diff --git a/IgiLoad.sqf b/IgiLoad.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..93c057d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IgiLoad.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,2992 @@
+// IgiLoad v0.9.10_RC_e_(Arma3_1.32) //
+// Version info: This is not official version of IgiLoad it is only WIP (RC) //
+// Author: Igi_PL //
+// Web: http://www.igipl.net/ //
+// Version date: 2014.10.16 //
+// //
+// USE: //
+// 1. In mission "init.sqf" add line: "0 = execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoadInit.sqf";". //
+// 2. In vehicles "INITIALIZATION" field type: "0 = [this] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";" //
+// 3. Unload from script or trigger: //
+// a) Unloading cargo from script. Force unload: "0 = [Car, true, "L"] spawn IL_Do_Unload;" //
+// b) Unloading cargo from script. Force unload: "0 = [Car, true] spawn IL_Do_Unload;" //
+// c) Unloading cargo from script. Force unload: "0 = [Car] spawn IL_Do_Unload;" //
+// 4. Loading cargo from script. Force load: "0 = [Car, [typeOf Box], "B", true, Box] spawn IL_Do_Load;" //
+// //
+// Ways from points 1 and 2 can not be used simultaneously!!! //
+//if true then show debug globalChat (TODO add more hints)
+IL_DevMod = false;
+//waitUntil { !(isNull player) };
+waitUntil { time > 0 };
+IL_Script_Inst = time;
+if (IL_DevMod) then
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IN.", IL_Script_Inst];
+//if (isDedicated) exitwith {};
+//if (isServer) exitwith {};
+_obj_main = _this select 0;
+_obj_main_type = (typeOf _obj_main);
+if (isnil "IL_Variables") then
+ IL_Variables = true;
+ //Check new vehicles time
+ IL_Check_Veh_Min = 30;
+ IL_Check_Veh_Max = 60;
+ //Dealing with cargo damage
+ //-1 - do nothing
+ //0 - set to 0
+ //1 - keep such as before loading/unloading
+ IL_CDamage = -1;
+ //AddAction menu position
+ IL_Action_LU_Priority = 30; //Load and (para)unload
+ IL_Action_O_Priority = 0; //Open and close
+ IL_Action_S_Priority = 0; //Setup
+ //Maximum capacity for vehicles
+ IL_Num_Slots_OFFROAD = -2;
+ IL_Num_Slots_SDV = -3;
+ IL_Num_Slots_VAN = -3;
+ IL_Num_Slots_MOHAWK = -7;
+ IL_num_Slots_CHINOOK = -8;
+ IL_Num_Slots_KAMAZ = -4;
+ IL_Num_Slots_TEMPEST = -5;
+ IL_Num_Slots_HEMTT = -6;
+ IL_Num_Slots_MH9 = -1;
+ IL_Num_Slots_C130J = -12;
+ IL_Num_Slots_C17 = -22;
+ //Player addScore after loading and unloading
+ IL_Load_Score = 20;
+ //Para unload score = 2 * IL_Unload_Score
+ IL_Unload_Score = 10;
+ //The minimum altitude for the drop with parachute
+ IL_Para_Drop_ATL = 50;
+ IL_Para_Jump_ATL = 30;
+ //The minimum altitude for parachute opening
+ IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL = 150;
+ IL_Para_Jump_Open_ATL = 150;
+ //Parachute get velocity from player or cargo
+ IL_Para_Drop_Velocity = true;
+ IL_Para_Jump_Velocity = true;
+ //Set smoke and light for parachute drop.
+ IL_Para_Smoke = true;
+ IL_Para_Light = true;
+ //Additional smoke after landing
+ IL_Para_Smoke_Add = true;
+ //Additional light after landing
+ IL_Para_Light_Add = true;
+ //Smoke and light color
+ IL_Para_Smoke_Default = "SmokeshellGreen";
+ IL_Para_Light_Default = "Chemlight_green";
+ IL_Para_Smoke_Veh = "SmokeshellBlue";
+ IL_Para_Light_Veh = "Chemlight_blue";
+ //This allows for loading or unloading, if a player is in the area of loading or copilot
+ IL_Can_Inside = true;
+ IL_Can_CoPilot = true;
+ IL_Can_Outside = true;
+ //
+ //IL_SDistU = 20;//No longer needed
+ IL_SDistL = 2.5;
+ IL_SDistL_Heli_offset = 1;
+ //Load and unload (not para) max speed in km/h
+ IL_LU_Speed = 10;
+ //Load and unload (not para) max height in m
+ IL_LU_Alt = 3;
+ //Enable or disable usable cargo ramp in CH-49
+ IL_Ramp = true;
+ //Enable change of vehicle mass
+ IL_Mass = true;
+ // Supported vehicles
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD = ["C_Offroad_01_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "B_mas_mar_Offroad_01_F", "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_02_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_03_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_04_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV = ["B_SDV_01_EPOCH","B_SDV_02_EPOCH","B_SDV_03_EPOCH","O_SDV_01_F","I_SDV_01_F","B_SDV_01_F"]; //B_SDV_01_F
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN = ["C_Van_01_box_F", "B_G_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_box_EPOCH", "C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT = ["B_Truck_01_covered_F", "B_Truck_01_transport_F", "B_Truck_01_box_F", "Marinir_Truck_01_box_FG", "Marinir_Truck_01_transport_FG", "Marinir_Truck_01_covered_FG", "B_mas_mar_Truck_01_covered_F", "B_mas_mar_Truck_01_transport_F", "B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ = ["I_Truck_02_transport_F", "O_Truck_02_transport_F", "I_Truck_02_covered_F", "O_Truck_02_covered_F", "caf_HLVW_open_AR", "caf_HLVW_open", "caf_HLVW_covered_ar", "caf_HLVW_covered","O_Truck_02_covered_EPOCH","O_Truck_02_transport_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST = ["O_Truck_03_transport_F", "O_Truck_03_covered_F", "O_Truck_03_covered_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK = ["I_Heli_Transport_02_F", "CH49_Mohawk_FG", "Marinir_CH49_Mohawk_FG", "I_Heli_Transport_02_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK = ["CH_147F", "CH_47F", "kyo_MH47E_HC", "kyo_MH47E_Ramp", "kyo_MH47E_base", "B_Heli_Transport_03_unarmed_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9 = ["B_Heli_Light_01_F", "B_mas_mar_Heli_Light_01_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J = ["C130J_Cargo", "C130J"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17 = ["globemaster_c17_altus", "globemaster_c17_701", "globemaster_c17_703", "globemaster_c17_704", "globemaster_c17_705", "globemaster_c17_dover", "globemaster_c17_edwards", "globemaster_c17_Elmendorf", "globemaster_c17", "globemaster_c17_hickam", "globemaster_c17_IAF", "globemaster_c17_March", "globemaster_c17_mcchord", "globemaster_c17_McGuire", "globemaster_c17_Mississipi", "globemaster_c17_NATO", "globemaster_c17_natoPAPA", "globemaster_c17_Qatar", "globemaster_c17_RAAF", "globemaster_c17_ZZ172_RAF", "globemaster_c17_RCAF", "globemaster_c17_Stewart", "globemaster_c17_therock", "globemaster_c17_travis", "globemaster_c17_UAE", "globemaster_c17_wright_patt"];
+ IL_Supported_Vehicles_All = IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J + IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17 + IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9 + IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK + IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ + IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST + IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT + IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN + IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD + IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV + IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK;
+ // Vehicles with the ability to dropping the load on the parachute
+ IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles = IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9 + IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK + IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J + IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17 + IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK;
+ //Supported cargo
+ IL_Supported_HEMTT = ["B_Truck_01_covered_F", "B_Truck_01_transport_F", "B_Truck_01_box_F", "Marinir_Truck_01_box_FG", "Marinir_Truck_01_transport_FG", "Marinir_Truck_01_covered_FG", "B_mas_mar_Truck_01_covered_F", "B_mas_mar_Truck_01_transport_F", "B_Truck_01_mover_F", "B_Truck_01_ammo_F", "B_Truck_01_fuel_F", "B_Truck_01_medical_F", "B_Truck_01_Repair_F", "B_Truck_01_transport_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_KAMAZ = ["I_Truck_02_transport_F", "O_Truck_02_transport_F", "I_Truck_02_covered_F", "O_Truck_02_covered_F", "caf_HLVW_open_AR", "caf_HLVW_open", "caf_HLVW_covered_ar", "caf_HLVW_covered"];
+ IL_Supported_TEMPEST = ["O_Truck_03_transport_F", "O_Truck_03_covered_F", "O_Truck_03_covered_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Strider = ["I_MRAP_03_F", "I_MRAP_03_gmg_F", "I_MRAP_03_hmg_F", "CAF_TAPV_ar", "caf_tapv_gl_ar", "caf_tapv_50_ar", "CAF_TAPV_tw", "caf_tapv_gl_tw", "caf_tapv_50_tw", "Night_B_MRAP_03_F", "Night_B_MRAP_03_gmg_F", "Night_B_MRAP_03_hmg_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Hunter = ["B_MRAP_01_F", "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F", "B_MRAP_01_hmg_F", "Marinir_B_MRAP_01_FG" , "Marinir_MRAP_01_gmg_FG", "Marinir_MRAP_01_hmg_FG", "B_mas_mar_MRAP_01_med_F", "B_mas_mar_MRAP_01_F", "B_mas_mar_MRAP_01_gmg_F", "B_mas_mar_MRAP_01_hmg_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Ifrit = ["O_MRAP_02_F", "O_MRAP_02_gmg_F", "O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"];
