2023-01-23 22:17:43 -05:00

108 lines
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By Ghostrider [GRG]
Copyright 2016
All the code and information provided here is provided under an Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 Commons License.
private _pathScouts = "Scouts";
private _missionListScouts = ["Scouts"]; // OK Build 224
private _pathHunters = "Hunters";
private _missionListHunters = ["Hunters"]; // OK Build 224
private _pathBlue = "Blue";
private _missionListBlue = [
//"hostage1", // OK
//"captive1", // OK
"sniperBase", // Spawns OK does not clear 249
"survivalSupplies", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"derbunker", // OK, an interesting mission, better as a red / green though
//"forgotten_HQ", // ok BUT TOO TOUGH FOR BLUE OR RED
//"garrison", // OK but do not use.
//"IDAP", // OK but too difficult for a blue mission
"Service_point", // OK build 224
//"Toxin", // OK but too difficult for a blue mission
"default" // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
private _pathRed = "Red";
private _missionListRed = [
//"default", // OK Build 224
"fuelDepot", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"junkyardWilly", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"TraderBoss", // OK build 224
"carThieves", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"Ammunition_depot", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"derbunker", // OK, better suited for green or orange mission
//"factory", // Does not clear
"IDAP", // Spawns OK But not sure where the crate spawns.
"Outpost", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"Service_Point" //Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"Toxin" // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
private _pathGreen = "Green";
private _missionListGreen = [/*"default","default2",/*"medicalCamp","redCamp","resupplyCamp","banditVillage",*/
"FieldCamp", // Spawns OK Build 246 Debug == 4
"FieldHQ", // Spawns OK Build 246 Debug == 4
//"weaponsResearch", // OK build 224
//"munitionsResearch" // Spawns OK Build 246 Debug == 4
//"colonelsBase", // OK Build 224
"factory", // Spawns with some walls above ground level for unclear reasons.
"fortification", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"banditVillage", // OK but do not use.
"Camp_Moreell", // Spawns OK Build 246 Debug == 4
//"charlston", // Spawns OK but crate glitched under a building
//"derbunker", // OK
//"forgotten_HQ", // OK, but can't complete
"lager" // Spawns OK but crate glitched under a building
//"Operations_Command", // OK bEST SUITED FOR GREEN/ORANGE // Nees R3F or crate spawned by parachute at mission start
//"Outpost", // OK
//"tko_camp" // OK
private _pathOrange = "Orange";
private _missionListOrange = [/*"default","default2","medicalCamp","redCamp","resupplyCamp","officeComplex",*/
"CommandersComplex", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"generalsCamp", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"colonel2", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
//"stronghold", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246 but too big for the Exile.Altis server as of Build 253
"operationShutdown", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"operationTakeover", // Spawns OK Debug = 4 Build 246
"dashq", // OK Build 252
"derbunker", // Spawns OK Build 252
//"Ammunition_depot" // OK Build 252; need to update vics, only 12 AI for some reason
//"Camp_Moreell" // OK Build 252 with crate drop from 50 meters
//"Operations_Command" // OK Build 252
"tko_camp" // // OK Build 252
private _pathUMS = "UMS\dynamicMissions";
private _missionListUMS = ["default"];
private _pathHeliCrashes = "HeliCrashes";