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synced 2024-08-30 16:22:10 +00:00
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Based Of drsubo Mission Scripts
File: bPlaneCrash.sqf
Author: Cammygames, drsubo
Edited by KiloSwiss
_pos = _this select 0;
_name = _this select 1 select 1;
_timeout = _this select 1 select 2; //Mission timeout
_missionID = _this select 2;
_missionType = _this select 3;
_missionObjects = [];
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Plane_Transport_01_F", _pos, [], 0, "NONE"];
_missionObjects pushBack _wreck;
_wreck setDir (random 360);
_wreck setPos _pos;
_box1 = createVehicle ["Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F", _pos, [], 15, "NONE"];
_missionObjects pushBack _box1;
_box1 call SEM_fnc_emptyGear;
_group = [_pos,(6+(random 2))] call SEM_fnc_spawnAI;
{_missionObjects pushBack _x}forEach units _group;
[_group, _pos] call SEM_fnc_AImove;
//[_group, _pos] spawn SEM_fnc_AIsetOwner;
_hintString = "<t align='center' size='2.0' color='#f29420'>Mission<br/>Supply Plane</t><br/>
<t size='1.25' color='#ffff00'>______________<br/><br/>A supply plane has crashed<br/>
You have our permission to confiscate any property you find as payment for eliminating the threat!";
[0,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2];
/* Mission End Conditions */
_start = time;
_units = units _group;
waitUntil{ sleep 5;
_endCondition = [_pos,_units,_start,_timeout,_missionID,[_box1]]call SEM_fnc_endCondition;
(_endCondition > 0)
SEM_globalMissionMarker = [false,_endCondition,_missionID,_missionType];
SEM_globalMissionMarker call SEM_createMissionMarker;
if(_endCondition == 3)then[{ //Win!
[_box1,1] call SEM_fnc_crateLoot;
if(SEM_MissionCleanup > 0)then{[_pos, _missionObjects] call SEM_fnc_missionCleanup};
_hintString = "<t align='center' size='2.0' color='#6bab3a'>Mission success<br/>
<t size='1.25' color='#ffff00'>______________<br/><br/>All bandits have been defeated!";
[_endCondition,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2];
},{ // 1 or 2 = Fail
{deleteVehicle _x; sleep .1}forEach _missionObjects;
_hintString = "<t align='center' size='2.0' color='#ab2121'>Mission FAILED</t>";
[_endCondition,_hintString] remoteexec ["SEM_Client_GlobalHint",-2];
deleteGroup _group;