+ IL_Supported_UGV = ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F", "B_UGV_01_F", "O_UGV_01_rcws_F", "O_UGV_01_F", "I_UGV_01_rcws_F", "I_UGV_01_F"];
+ IL_Supported_VAN = ["C_Van_01_box_F", "B_G_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_transport_F", "C_Van_01_transport_EPOCH", "C_Van_01_box_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_OFFROAD = ["C_Offroad_01_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_F", "B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F", "JTF2_Offroad_armed_01", "B_mas_mar_Offroad_01_F", "B_mas_mar_Offroad_01_armed_F", "C_Offroad_01_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_02_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_03_EPOCH", "C_Offroad_04_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_SUV = ["C_SUV_01_F", "C_SUV_01_EPOCH""C_SUV_01_EPOCH2","C_SUV_01_EPOCH3","C_SUV_01_EPOCH4"];
+ IL_Supported_Hatchback = ["C_Hatchback_01_F", "C_Hatchback_01_sport_F", "C_Hatchback_02_EPOCH", "C_Hatchback_01_EPOCH"];
+ IL_Supported_Hummvee = ["rc_hmmwv", "HMMWV2", "HMMWV_M1035", "M1114_AGS_ACR", "HMMWV_M1151_M2", "HMMWV2_M2", "HMMWV2_MK19", "HMMWV2_TOW", "HMMWV", "HMMWV_M2", "HMMWV_MK19", "HMMWV_TOW"];
+ IL_Supported_Quadbike = ["I_Quadbike_01_F", "C_Quadbike_01_F", "O_Quadbike_01_F", "B_G_Quadbike_01_F", "B_Quadbike_01_F", "CAF_Quadbike_OD", "CAF_Quadbike_AR", "Marinir_Quadbike_01_FG", "B_mas_mar_Quadbike_01_F", "C_Quadbike_01_EPOCH", "ebike_epoch", "jetski_epoch", "K01", "K02", "K03", "K04"];
+ IL_Supported_Supply_Crate = ["B_supplyCrate_F", "IG_supplyCrate_F", "O_supplyCrate_F", "I_supplyCrate_F", "C_supplyCrate_F","B_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","O_CargoNet_01_ammo_F","I_CargoNet_01_ammo_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo = ["Box_NATO_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_East_AmmoVeh_F", "Box_IND_AmmoVeh_F", "Land_CargoBox_V1_F", "ASC_B_box"];
+ IL_Supported_Barrel = ["Land_BarrelEmpty_F", "Land_BarrelEmpty_grey_F", "Land_BarrelSand_F", "Land_BarrelSand_grey_F", "Land_BarrelTrash_F", "Land_BarrelTrash_grey_F", "Land_BarrelWater_F", "Land_BarrelWater_grey_F", "Land_MetalBarrel_F"];//, "Land_MetalBarrel_empty_F", "MetalBarrel_burning_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Tank = ["Land_WaterBarrel_F", "Land_WaterTank_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Rubberboat = ["I_Boat_Transport_01_F", "O_Boat_Transport_01_F", "B_G_Boat_Transport_01_F", "B_Boat_Transport_01_F", "C_Rubberboat", "O_Lifeboat", "B_Lifeboat", "Marinir_duck_base_F", "B_mas_mar_Boat_Transport_01_F"];
+ IL_Supported_SDV = ["B_SDV_01_EPOCH","I_SDV_01_F", "O_SDV_01_F", "B_SDV_01_F", "B_mas_mar_SDV_01_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Box_H1 = ["Box_NATO_Wps_F", "Box_East_Wps_F", "Box_IND_Wps_F", "Box_East_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_NATO_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_IND_WpsLaunch_F", "Box_IND_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_East_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", "Box_mas_all_rifle_Wps_F", "Box_mas_us_rifle_Wps_F", "Box_mas_ru_rifle_Wps_F", "Box_mas_mar_NATO_equip_F", "Box_mas_mar_NATO_Wps_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Box_H2 = ["Box_FIA_Wps_F","Box_FIA_Support_F","Box_FIA_Ammo_F","Box_NATO_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_East_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_IND_AmmoOrd_F", "Box_NATO_Grenades_F", "Box_East_Grenades_F", "Box_IND_Grenades_F", "Box_NATO_Ammo_F", "Box_East_Ammo_F", "Box_IND_Ammo_F", "Box_IND_Support_F", "Box_East_Support_F", "Box_NATO_Support_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Cargo20 = ["Land_Cargo20_blue_F", "Land_Cargo20_brick_red_F", "Land_Cargo20_cyan_F", "Land_Cargo20_grey_F", "Land_Cargo20_light_blue_F", "Land_Cargo20_light_green_F", "Land_Cargo20_military_green_F", "Land_Cargo20_orange_F", "Land_Cargo20_red_F", "Land_Cargo20_sand_F", "Land_Cargo20_white_F", "Land_Cargo20_yellow_F"];
+ //TODO
+ //IL_Supported_Backpack = ["B_AssaultPack_blk", "B_AssaultPack_cbr", "B_AssaultPack_dgtl", "B_AssaultPack_khk", "B_AssaultPack_mcamo", "B_AssaultPack_ocamo", "B_AssaultPack_rgr", "B_AssaultPack_sgg", "B_AssaultPackG", "B_Bergen_blk", "B_Bergen_mcamo", "B_Bergen_rgr", "B_Bergen_sgg", "B_BergenC_blu", "B_BergenC_grn", "B_BergenC_red", "B_BergenG", "B_Carryall_cbr", "B_Carryall_khk", "B_Carryall_mcamo", "B_Carryall_ocamo", "B_Carryall_oli", "B_Carryall_oucamo", "B_FieldPack_blk", "B_FieldPack_cbr", "B_FieldPack_khk", "B_FieldPack_ocamo", "B_FieldPack_oli", "B_FieldPack_oucamo", "B_HuntingBackpack", "B_Kitbag_cbr", "B_Kitbag_mcamo", "B_Kitbag_sgg", "B_OutdoorPack_blk", "B_OutdoorPack_blu", "B_OutdoorPack_tan", "B_TacticalPack_blk", "B_TacticalPack_mcamo", "B_TacticalPack_ocamo", "B_TacticalPack_oli", "B_TacticalPack_rgr", "C_Bergen_blu", "C_Bergen_grn", "C_Bergen_red", "G_AssaultPack", "G_Bergen"];
+ //IL_Supported_Backpack_Support = ["B_HMG_01_support_F", "B_HMG_01_support_high_F", "B_Mortar_01_support_F", "I_Mortar_01_support_F", "O_Mortar_01_support_F"];
+ //IL_Supported_Backpack_Weapon = ["B_AA_01_weapon_F", "B_AT_01_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_A_high_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_A_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_A_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_high_weapon_F", "B_GMG_01_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_A_high_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_A_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_high_weapon_F", "B_HMG_01_weapon_F", "B_Mortar_01_weapon_F"];
+ //IL_Supported_Backpack_Uav = ["B_UAV_01_backpack_F", "I_UAV_01_backpack_F", "O_UAV_01_backpack_F"];
+ //IL_Supported_Parachute = ["B_Parachute"];
+ //IL_Supported_Backpack_All = IL_Supported_Backpack + IL_Supported_Backpack_Support + IL_Supported_Backpack_Weapon + IL_Supported_Backpack_Uav + IL_Supported_Parachute;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9 = IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo + IL_Supported_Supply_Crate + IL_Supported_Barrel + IL_Supported_Box_H1 + IL_Supported_Box_H2;// + IL_Supported_Backpack_All;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_SDV = IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Offroad = IL_Supported_Quadbike;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Offroad = (IL_Supported_Supply_Crate + IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo + IL_Supported_Barrel + IL_Supported_Tank + IL_Supported_Box_H1 + IL_Supported_Box_H2);// - ["Land_WaterTank_F"];
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Offroad = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Offroad + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Offroad;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_VAN = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Offroad;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_VAN = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Offroad;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_VAN = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_VAN + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_VAN;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz = IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV + IL_Supported_VAN;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Kamaz = IL_Supported_Supply_Crate + IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo + IL_Supported_Barrel + IL_Supported_Tank + IL_Supported_Box_H1 + IL_Supported_Box_H2 + IL_Supported_Cargo20;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Kamaz = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Kamaz;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz + IL_Supported_OFFROAD + IL_Supported_SUV;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_HEMTT = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Kamaz;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_HEMTT = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_HEMTT;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_TEMPEST = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_TEMPEST = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_HEMTT;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_TEMPEST = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_TEMPEST + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_TEMPEST;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Quadbike + IL_Supported_Rubberboat + IL_Supported_SDV + IL_Supported_Hatchback + IL_Supported_UGV;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Supply_Crate + IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo + IL_Supported_Barrel + IL_Supported_Tank;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Mohawk = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_CHINOOK = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C130J = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT + IL_Supported_Strider + IL_Supported_Hunter + IL_Supported_Ifrit + IL_Supported_Hummvee + IL_Supported_HEMTT;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C130J = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk;// Damage the plane + IL_Supported_Cargo20;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_C130J = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C130J + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C130J;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C17 = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C130J;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C17 = IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C130J;
