Eden Export

This commit is contained in:
He-Man 2018-12-07 17:19:51 +01:00
parent 58dd0319f8
commit 2900271835
2 changed files with 67 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
_allobj = (allmissionobjects "") select {!(isplayer _x) && !(_x iskindof "logic") && !(_x iskindof "CamCurator") && !(_x iskindof "CBA_NamespaceDummy") && !(_x iskindof "MAN")};
_offset = 0;
_pos = getposWorld _x;
_pos set [2,(_pos select 2)+_offset];
_type = typeof _x;
if (_type isequalto "") then {
_type = _x;
_obj = [_type,_pos,getdir _x,[vectorDir _x, vectorup _x]];
ExportObjects pushback _obj;
} foreach _allobj;
copytoclipboard str ExportObjects;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
_allobj = (allmissionobjects "") select {!(isplayer _x) && !(_x iskindof "logic") && !(_x iskindof "CamCurator") && !(_x iskindof "CBA_NamespaceDummy") && !(_x iskindof "MAN")};
_offset = 0;
_ExportObjects = [];
_pos = getposWorld _x;
_pos set [2,(_pos select 2)+_offset];
_type = typeof _x;
if (_type isequalto "") then {
_type = _x;
_obj = [_type,_pos,getdir _x,[vectorDir _x, vectorup _x]];
_ExportObjects pushback _obj;
} foreach _allobj;
_createcode = "
if (!isserver) exitwith {};
private ['_object'];
_x params ['_type','_pos','_dir','_vectordirandup'];
_simulate = false;
_allowdamage = true;
_object = objnull;
if (_type iskindof 'house') then {
if (_type in ['Land_Pier_F']) exitwith {
_simulate = false;
_simulate = true;
else {
if !(((tolower _type) find (tolower _x)) isequalto -1) exitwith {
_simulate = true;
_allowdamage = false;
} foreach ['lamp','light','fuel','fire','gate','helipad'];
if (_simulate) then {
_object = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,'CAN_COLLIDE'];
if (!_allowdamage) then {
_object allowdamage false;
else {
_object = createsimpleobject [_type,[0,0,0]];
_object setPosWorld _pos;
_object setdir _dir;
_object setVectorDirAndUp _vectordirandup;
} forEach _objects;
_ExportCode = "_objects = " + (str _ExportObjects) + ";" + _createcode;
copytoclipboard _ExportCode;