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synced 2024-08-30 16:52:10 +00:00
51 lines
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51 lines
1.2 KiB
waituntil {!isnil "bis_fnc_init"};
//if (isDedicated) exitwith {};
//if (isServer) exitwith {};
//waitUntil { !(isNull player) };
waitUntil { time > 0 };
IL_EV_Count = 0;
IL_Veh_Array = [];
systemChat "IgiLoad is loading. Please wait...";
sleep (random 30);
systemChat Format["IgiLoad init Player: %1", Player];
_null = [Player] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
sleep (random (IL_Check_Veh_Max - IL_Check_Veh_Min));
if ((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) then
IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array + [_x];
_null = [_x] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
} forEach (vehicles);
systemChat "IgiLoad loaded. Have fun :)";
while {true} do
sleep (IL_Check_Veh_Min + (random (IL_Check_Veh_Max - IL_Check_Veh_Min)));
//Delete vehicles from "IL_Veh_Array" if not in "vehicles"
if !(_x in vehicles) then
IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array - [_x];
} forEach (IL_Veh_Array);
if (((typeOf _x) in (IL_Supported_Vehicles_All)) && !(_x in IL_Veh_Array)) then
IL_Veh_Array = IL_Veh_Array + [_x];
_null = [_x] execVM "IgiLoad\IgiLoad.sqf";
waitUntil {scriptDone _null};
} forEach (vehicles);