+ IL_Supported_Cargo_C17 = IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C17 + IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C17;
+//Check if vehicle is supported or it is PLayer init
+if (IL_DevMod) then
+ if !((_obj_main_type in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) || (_obj_main == Player) || (isServer) || (isDedicated)) exitwith
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad. Object: ""%1"" is not supported.", _obj_main];
+ };
+if (isnil "IL_Procedures") then
+ IL_Procedures = true;
+ IL_Init_Veh =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Init_Veh.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private["_obj", "_obj_type", "_force"];
+ _obj = _this select 0;
+ _force = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {false};
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _obj);
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "default_mass"}) || (_force)) then
+ {
+ if (isNil {_obj getVariable "default_mass"}) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["default_mass", getMass _obj, true];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj setMass (_obj getVariable "default_mass");
+ };
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_copilot"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_copilot", IL_Can_CoPilot, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -4.57, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "usable_ramp"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["usable_ramp", IL_Ramp, true];};
+ if (_obj_type == "C130J_Cargo") then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_C130J, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 8.5, true];};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", (IL_Num_Slots_C130J / 2) - 1, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 13.5, true];};
+ };
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_C17, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_copilot"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_copilot", IL_Can_CoPilot, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -1.25, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 16, true];};//4.5, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "usable_ramp"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["usable_ramp", IL_Ramp, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_MOHAWK, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_copilot"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_copilot", IL_Can_CoPilot, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -2.25, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 4.5, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "usable_ramp"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["usable_ramp", IL_Ramp, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_copilot"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_copilot", IL_Can_CoPilot, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if (_obj_type == "CH_47F") then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_CHINOOK - 2, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -3.1, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 4.5, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type == "CH_147F") then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_CHINOOK, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -2.55, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 5.25, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in ["kyo_MH47E_HC", "kyo_MH47E_Ramp", "kyo_MH47E_base"]) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_CHINOOK, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -1.5, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 6, true];};
+ };
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "usable_ramp"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["usable_ramp", IL_Ramp, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_l"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_l", _obj, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_r"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_r", _obj, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num_l"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num_l", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num_r"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num_r", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num_l"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num_l", IL_Num_Slots_MH9, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num_r"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num_r", IL_Num_Slots_MH9, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_copilot"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_copilot", IL_Can_CoPilot, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.48, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 1, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "usable_ramp"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["usable_ramp", IL_Ramp, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_OFFROAD, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.65, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 1.5, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_SDV, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.43, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 0.85, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_VAN, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.6, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 1, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_KAMAZ, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.8, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", -0.5, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_TEMPEST, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.4, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 0.5, true];};
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "box_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["box_num", 0, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "slots_num"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["slots_num", IL_Num_Slots_HEMTT, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_load"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_load", true, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "can_outside"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["can_outside", IL_Can_Outside, true];};
+ if (_obj_type in ["B_Truck_01_box_F", "Marinir_Truck_01_box_FG"]) then
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.4, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 0.8, true];};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "zload"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["zload", -0.5, true];};
+ if ((isNil {_obj getVariable "load_offset"}) || (_force)) then {_obj setVariable["load_offset", 0, true];};
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Init_Veh
+ IL_Init_Box =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Init_Box.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private["_obj", "_obj_type", "_bbr", "_p0", "_p1"];
+ _obj = _this select 0;
+ _obj setVariable["attachedPos", 0, true];
+ _obj setVariable["attachedTruck", _obj, true];
+ _obj setVariable["doors", "N", true];
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 1, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 0, true];
+ _bbr = boundingBoxReal _obj;
+ _p0 = _bbr select 0;
+ _p1 = _bbr select 1;
+ _obj setVariable["zload_cargo", abs (_p0 select 2), true];
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _obj);
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Cargo20) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2.6, true];//HEMETT Box ~2.09281
+ //_obj setMass 2400;
+ [_obj, 2400] call IL_SetNewMass;
