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synced 2024-08-30 16:02:11 +00:00
98 lines
2.4 KiB
98 lines
2.4 KiB
private _safepos = [getMarkerPos "center",0,14000,0,0,0.5,0];
private _validspot = false;
private "_position";
_fnc_nearWater = {
_result = false;
_position = _this select 0;
_radius = _this select 1;
for "_i" from 0 to 359 step 45 do {
//_checkposition = [(_position select 0) + (sin(_i)*_radius), (_position select 1) + (cos(_i)*_radius)];
//_checkposition2 = [(_position select 0) + (sin(_i)*_radius/2), (_position select 1) + (cos(_i)*_radius/2)];
_checkPosition = _position getPos[_radius, _i];
if (surfaceIsWater _checkposition) exitWith {
_result = true;
while{!_validspot} do {
//uiSleep 1;
_validspot = true;
_position = _safepos call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
if (count _position > 2) then {
_validspot = false;
if(_validspot) then {
if ([_position,500] call _fnc_nearWater) then {
_validspot = false;
if(_validspot) then {
_isflat = _position isFlatEmpty [20,0,0.5,100,0,false];
if (_isflat isequalto []) then {
_validspot = false;
if(_validspot) then {
if (_position distance _x < 1500) exitwith {
_validspot = false;
} foreach (missionnamespace getvariable ["GMS_ActiveMissionCoords",[]]);
// Check for near Bases
if(_validspot) then {
if (GMSCore_modtype isEqualTo "Epoch") then {
if (_position distance _x < 1000) exitwith {
_validspot = false;
} foreach (missionnamespace getvariable ["Epoch_PlotPoles",[]]);
else {
if (GMSCore_modtype isEqualTo "Exile") then {
if (_position distance _x < GMS_minDistanceToBases) exitwith {
_validspot = false;
} foreach (nearestObjects [GMS_mapCenter, ["Exile_Construction_Flag_Static"], GMS_mapRange + 25000]);
// Check for near Players
if(_validspot) then {
if (_position distance _x < GMS_minDistanceToPlayer) exitwith {
_validspot = false;
} foreach allplayers;
// Check for near locations
if (_validspot) then {
if (_position distance (_x select 0) < (_x select 1)) exitWith {
_validspot = false;
} forEach GMS_locationBlackList;
// Check for DMS missions
if (GMS_minDistanceFromDMS > 0 && {_validspot}) then
if (_position distance _x < GMS_minDistanceFromDMS) exitWith {
_validspot = false;
} forEach ([] call GMS_fnc_getAllDMSMarkers);
_position set [2, 0];