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synced 2024-08-30 16:02:11 +00:00
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250 lines
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Dynamic Mission Generated
Using 3DEN Plugin for GMS by Ghostrider
GMS 3DEN Plugin Version 1.42 : Build 24 : Build Date 10/19/23
By Ghostrider-GRG-
Do not touch the code below
#include "\x\addons\GMS\Compiles\Init\GMS_defines.hpp"
#include "\x\addons\GMS\Missions\GMS_privateVars.sqf"
_defaultMissionLocations = [];
Edit these to suite you specific mission
_difficulty = "Green";
/* Specify the chance this mission is spawned [0 .. 1.0] */
_chanceMissionSpawned = 1;
/* Set number of times a mission respawns or use -1 for inifinite respawns */
_maxMissionRespawns = -1;
/* Add your Start, End and Timeout Messages Here */
_startMsg = "Supply Lines were Cut off to an Enemy Base";
_endMsg = "Patriots Captured the Abandoned Base";
_timeoutMsg = "Troups were Rescued from the Abandoned Base";
_markerType = ["ELLIPSE",[150,150],"GRID"];
_markerColor = "ColorGreen";
_markerMissionName = "Forgotten-HQ";
Use the parameters below to customize your mission - see the template or GMS_configs.sqf for details about each them
The following variables MUST be defined in each mission even if you just set them to 0
_minNoAI = 3;
_maxNoAI = 6;
_noAIGroups = GMS_AIGrps_Green;
_noVehiclePatrols = GMS_SpawnVeh_Green;
_noEmplacedWeapons = GMS_SpawnEmplaced_Green;
It is recommended to used specific settings for the variables below. Defaults were set based on difficulty or standard settings.
Or just set numerical values to 0 to disable a feature
_chanceHeliPatrol = GMS_chanceHeliPatrolGreen;
_noChoppers = GMS_noPatrolHelisGreen;
_missionHelis = GMS_patrolHelisGreen;
_chancePara = GMS_chanceParaGreen;
_noPara = GMS_noParaGreen;
_paraTriggerDistance = 400;
_paraSkill = 0.7;
_chanceLoot = 0.0;
_paraLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Green;
_paraLootCounts = GMS_lootCountsGreen;
_missionLandscapeMode = "precise";
_useMines = GMS_useMines;
_uniforms = GMS_SkinList;
_headgear = GMS_headgear;
_vests = GMS_vests;
_backpacks = GMS_backpacks;
_sideArms = GMS_Pistols;
_spawnCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawnGround";
_loadCratesTiming = "atMissionSpawn";
_endCondition = allUnitsKilled;
_submarinePatrols = 0;
_scubaPatrols = 0;
_crateLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Green;
_lootCounts = GMS_lootCountsGreen;
Do not touch the code below except to comment out rows containing objects you do not wish to have spawned
Depricated Variable Included for Backwards Compatibility with Existing Missions
_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [
Depricated Variable Included for Backwards Compatibility with Existing Missions
_garrisonedBuildings_BuildingPosnSystem = [
_missionLandscape = [
_simpleObjects = [
_missionLootVehicles = [
_missionPatrolVehicles = [
_missionUGVs = [
_submarinePatrolParameters = [
_airPatrols = [
_missionUAVs = [
_missionEmplacedWeapons = [
["O_static_AA_F", [-14.0261,6.37183,3.12652], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_static_AT_F", [16.2478,11.7761,3.12649], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [11.3267,19.4883,3.12651], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [-20.4929,-0.878662,3.12651], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [-16.4905,-14.2576,17.8895], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [-8.28198,-11.6777,17.8895], [[0,1,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [-9.94043,-26.7229,4.34404], [[-0.0560696,-0.998427,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"],
["O_G_HMG_02_high_F", [4.97485,-26.5686,4.34404], [[-0.0560696,-0.998427,0],[0,0,1]], "Green"]
_missionGroups = [
_missionGarrisonedGroups = [
_scubaGroupParameters = [
_missionLootBoxes = [
Do not touch the code below
#include "\x\addons\GMS\Compiles\Missions\GMS_fnc_missionSpawner.sqf"; |