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_HEMTT) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 10, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 4.2, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Hummvee) then
+ {
+ if (_obj_type in ["M1114_AGS_ACR", "HMMWV_M1151_M2"]) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2.2, true];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 5, true];
+ if (_obj_type in ["HMMWV_M1035"]) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.9, true];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_obj_type in ["rc_hmmwv"]) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2, true];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.9, true];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Strider) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2.2, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Hunter) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 7, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.5, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Ifrit) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 7, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.3, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_VAN) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.8, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_UGV) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 5, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2.1, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Hatchback) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 5, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.9, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_SUV) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_OFFROAD) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2.4, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Rubberboat) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 5, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 2, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_SDV) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 6, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1.6, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Quadbike) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 2, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 0.5, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Veh_Ammo) then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 2, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 0.4, true];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Tank) then
+ {
+ if (_obj_type == "Land_WaterTank_F") then
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 3, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 1, true];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj setVariable["slots", 2, true];
+ _obj setVariable["cargo_offset", 0.4, true];
+ };
+ _turn = true;
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Init_Box
+ IL_Server_AddScore =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Server_AddScore.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ if (isServer) then
+ {
+ ((_this select 1) select 0) addScore ((_this select 1) select 1);
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Server_AddScore
+ "IL_SetScore" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Server_AddScore;
+// END publicVariable "IL_SetScore";
+ IL_Score =
+ {
+ private ["_obj", "_score"];
+ _obj = _this select 0;
+ _score = _this select 1;
+ if (_score != 0) then
+ {
+ IL_SetScore = [_obj, _score];
+ if (isServer) then
+ {
+ ["Cos", IL_SetScore] spawn IL_Server_AddScore;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ publicVariableServer "IL_SetScore";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Score
+ IL_Server_SetDir =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Server_SetDir.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private ["_obj", "_dir"];
+ _obj = _this select 1 select 0;
+ _dir = _this select 1 select 1;
+ if (_dir < 0) then
+ {
+ _dir = _dir + 360;
+ };
+ if (_dir > 360) then
+ {
+ _dir = _dir - 360;
+ };
+ _obj setDir _dir;
+ _obj setPos (getPos _obj);
+ };
+// END IL_Server_Turn_Obj
+ "IL_SetDir" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Server_SetDir;
+// END publicVariable "IL_SetDir";
+ IL_Rotate =
+ {
+ private ["_obj", "_to", "_change"];
+ _obj = _this select 0;
+ _to = _this select 1;
+ _change = _this select 2;
+ _change = (getDir _obj + _change) - getDir _to;
+ IL_SetDir = [_obj, _change];
+ if (local _obj) then
+ {
+ ["Cos", IL_SetDir] spawn IL_Server_SetDir;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isDedicated) then
+ {
+ (owner _obj) publicVariableClient "IL_SetDir";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ publicVariableServer "IL_SetDir";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Rotate
+ IL_Server_SetMass =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Server_SetMass.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private ["_obj", "_mass"];
+ _obj = _this select 1 select 0;
+ _mass = _this select 1 select 1;
+ if ((getMass _obj) != _mass) then
+ {
+ _obj setMass _mass;
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Server_SetMass
+ "IL_SetMass" addPublicVariableEventHandler IL_Server_SetMass;
+// END publicVariable "IL_SetMass";
+ IL_GetCargoMass =
+ {
+ private ["_v", "_cargo_mass"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _cargo_mass = 0;
+ if (count(attachedObjects _v) > 0) then
+ {
+ {
+ _cargo_mass = _cargo_mass + getMass _x;
+ } forEach attachedObjects _v;
+ };
+ _cargo_mass;
+ };
+// END IL_GetCargoMass
+ IL_GetDefaultMass =
+ {
+ private ["_v"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _v getVariable "default_mass";
+ };
+// END IL_GetDefaultMass
+ IL_SetNewMass =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"" in IL_SetMass", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ if !(IL_Mass) ExitWith {};
+ private ["_v", "_v_def_mass", "_cargo_mass"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _v_def_mass = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {0};
+ _cargo_mass = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {0};
+ if (_v_def_mass == 0) then
+ {
+ _v_def_mass = [_v] call IL_GetDefaultMass;
+ };
+ if (_cargo_mass == 0) then
+ {
+ _cargo_mass = [_v] call IL_GetCargoMass;
+ };
+ if ((getMass _v) != (_v_def_mass + _cargo_mass)) then
+ {
+ IL_SetMass = [_v, (_v_def_mass + _cargo_mass)];
+ if (local _v) then
+ {
+ ["Cos", IL_SetMass] spawn IL_Server_SetMass;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isDedicated) then
+ {
+ (owner _v) publicVariableClient "IL_SetMass";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ publicVariableServer "IL_SetMass";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// _v setMass (_v_def_mass + _cargo_mass);
+ };
+// END IL_SetNewMass
+ IL_Vehicle_Chat =
+ {
+ private["_v", "_msg", "_mass_info", "_text", "_cargo_mass", "_v_def_mass"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _msg = _this select 1;
+ _mass_info = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {false};
+ _v vehicleChat _msg;
+ if (_mass_info && IL_Mass) then
+ {
+ _cargo_mass = 0;
+ _v_def_mass = [_v] call IL_GetDefaultMass;
+ _cargo_mass = [_v] call IL_GetCargoMass;
+ _text = Format["
", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "picture")];
+ _text = _text + Format ["%1
", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName")];
+ _text = _text + "Default mass: ";
+ _text = _text + Format ["%1
", _v_def_mass];
+ _text = _text + "Cargo mass: ";
+ _text = _text + Format ["%1
", _cargo_mass];
+ _text = _text + "Current mass: ";
+ _text = _text + Format ["%1
", _v_def_mass + _cargo_mass];
+ };
+ if (vehicle Player != _v) then
+ {
+ if (_mass_info && IL_Mass) then
+ {
+ _text = _text + _msg;
+ hint parseText (_text);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Hint Format ["%1", _msg];
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_mass_info && IL_Mass) then
+ {
+ hint parseText (_text);
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Vehicle_Chat
+ IL_Move_Attach=
+ {
+ private ["_veh", "_obj", "_from", "_to", "_pos", "_step", "_steps", "_from_x", "_from_y", "_from_z", "_to_x", "_to_y", "_to_z", "_x", "_y", "_z", "_i", "_x_step", "_y_step", "_z_step", "_turn"];
+ _veh = _this select 0;
+ _obj = _this select 1;
+ _from = _this select 2;
+ _to = _this select 3;
+ _step = _this select 4;
+ _turn = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {false};
+ _from_x = _from select 0;
+ _from_y = _from select 1;
+ _from_z = _from select 2;
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _from_x =""%2"", _from_y =""%3"", _from_z =""%4""", IL_Script_Inst, _from_x, _from_y, _from_z];
+ };
+ _to_x = _to select 0;
+ _to_y = _to select 1;
+ _to_z = _to select 2;
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _to_x =""%2"", _to_y =""%3"", _to_z =""%4""", IL_Script_Inst, _to_x, _to_y, _to_z];
