMS_uniforms,GMS_UMS_headgear,GMS_UMS_vests,_backpacks,GMS_UMS_weapons,_sideArms,true] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionAI;
_missionInfantry append _ai;
uiSleep delayTime;
// TODO: 05/08/22 -> redo code to handle this
if !(_hostageConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_hostageConfig] call GMS_fnc_spawnHostage;
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1); // The building in which the asset was spawned.
uiSleep delayTime;
// TODO: 05/08/22 -> redo code to handle this
if !(_enemyLeaderConfig isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords,_enemyLeaderConfig] call GMS_fnc_spawnLeader;
if (_temp isEqualTo grpNull) then {throw 1} else
_assetSpawned = _temp select 0;
_objects pushBack (_temp select 1); // The building in which the asset was spawned.
_missionInfantry pushBack _assetSpawned;
uiSleep delayTime;
private _noChoppers = [_noChoppers] call GMSCore_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//[format["_monitorInitializeMissions(246): _iconMarker %1 | _noChoppers = %2",_iconMarker,_noChoppers]] call GMS_fnc_log;
if ((_noChoppers > 0) && {random(1) < _chanceHeliPatrol}) then
_temp = [_coords,_noChoppers,_missionHelis,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList, _sideArms] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionHelis;
_temp params["_helisSpawned","_unitsSpawned"];
//[format["_monitorInitializeMissions (251): _iconMarker %1 | _helisSpawned = %2",_iconMarker,_helisSpawned]] call GMS_fnc_log;
GMS_monitoredVehicles append _helisSpawned;
GMS_aircraftPatrols append _helisSpawned; // Used to find nearest heli ...
_aiVehicles append _helisSpawned;
_missionInfantry append _unitsSpawned;
uisleep delayTime;
// TODO: 05/08/22 -> redo code to handle this
if !(_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem isEqualTo []) then // Note that there is no error checking here for nulGroups
_temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem, _difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call GMS_fnc_garrisonBuilding_ATLsystem;
_temp params["_unitsSpawned","_staticsSpawned","_buildingsSpawned"];
_objects append _buildingsSpawned;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (264): added ATL Garrisons, _iconMarker %1 | count _objects = %2 | _objects = %3",_iconMarker,count _objects, _objects]] call GMS_fnc_log;
GMS_monitoredVehicles append _staticsSpawned;
_missionInfantry append _unitsSpawned;
uiSleep delayTime;
// TODO: 05/08/22 -> redo code to handle this
if !(_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem isEqualTo []) then
_temp = [_coords, _garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem, _difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call GMS_fnc_garrisonBuilding_RelPosSystem;
_objects append (_temp select 1);
GMS_monitoredVehicles append (_temp select 2);
_missionInfantry append (units (_temp select 0));
uiSleep delayTime;
private _userelativepos = true;
private _emplacedWeaponsThisMission = [_noEmplacedWeapons] call GMSCore_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
if (GMS_useStatic && {((_emplacedWeaponsThisMission > 0) || {!(_missionEmplacedWeapons isEqualTo [])} )} ) then
_temp = [_coords,_missionEmplacedWeapons,_userelativepos,_emplacedWeaponsThisMission,_difficulty,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms] call GMS_fnc_spawnEmplacedWeaponArray;
_temp params["_statics","_units"];
_objects append _statics;
_missionInfantry append _units;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (288): spawned emplaced weapons for _iconMarker %1 at %2 | with count _missionInfantry = %3 | with _statics = %4",_iconMarker,diag_tickTime,count _missionInfantry, _statics]];
uisleep delayTime;
if !(_missionLootVehicles isEqualTo []) then
_lootVehicles = [_coords,_missionLootVehicles,_spawnCratesTiming] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionLootVehicles;
uiSleep delayTime;
private _noPatrols = [_noVehiclePatrols] call GMSCore_fnc_getNumberFromRange;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (300): _iconMarker %1 | _noPatrols (vehicle) = %2",_iconMarker,_noPatrols]] call GMS_fnc_log;
if (GMS_useVehiclePatrols && {( (_noPatrols > 0) || {!(_missionPatrolVehicles isEqualTo [])} )} ) then
_temp = [_coords,_noPatrols,_difficulty,_missionPatrolVehicles,_userelativepos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,false,_vehicleCrewCount] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp params["_vehs","_units"];
_aiVehicles append _vehs;
_missionInfantry append _units;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (307): spawned vehicle patrols for _shapedMarker %1 at %2 | with count _missionInfantry = %3 | with _vehs = %4 | _missionInfantry = %5",_shapedMarker,diag_tickTime,count _missionInfantry, _vehs, _missionInfantry]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep delayTime;
