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synced 2024-08-30 16:22:10 +00:00
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72 lines
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/* KiloSwiss */
_defaultCenterPos = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition");
_worldSize = SEM_worldData select 0;
_worldCenterPos = SEM_worldData select 1;
_locations = SEM_worldData select 2;;
_worldRadius = (1500 max (_worldSize/2));
_searchRadius = (150 max (_worldRadius/5) min 300);
_blockRadius = (500 max (_worldRadius/3) min 3000);
_blockPos = [];
{_blockPos pushBack _x}forEach SEM_lastMissionPositions;
{_blockPos pushBack (getMarkerPos _x)}forEach SEM_blockMarker;
/* Convoy start position */
waitUntil{ private["_dir","_searchDist","_posX","_posY","_checkPos","_roads"]; sleep .1; _found = false;
/* Randomize the search area */
_dir = random 360;
_searchDist = (_worldRadius/2 max random(_worldRadius - _searchRadius));
_posX = (_worldCenterPos select 0) + sin(_dir) * _searchDist;
_posY = (_worldCenterPos select 1) + cos(_dir) * _searchDist;
_checkPos = [_posX, _posY, 0];
_roads = _checkPos nearRoads _searchRadius;
if(count _roads > 0)then{
{ private "_checkPos";
_checkPos = getPos (_roads select _forEachIndex);
_startPos = _checkPos findEmptyPosition [0,0,"ProtectionZone_F"];
if(count _startPos > 0)exitWith{_found = true};
}forEach _roads;
{if(_x distance _startPos < _blockRadius)exitWith{_found = false}}forEach _blockPos;
{if(isPlayer _x)then[{if(_x distance _startPos < _blockRadius)exitWith{_found = false}},{UIsleep .05}]}forEach (if(isMultiplayer)then[{allplayers},{allUnits}]);
/* Convoy destination */
_found = false;
while{!_found}do{ UIsleep .1; private["_randomLocation","_locationPos","_locationSize"];
/* Select a random location */
_randomLocation = _locations select random(count _locations -1);
_locationPos = locationPosition _randomLocation;
/* Let's suppose this position is a valid convoy destination */
_found = true;
/* Now check this position */
if(_locationPos distance _startPos < (_worldRadius))then{_found = false};
if(_found)then{ /* Check it again */
_locationSize = (if(size _randomLocation select 0 > size _randomLocation select 1)then[{size _randomLocation select 0},{size _randomLocation select 1}]);
_endPos = _locationPos findEmptyPosition [0,_locationSize,"ProtectionZone_F"];
if(count _endPos == 0)then{_found = false};
//_endPos = [_locationPos,0,(50 max _locationSize*1.5 min 200),30,0,0.7,0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;
//if(_endPos isEqualTo _defaultCenterPos)then{_found = false};
_endPos set [2,0];
_convoyRoute = [_startPos, _endPos];