+ };
+ _x = _to_x - _from_x;
+ _y = _to_y - _from_y;
+ _z = _to_z - _from_z;
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _x =""%2"", _y =""%3"", _z =""%4""", IL_Script_Inst, _x, _y, _z];
+ };
+ if (((abs _x) > (abs _y)) && ((abs _x) > (abs _z))) then
+ {
+ _steps = round ((abs _x) / _step);
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _x > _y and _z, _steps =""%2""", IL_Script_Inst, _steps];
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((abs _y) > (abs _z)) then
+ {
+ _steps = round ((abs _y) / _step);
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _y > _z, _steps =""%2""", IL_Script_Inst, _steps];
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _steps = round ((abs _z) / _step);
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _z > _y, _steps =""%2""", IL_Script_Inst, _steps];
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ _i = 0;
+ _obj AttachTo [_veh, _from];
+ while {_i < _steps} do
+ {
+ _i = _i + 1;
+ _pos = [(((_x / _steps) * _i) + _from_x), (((_y / _steps) * _i) + _from_y), (((_z / _steps) * _i) + _from_z)];
+ _obj AttachTo [_veh, _pos];
+ if (_turn) then
+ {
+ [_obj, _veh, -90] call IL_Rotate;
+ _turn = false;
+ };
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". IL_Move_Attach _pos =""%2""", IL_Script_Inst, _pos];
+ };
+ sleep 0.25;
+ };
+ _obj AttachTo [_veh, _to];
+ // if (_turn) then
+ // {
+ // [_obj, _veh, 90] call IL_Rotate;
+ // };
+ };
+// END IL_Move_Attach
+ IL_Create_And_Attach =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"" in IL_Create_And_Attach", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _type = _this select 0;
+ _to = _this select 1;
+ _x = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {0};
+ _y = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {0};
+ _z = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {0};
+ _m = createVehicle [_type, position _to, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
+ _m AttachTo [_to,[_x,_y,_z]];
+ _m
+ };
+// END IL_Create_And_Attach
+ IL_Cargo_Para =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"" in IL_Cargo_Para", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ //player addScore IL_Unload_Score;
+ [Player, IL_Unload_Score] call IL_Score;
+ private ["_smoke", "_light", "_damage", "_smoke_type", "_chemlight_type", "_cargo_pos", "_last_attach_pos", "_dist", "_velocity", "_tmp"];
+ _cargo = _this select 0;
+ _v = _this select 1;
+ _last_attach_pos = _this select 2;
+ if (((IL_Para_Smoke) || (IL_Para_Smoke_Add)) && (_cargo isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then
+ {
+ _smoke_type = IL_Para_Smoke_Veh;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _smoke_type = IL_Para_Smoke_Default;
+ };
+ if (((IL_Para_Light) || (IL_Para_Light_Add)) && (_cargo isKindOf "AllVehicles")) then
+ {
+ _chemlight_type = IL_Para_Light_Veh;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _chemlight_type = IL_Para_Light_Default;
+ };
+ _cargo_pos = [0,0,0];
+ _damage = getDammage _cargo;
+ detach _cargo;
+ _dist = _v distance _cargo;
+ _tmp = [_cargo] spawn
+ {
+ while {(getPosATL (_this select 0)) select 2 > IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ };
+ while {(_v distance _cargo) - _dist < 20} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ if (IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL > 0) then
+ {
+ while {(getPosATL _cargo) select 2 > (IL_Para_Drop_Open_ATL + ((velocity _cargo) select 2) * -0.5)} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ };
+ // _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", position _cargo, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
+ _chute = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", position _cargo, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
+ _chute attachTo [_cargo, _cargo_pos];
+ _velocity = velocity _cargo;
+ detach _chute;
+ if (IL_Para_Drop_Velocity) then
+ {
+ _chute setVelocity _velocity;
+ };
+ _cargo attachTo [_chute, _cargo_pos];
+ if (IL_Para_Smoke) then
+ {
+ _smoke = [_smoke_type, _cargo] call IL_Create_And_Attach;
+ };
+ if (IL_Para_Light) then
+ {
+ _light = [_chemlight_type, _cargo] call IL_Create_And_Attach;
+ };
+ while {(getPos _cargo) select 2 > 2} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ detach _cargo;
+ if (IL_Para_Smoke) then
+ {
+ _smoke attachTo [_cargo,[0,0,2]];
+ detach _smoke;
+ };
+ if (IL_Para_Light) then
+ {
+ _light attachTo [_cargo,[0,0,2]];
+ detach _light;
+ };
+ //Additional lights and smoke
+ if (IL_Para_Smoke_Add) then
+ {
+ _smoke = [_smoke_type, _cargo] call IL_Create_And_Attach;
+ _smoke attachTo [_cargo,[0,0,2]];
+ detach _smoke;
+ };
+ if (IL_Para_Light_Add) then
+ {
+ _light = [_chemlight_type, _cargo] call IL_Create_And_Attach;
+ _light attachTo [_cargo,[0,0,2]];
+ detach _light;
+ };
+ _cargo setPosASL getPosASL _cargo;
+ if (IL_CDamage == 0) then
+ {
+ _cargo setDamage 0;
+ };
+ if (IL_CDamage == 1) then
+ {
+ _cargo setDamage _damage;
+ if (_damage != (getDammage _cargo)) then
+ {
+ sleep 1;
+ _cargo setDamage _damage;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_Cargo_Para
+ IL_Do_Load =
+ {
+ private["_NoBoxHint", "_v", "_supported_cargo", "_zload", "_x_cargo_offset", "_cargo_offset", "_sdist", "_spoint", "_slot_num", "_counter", "_done", "_obj_lst", "_damage", "_obj_type", "_doors", "_box_num", "_dummy", "_nic", "_turn", "_force", "_cargo"];
+ _NoBoxHint = "The box is in the vicinity. Perhaps it is outside of the loading area.";
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"" in IL_Do_Load", IL_Script_Inst];
+ Player globalChat format ["IgiLoad: vehicle %1 in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV = 2",typeOf _v, (typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV];
+ };
+ if (locked _v >= 2) exitWith {hint "Locked Vehicles can not be loaded";};
+ _supported_cargo = _this select 1;
+ _doors = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"B"};
+ _force = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {false};
+ _cargo = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {ObjNull};
+ _v setVariable["can_load", false, true];
+ _zload = _v getVariable "zload";
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _v);
+ _sdist = 0;
+ _counter = 0;
+ _done = false;
+ _turn = false;
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-4.5,-1.6];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-4.5,-1.6];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad-SDV ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-5.0,-1.6];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_v getVariable "load_offset"),0];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_v getVariable "load_offset"),0];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_v getVariable "load_offset"),0];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-16.5,-3];//Ramp end [0,-13.5,-3.2]
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-9,-3];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0,-6,-3];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "L")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0-3,1.3,-1.3];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num_l";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num_l";
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "R")) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Do_load vehicle type: ""%2"" and doors: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _obj_type, _doors];
+ };
+ _sdist = IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset;
+ _spoint = _v modelToWorld [0+3,1.3,-1.3];
+ _box_num = _v getVariable "box_num_r";
+ _slot_num = _v getVariable "slots_num_r";
+ };
+ /*
+ // The above stock code was replaced according to this post to prevent loading locked vehicles.
+ http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/30207-igiload-script-updated-5292015-install-video/page-8
+ */
+ if !(_force) then
+ {
+ _obj_lst = nearestObjects[ _spoint, _supported_cargo, _sdist];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj_lst = [_cargo];
+ };
+ if(IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ player globalChat format["IgiLoad: _spoint %1 | _sdist %2 | count _obj_lst %3",_spoint,_sdist,count _obj_lst];
+ };
+ if (count (_obj_lst) > 0) then
+ {
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Cargo: ""%2"" found.", IL_Script_Inst, _x];
+ };
+ if (isNil {_x getVariable "attachedPos"}) then
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". Init box: ""%2"".", IL_Script_Inst, _x];
+ };
+ [_x] call IL_Init_Box;
+ };
+ if ((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Cargo20 + ["Land_WaterTank_F"])) then
+ {
+ _turn = true;
+ };
+ // Checks for locked vehicles
+ //
+ //
+ //It allows you to load oversize loads, but they must be on the list of supported cargo!!!