if (GMS_useVehiclePatrols && {((_submarinePatrols > 0) || {!(_submarinePatrolParameters isEqualTo [])} )} ) then
_temp = [_coords,_noPatrols,_difficulty,_submarinePatrolParameters,_userelativepos,_uniforms,_headGear,_vests,_backpacks,_weaponList,_sideArms,_isScubaMission,_vehicleCrewCount] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionVehiclePatrols;
_temp params["_vehs","_units"];
GMS_monitoredVehicles append _vehs;
GMS_landVehiclePatrols append _vehs;
_aiVehicles append _vehs;
_missionInfantry append _units;
uiSleep delayTime;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions: spawned sub patrols %1",_coords]] call GMS_fnc_log;
if (_spawnCratesTiming in ["atMissionSpawnGround","atMissionSpawnAir"]) then
if (_missionLootBoxes isEqualTo []) then
_crates = [_coords,[[selectRandom GMS_crateTypes,[1,1,0],_crateLoot,_lootCounts]], _loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _difficulty] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (326): _shapedMarker %1 | standard locations for crates at %2 | _crates = %3",_shapedMarker,_coords,_crates]] call GMS_fnc_log;
_crates = [_coords,_missionLootBoxes,_loadCratesTiming, _spawnCratesTiming, "start", _difficulty] call GMS_fnc_spawnMissionCrates;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (331): _iconMarker %1 | predefined locations for crates at %2 | _crates = %3",_iconMarker,_coords,_crates]] call GMS_fnc_log;
//diag_log format["monitorInitializedMission (333): _spawnCrates Timing = %1 / crates spawned = %2",_spawnCratesTiming,_crates];
if (GMS_cleanUpLootChests) then
_objects append _crates;
if (_loadCratesTiming isEqualTo "atMissionSpawn") then
private _crateMoney = missionNamespace getVariable (format["GMS_crateMoney%1",_difficulty]);
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (341) _crateMoney = %1",_crateMoney]] call GMS_fnc_log;
[_x,missionNamespace getVariable (format["GMS_crateMoney%1",_difficulty])] call GMS_fnc_setMoney;
} forEach _crates;
//diag_log format["monitorInitializedMission (345): _iconMarker %1 | Loot LOADED _loadCrates Timing = %2",_iconMarker,_loadCratesTiming];
} else {
//diag_log format["monitorInitializedMission (347): _iconMarker %1 | NO Loot LOADED _loadCrates Timing = %2",_iconMarker,_loadCratesTiming];
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (351): added crates, count _crates = %1 | _crates = %2",count _crates, _crates]] call GMS_fnc_log;
uiSleep 1;
// [format["_monitorInitializedMissions (353): _markers selet 1 = %1 | _iconMarker = %2",_markers select 1, _iconMarker]] call GMS_fnc_log;
if (GMS_showCountAliveAI) then
GMS_missionLabelMarkers pushBack [
_markers select 1, // The icon marker used for adding text to markers
_markerConfigs select 1, // The name of the mission shown to players on markers and in allerts
_missionInfantry // The array of units tied to the mission used in this case to keep a count of units still alive that is shown on the map
_x setVariable["crateSpawnPos", (getPos _x)];
} forEach _crates;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (361): _shapedMarker %1 | _mines = %3",_shapedMarker,_coords,_mines]] call GMS_fnc_log;
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (362): _shapedMarker %1 | _crates = %3",_shapedMarker,_coords,_crates]] call GMS_fnc_log;
#define indexMines 1
#define indexCrates 4
_missionData set[indexMines, _mines];
_missionData set[indexCrates, _crates];
//_missionData = [_coords,_mines,_objects,_hiddenObjects,_crates,_missionInfantry,_assetSpawned,_aiVehicles,_lootVehicles,_markers];
//_el set[missionData, _missionData];
// Everything spawned withouth serious errors so lets keep the mission active for future monitoring
//_spawningMission = false;
_missionsList pushBack _el;
_el params [
"_missionTimeoutAt", // 1 // server time at which the mission times out.
"_triggered", // 2 // integer - specifies if mission was triggered by a player or scripting such as debug setting
"_missionData", // 4 // variable containing information specific to this instance of the mission such as location and objects
"_missionConfigs" // 5 // Variables regarding the configuration of the dynamic mission
_missionData params [
//[format["_monitorInitializedMissions (393): _shapedMarker %1 | _coords %2 | count _mines %3 | count _objects %4 | _crates %5",_shapedMarker,_coords,count _mines,count _objects,_crates]] call GMS_fnc_log;
//diag_log format["_monitorInitializedMissions (396) End of Code Block | GMS_initializedMissionsList = %1",GMS_initializedMissionsList];
GMS_monitoring = false;
//GMS_activeMonitorThreads = GMS_activeMonitorThreads - 1; |