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synced 2024-08-30 16:22:10 +00:00
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EMS Mission end condition
_return = [_pos,_units,_start,_timeout,[_obj1,_obj2,_obj3]]call SEM_fnc_endCondition;
0 = false (default when no condition is met)
1 = time is up and no player is nearby
2 = All objects (vehicles) are destroyed
3 = AI is dead
_pos = _this select 0;
_units = _this select 1;
_start = _this select 2;
_timeOut = _this select 3;
_missionID = _this select 4;
if (count _this > 5) then {
_objects = _this select 5
else {
_objects = []
_return = 0;
_playerPresent = false;
if (_timeOut > 0) then { //Mission time out possible
if (time - _start > _timeOut) then { //Time is up
/* Check for players in the area */
uisleep 0.1;
if(isPlayer _x && _x distance _pos < (500 max SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance)) exitwith {
_playerPresent = true
} forEach (if(isMultiplayer)then[{allplayers},{allUnits}]);
if (!_playerPresent) then {_return = 1};
if (_return < 1 && count _objects > 0) then {
if ({alive _x}count _objects == 0) then {
_return = 2
if (_return < 2) then {
if({alive _x} count _units < 1)then{
_return = 3
if (_return < 3) then{
if(_x isKindOf "Car" || _x isKindOf "tank")then{
_y = _x;
if(isPlayer _x && alive _x) exitWith {
_return = 3
} count crew _y;
}forEach _objects;