+ if (locked _x >= 2) then
+ {
+ diag_log "IgiLoad.sqf --->>> Locked vehicle detected load blocked";
+ hint "Locked vehicles can not be loaded.";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((abs(_slot_num - _box_num) < (_x getVariable "slots")) && (_box_num != 0)) then
+ {
+ [_v, "This cargo is to big. "] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ }
+ else
+ // Put a check for lock status here
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format ["IgiLoad ""%1"". _box_num: ""%2"" _slot_num: ""%3""", IL_Script_Inst, _box_num, _slot_num];
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ _turn = !_turn;
+ };
+ if ((_box_num > _slot_num) && !_done) then
+ {
+ [_v, Format ["Loading ""%1"" on ""%2"" started", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName")]] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ _done = true;
+ _counter = (_box_num);
+ _zload = (_v getVariable "zload") + (_x getVariable "zload_cargo");
+ _cargo_offset = (_v getVariable "load_offset") + (_x getVariable "cargo_offset");
+ if ((typeOf _x) in IL_Supported_UGV) then
+ {
+ _x_cargo_offset = -0.4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _x_cargo_offset = 0;
+ };
+ _damage = getDammage _x;
+ if ((typeOf _x) in IL_Supported_SDV) then
+ {
+ _x animate ["periscope", 3];
+ _x animate ["Antenna", 3];
+ _x animate ["HideScope", 3];
+ _x animate["display_on_R", 1];
+ //animationPhase
+ [_v, "Waiting for periscope."] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ while {_x animationPhase "periscope" < 3} do
+ {
+ sleep 1;
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-3.0,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-6 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-7 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-6.5 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-9,-0.93 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-8,-0.93 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.93 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-3.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-2.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 17 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-16.5,-1.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-14,-1.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-13,-1.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-6.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-5.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 32 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-9,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 9 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-6,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-1.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-1.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 9 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "L")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset-3,1.3,-1.3 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset-1,-0.2,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "R")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset+3,1.3,-1.3 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset+1,-0.2,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ _counter = _counter - (_x getVariable "slots");
+ if (_doors == "B") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num", _counter, true];
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "L")) then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_l", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_l", _x, true];
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "R")) then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_r", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_r", _x, true];
+ };
+ [_v] call IL_SetNewMass;
+ if (_x isKindOf "AllVehicles") then
+ {
+ _x forceSpeed 0;
+ };
+ _x setVariable["attachedPos", _counter, true];
+ _x setVariable["attachedTruck", _v, true];
+ _x setVariable["doors", _doors, true];
+ if (IL_CDamage == 0) then
+ {
+ _x setDamage 0;
+ };
+ if (IL_CDamage == 1) then
+ {
+ _x setDamage _damage;
+ if (_damage != (getDammage _x)) then
+ {
+ sleep 1;
+ _x setDamage _damage;
+ };
+ };
+ if (_counter > _slot_num) then
+ {
+ [_v, Format ["""%1"" is loaded onto ""%2"". Free slots: ""%3"".", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName"), abs(_slot_num - _counter)], true] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [_v, Format ["""%1"" is loaded onto ""%2"" There is no more space.", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName")], true] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ };
+ //player addScore IL_Load_Score;
+ [Player, IL_Load_Score] call IL_Score;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((_box_num > _slot_num) && !_done) then
+ {
+ [_v, _NoBoxHint] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ if (_done) exitWith {};
+ };
+ }forEach (_obj_lst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [_v, _NoBoxHint] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ };
+ _v setVariable["can_load", true, true];
+ };
+// END IL_Do_Load
+ IL_Do_Unload =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_Do_Unload.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private ["_v", "_para", "_supported_cargo", "_doors", "_counter", "_done", "_obj_lst", "_zload", "_x_cargo_offset", "_cargo_offset", "_obj_type", "_damage", "_nic", "_free_slots", "_turn", "_skip", "_last_attach_pos"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _para = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {false};
+ //_para = _this select 1;
+ // _supported_cargo = _this select 2;
+ // _doors = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {"B"};
+ _doors = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"B"};
+ _v setVariable["can_load", false, true];
+ _counter = 0;
+ _done = false;
+ _turn = false;
+ _skip = true;
+ _obj_lst = [];
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _v);
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ if (_doors == "L") then
+ {
+ _obj_lst = [_v getVariable "box_l"];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _obj_lst = [_v getVariable "box_r"];
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+// _obj_lst = nearestObjects[_v, _supported_cargo, IL_SDistU];
+ _obj_lst = attachedObjects _v;
+ };
+ if (count (_obj_lst) > 0) then
+ {
+ {
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _v);
+ if (_x getVariable "doors" == _doors) then
+ {
+ if (_doors == "B") then
+ {
+ _counter = (_v getVariable "box_num");
+ };
+ if (_doors == "L") then
+ {
+ _counter = (_v getVariable "box_num_l");
+ };
+ if (_doors == "R") then
+ {
+ _counter = (_v getVariable "box_num_r");
+ };
+ if (((_x getVariable "attachedTruck") == _v) && ((_x getVariable "attachedPos") == (_counter)) && (_counter < 0) && !_done) then
+ {
+ [_v, Format ["Unloading ""%1"" from ""%2"" started", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName")]] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ _done = true;
+ _skip = false;
+ _zload = (_v getVariable "zload") + (_x getVariable "zload_cargo");
+ _cargo_offset = (_v getVariable "load_offset") + (_x getVariable "cargo_offset");
+ _damage = getDammage _x;
+ // if ((typeOf _x) == "Land_WaterTank_F") then
+ // {
+ // _turn = true;
+ // };
+ if ((typeOf _x) in IL_Supported_UGV) then
+ {
+ _x_cargo_offset = -0.4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _x_cargo_offset = 0;
+ };
+ _obj_type = (typeOf _v);
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if (_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-5.2,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-6 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 0.25 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-7 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-6.5 - _cargo_offset,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if !(_para) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 17 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-2.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-3.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.93 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-8,-0.93 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-9,-0.93 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-10,-0.93 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-12,-0.93 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset,-12,_zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if !(_para) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 32 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-5.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-6.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-13,-1.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-14,-1.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-16.5,-1.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-16.5,-1.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-19.5,-1.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset,-19.5,-1.75 + _zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if !(_para) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 9 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-7,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-9,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset,-10,-0.75 + _zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) && (_doors == "B")) then
+ {
+ if !(_para) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,_counter + 9 - _cargo_offset,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-1.5,_zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ };
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-1.5,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset,-4.5,-0.75 + _zload], [_x_cargo_offset,-6,-0.75 + _zload], 1, _turn] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset,-6,-0.75 + _zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "L")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset-1,-0.2,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset-3,1.3,-0.75 + _zload], 1] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset-3,1.3,-0.75 + _zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_obj_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) && (_doors == "R")) then
+ {
+ [_v, _x, [_x_cargo_offset+1,-0.2,_zload], [_x_cargo_offset+3,1.3,-0.75 + _zload], 1] call IL_Move_Attach;
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ _last_attach_pos = [_x_cargo_offset+3,1.3,-0.75 + _zload];
+ };
+ };
+ if ((_para) && (_obj_type in IL_Para_Drop_Vehicles)) then
+ {
+ [_x, _v, _last_attach_pos] spawn IL_Cargo_Para;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ detach _x;
+ _x setVelocity [0, 0, -0.2];
+ };
+ if (_x isKindOf "AllVehicles") then
+ {
+ _x forceSpeed -1;
+ };
+ _counter = _counter + (_x getVariable "slots");
+ if (_doors == "B") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num", _counter, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num") - (_v getVariable "box_num"));
+ };
+ if (_doors == "L") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_l", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_l", _v, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num_l") - (_v getVariable "box_num_l"));
+ };
+ if (_doors == "R") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_r", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_r", _v, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num_r") - (_v getVariable "box_num_r"));
+ };
+ [_v] call IL_SetNewMass;
+ _x setVariable["attachedPos", 0, true];
+ _x setVariable["attachedTruck", _x, true];
+ _x setVariable["doors", "N", true];
+ if (IL_CDamage == 0) then
+ {
+ _x setDamage 0;
+ };
+ if (IL_CDamage == 1) then
+ {
+ _x setDamage _damage;
+ if (_damage != (getDammage _x)) then
+ {
+ sleep 1;
+ _x setDamage _damage;
+ };
+ };
+ [_v, Format ["""%1"" was unloaded from the ""%2"". Free slots: ""%3"".", getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _x >> "displayName"), getText(configFile >> "cfgVehicles" >> typeOf _v >> "displayName"), _free_slots], true] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ //player addScore IL_Unload_Score;
+ [Player, IL_Unload_Score] call IL_Score;
+ sleep 1;
+ };
+ };
+ if (_done) exitWith {};
+ } forEach (_obj_lst);
+ if (_skip) then
+ {
+ [_v, "Can not find cargo. Try again."] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ if (_counter < 0) then
+ {
+ _counter = _counter + 1;
+ };
+ if (_doors == "B") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num", _counter, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num") - (_v getVariable "box_num"));
+ };
+ if (_doors == "L") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_l", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_l", _v, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num_l") - (_v getVariable "box_num_l"));
+ };
+ if (_doors == "R") then
+ {
+ _v setVariable["box_num_r", _counter, true];
+ _v setVariable["box_r", _v, true];
+ _free_slots = abs((_v getVariable "slots_num_r") - (_v getVariable "box_num_r"));
+ };
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ [_v, "BOX 404 error. Box not found O.o. Vehicle data reset..."] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ [_v, true] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ [_v, "Vehicle data reset done."] call IL_Vehicle_Chat;
+ };
+ [_v] call IL_SetNewMass;
+ _v setVariable["can_load", true, true];
+ };
+// END IL_Do_Unload
+ IL_GetOut =
+ {
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_GetOut.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ private ["_v", "_player", "_para", "_chute", "_backpack", "_pos", "_x_offset", "_dist", "_dist_out", "_dist_out_para", "_velocity"];
+ _v = _this select 0;
+ _player = _this select 1;
+ _para = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {false};
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ _dist_out = 5;
+ _dist_out_para = 5;
+ };
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) then
+ {
+ _dist_out = 5;
+ _dist_out_para = 11;
+ };
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) then
+ {
+ _dist_out = 7;
+ _dist_out_para = 11;
+ };
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) then
+ {
+ _dist_out = 7;
+ _dist_out_para = 15;
+ };
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) then
+ {
+ _dist_out = 15;
+ _dist_out_para = 20;
+ };
+ _pos = (_v worldToModel (getPosATL _player));
+ _x_offset = _pos select 0;
+ if (_x_offset < 0) then
+ {
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ _x_offset = 90;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _x_offset = 8;
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((typeOf _v) in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ {
+ _x_offset = -90;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _x_offset = -8;
+ };
+ };
+ _player allowDamage false;
+ sleep 0.2;
+ unassignVehicle _player;
+ _player action ["EJECT",vehicle _player];
+ sleep 0.5;
+ if !(_para) then
+ {
+ _player setDir ((getDir _v) + 180);
+ _pos = ([_v, _dist_out, ((getDir _v) + 180 + _x_offset)] call BIS_fnc_relPos);
+ _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosATL _v) select 2)];
+ _player setPosATL _pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // _backpack = unitBackpack _player;
+ // if !((_backpack isKindOf "B_Parachute") || (isNull _backpack)) then
+ // {
+ // _backpack AttachTo [_player, [0,0.15,0.15], "Pelvis"];
+ // [_backpack, _player, 180] call IL_Rotate;
+ // };
+ _pos = ([_v, _dist_out_para, ((getDir _v) + 180 + _x_offset)] call BIS_fnc_relPos);
+ _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosATL _v) select 2)];
+ _player setPosATL _pos;
+ _dist = _v distance _player;
+ while {(_v distance _player) - _dist < 20} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ if (IL_Para_Jump_Open_ATL > 0) then
+ {
+ while {(getPosATL _player) select 2 > IL_Para_Jump_Open_ATL} do
+ {
+ sleep 0.2;
+ };
+ };
+ if !(unitBackpack _player isKindOf "B_Parachute") then
+ {
+ _chute = createVehicle ["Steerable_Parachute_F", position _player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"];
+// _chute setPos getPos _player;
+ _chute AttachTo [_player, [0,0,0]];
+ detach _chute;
+ _velocity = velocity _player;
+ _player moveInDriver _chute;
+ if (IL_Para_Jump_Velocity) then
+ {
+ _chute setVelocity _velocity;
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ _player allowDamage true;
+ // if !((_backpack isKindOf "B_Parachute") || (isNull _backpack)) then
+ // {
+ // while {(getPosATL _backpack) select 2 < 5} do
+ // {
+ // sleep 0.2;
+ // };
+ // _backpack AttachTo [_player, [0,0.15,-1.5], "Pelvis"];
+ // while {(getPosATL _backpack) select 2 < 1} do
+ // {
+ // sleep 0.2;
+ // };
+ // detach _backpack;
+ // };
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_GetOut.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" IL_GetOut. Player ATL: ""%2""", IL_Script_Inst, _pos];
+ };
+ };
+// END IL_GetOut
+_vsupported = false;
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MOHAWK.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on CH-49",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Mohawk, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on CH-49",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Mohawk, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in CH-49",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) moveInCargo (_this select 0);
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out CH-49",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from CH-49",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Open cargo ramp in CH-49",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['CargoRamp_Open', 1];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Close cargo ramp in CH-49",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['CargoRamp_Open', 0];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'CargoRamp_Open' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_CHINOOK.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ if (typeOf _obj_main == "CH_147F") then
+ {
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook Ride in back",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) moveInCargo (_this select 0);
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) setDir (getDir (_this select 0));
+ _pos = ([(_this select 0), 4.5, (getDir (_this select 0))] call BIS_fnc_relPos);
+ _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosATL (_this select 0)) select 2) + 1];
+ (_this select 1) setPosATL _pos;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Open cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['ani_ramp', 1];
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['ani_ramp2', 1];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Close cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['ani_ramp', 0];
+ _this select 0 animatedoor ['ani_ramp2', 0];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'ani_ramp' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ };
+ if (typeOf _obj_main == "CH_47F") then
+ {
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook Ride in back",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) moveInCargo (_this select 0);
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) setDir (getDir (_this select 0));
+ _pos = ([(_this select 0), 4.5, (getDir (_this select 0))] call BIS_fnc_relPos);
+ _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosATL (_this select 0)) select 2) + 1];
+ (_this select 1) setPosATL _pos;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Open cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['Ramp', 1];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Close cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['Ramp', 0];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'Ramp' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ };
+ if (typeOf _obj_main in ["kyo_MH47E_HC", "kyo_MH47E_Ramp", "kyo_MH47E_base"]) then
+ {
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_CHINOOK, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook Ride in back",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) moveInCargo (_this select 0);
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in Chinook",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) setDir (getDir (_this select 0));
+ _pos = ([(_this select 0), 4.5, (getDir (_this select 0))] call BIS_fnc_relPos);
+ _pos = [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, ((getPosATL (_this select 0)) select 2) + 1];
+ (_this select 1) setPosATL _pos;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from Chinook",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' < 0.43)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Open cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['Ani_Ramp', 0];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Close cargo ramp in Chinook",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['Ani_Ramp', 1];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'Ani_Ramp' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ };
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C130J.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ if (_obj_main_type == "C130J") then
+ {
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out on the side of ramp",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' > 0.9) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+// "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' < 0.1) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ };
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on C-130J",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C130J] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C130J, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_top' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on C-130J",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C130J] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C130J, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_top' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from C-130J",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_top' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_top' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_top' == 1)"
+ ];
+ // _obj_main addAction [
+ // "Open lower part of ramp in C-130J",
+ // {
+ // _this select 0 animate ['ramp_bottom', 1];
+ // },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ // "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ // ];
+ // _obj_main addAction [
+ // "Close lower part of ramp in C-130J",
+ // {
+ // _this select 0 animate ['ramp_bottom', 0];
+ // },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ // "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-9,-5.4], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'ramp_bottom' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ // ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_C17.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on C17",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_C17] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5,-3.2], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_C17, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on C17",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_C17] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5,-3.2], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_C17, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get in C17",
+ {
+ (_this select 1) moveInCargo (_this select 0);
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && ((_target emptyPositions 'cargo') > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Get out C17",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, false] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' > 0.43) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from C17",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ while {((_this select 0) getVariable "box_num") != 0} do
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ };
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Open cargo doors in C17",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp', 1];
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp_door_main', 1];
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp_st', 1];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 0) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Close cargo doors in C17",
+ {
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp_st', 0];
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp', 0];
+ _this select 0 animate ['back_ramp_door_main', 0];
+ },[],IL_Action_O_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || ((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-16.5 + IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset,-2], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside'))) && (_target animationPhase 'back_ramp' == 1) && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_MH9.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on left MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9, "L"] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0-3,1,-1.3], IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0-3,1,-1.3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num_l' > _target getVariable 'slots_num_l') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on right MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9, "R"] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0+3,1,-1.3], IL_Supported_Cargo_MH9, IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0+3,1,-1.3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num_r' > _target getVariable 'slots_num_r') && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from left MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, false, "L"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num_l' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0-3,1,-1.3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from right MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, false, "R"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num_r' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (IL_Can_Inside && ('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot')) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0+3,1,-1.3], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && (((getPos _target) select 2) <= IL_LU_Alt)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute left MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true, "L"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num_l' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo with parachute right MH-9",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true, "R"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num_r' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload ALL cargo with parachute",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, true, "L"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ [_this select 0, true, "R"] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num_r' < 0) && (_target getVariable 'box_num_l' < 0) && ((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Drop_ATL)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
+ {
+ [_this select 0, _this select 1, true] call IL_GetOut;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "('cargo' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (((getPosATL _target) select 2) >= IL_Para_Jump_ATL) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading for Co-Pilot",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_copilot", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot') && IL_Can_CoPilot)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && !(_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable usable ramp",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["usable_ramp", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(((driver _target == _this) || (('Turret' in (assignedVehicleRole _this)) && (vehicle _this == _target) && (_target getVariable 'can_copilot'))) && (_target getVariable 'usable_ramp') && IL_Ramp)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_OFFROAD.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on Offroad",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_OFFROAD] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_OFFROAD, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on Offroad",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_OFFROAD] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_OFFROAD, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from Offroad",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_SDV.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on SDV",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_SDV] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-5.0,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_SDV, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ /*
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on Offroad",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_OFFROAD] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_OFFROAD, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ */
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from SDV",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-5.0,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_VAN.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on VAN",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_VAN] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_VAN, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on VAN",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_VAN] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_VAN, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from VAN",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-4.5,0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_KAMAZ.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on ZAMAK",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Kamaz] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_Kamaz, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on ZAMAK",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_Kamaz, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from ZAMAK",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_TEMPEST.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on TEMPEST",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_TEMPEST] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_TEMPEST, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on TEMPEST",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_TEMPEST] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_TEMPEST, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || ((((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset]))) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from TEMPEST",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-6.5 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (_obj_main_type in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT) then
+ if (IL_DevMod) then
+ {
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" Vehicle is in IL_Supported_Vehicles_HEMTT.", IL_Script_Inst];
+ };
+ _vsupported = true;
+ [_obj_main] call IL_Init_Veh;
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load cargo on HEMTT",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_HEMTT] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_NonVeh_HEMTT, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Load vehicle on HEMTT",
+ {
+ [_this select 0, IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT] call IL_Do_Load;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,true,true,"",
+ "(count(nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], IL_Supported_Cargo_Veh_HEMTT, IL_SDistL]) > 0) && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'box_num' > _target getVariable 'slots_num') && (_target getVariable 'can_load')"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "
Unload cargo from HEMTT",
+ {
+ [_this select 0] call IL_Do_Unload;
+ },[],IL_Action_LU_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "(_target getVariable 'box_num' < 0) && ((IL_Can_Inside && (driver _target == _this)) || (((_this in (nearestObjects[ _target modelToWorld [0,-7 - (_target getVariable 'load_offset'),0], [], IL_SDistL + IL_SDistL_Heli_offset])) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside')))) && (_target getVariable 'can_load') && (abs(speed _target) <= IL_LU_Speed)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Enable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", true, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && !(_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+ _obj_main addAction [
+ "Disable loading from outside",
+ {
+ (_this select 0) setVariable["can_outside", false, true];;
+ },[],IL_Action_S_Priority,false,true,"",
+ "((driver _target == _this) && (_target getVariable 'can_outside') && IL_Can_Outside)"
+ ];
+if (!(_vsupported) && (IL_DevMod)) then
+ Player globalChat Format["Object type: ""%1"" is not supported.", _obj_main_type];
+if (IL_DevMod) then
+ Player globalChat Format["IgiLoad ""%1"" END.", IL_Script_Inst];
+// EOF
diff --git a/IgiLoadInit.sqf b/IgiLoadInit.sqf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ade10b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/IgiLoadInit.sqf
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
+//if (isDedicated) exitwith {};
+//if (isServer) exitwith {};
+//waitUntil { !(isNull player) };
+waitUntil { time > 0 };
+IL_EV_Count = 0;
+IL_Veh_Array = [];
+systemChat "IgiLoad is loading. Please wait...";
+sleep (random 30);
+systemChat Format["IgiLoad init Player: %1", Player];
+_null = [Player] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
+waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
+sleep (random (IL_Check_Veh_Max - IL_Check_Veh_Min));
+ if ((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) then
+ {
+ IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array + [_x];
+ _null = [_x] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
+ waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
+ };
+} forEach (vehicles);
+systemChat "IgiLoad loaded. Have fun :)";
+while {true} do
+ sleep (IL_Check_Veh_Min + (random (IL_Check_Veh_Max - IL_Check_Veh_Min)));
+ //Delete vehicles from "IL_Veh_Array" if not in "vehicles"
+ {
+ if !(_x in vehicles) then
+ {
+ IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array - [_x];
+ };
+ } forEach (IL_Veh_Array);
+ {
+ if (((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) && !(_x in IL_Veh_Array)) then
+ {
+ IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array + [_x];
+ _null = [_x] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
+ waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
+ };
+ } forEach (vehicles);
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bd9efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# IgiLoad
+Modifications to support Epoch and blckeagls
+I take no credit for creating IgiLoad which was originally developed by igi_pl.
+I have made modifications to the IgiLoad.sqf to add epoch vehicles and to add loading of crates onto SDV (subs).
+To use, just replace or current IgiLoad with the one downloaded here and you should be good to go.
+If you have already modified IgiLoad just merge the one here with yours as appropriate.
+I will be adding additional Epoch vehicles over the upcoming week to include the upgraded ones supported by Epoch 1.0.0