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synced 2024-08-30 16:22:10 +00:00
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249 lines
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SEM - "Simple Epoch Missions" configuration file
By KiloSwiss
Update 27.03.2017
By [Ignatz] He-Man
[] spawn {
diag_log "#SEM INIT: Waiting for Epoch Server Ready ...";
waituntil {!isnil "EPOCH_SERVER_READY"};
diag_log "#SEM INIT: Epoch Server is ready... SEM waiting more 10s to start ...";
uisleep 10;
diag_log "#SEM INIT: Initialize Simple Epoch Missions";
private ["_handle","_end"];
_handle = execVM "sem\sem_config.sqf";
waitUntil {isNull _handle};
diag_log "#SEM: Loaded settings.";
if ((typeName SEM_debug) isEqualTo "SCALAR") then {
SEM_debug = (switch(round SEM_debug)do{
case 0:{"off"};
case 1:{"log"};
case 2:{"full"};
if !(SEM_debug in ["off","log","full"]) then {
SEM_debug = "log"
if (SEM_debug in ["log","full"]) then{
SEM_version = getText(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "sem" >> "SEM_version");
diag_log format ["#SEM Version %1 is running on %2 %3 version %4 [%5] %6 branch.",
(productVersion select 1),
str(if(isDedicated)then[{"dedicated server"},{if(hasInterface)then[{if(isServer)then[{"localhost"},{"client"}]},{"headless client"}]}]),
str(floor((productVersion select 2)/100)) + "." + str((productVersion select 2)-((floor((productVersion select 2)/100))*100)),
str(productVersion select 3),
(productVersion select 4)];
/* Set up variables */
SEM_MinPlayerStatic = (if(isMultiPlayer)then[{1 max SEM_MinPlayerStatic},{0}]);
SEM_MinPlayerDynamic = (if(isMultiPlayer)then[{1 max SEM_MinPlayerDynamic},{0}]);
SEM_MissionTimerMin = 1 max SEM_MissionTimerMin;
SEM_MissionTimerMax = 1 max SEM_MissionTimerMax;
SEM_MissionCleanup = -1 max SEM_MissionCleanup;
if(SEM_MissionTimerMin > SEM_MissionTimerMax)then{
private "_tempValueHolder";
_tempValueHolder = SEM_MissionTimerMax;
SEM_MissionTimerMax = SEM_MissionTimerMin;
SEM_MissionTimerMin = _tempValueHolder;
SEM_Krypto_AIroadkill = 1 max (abs SEM_Krypto_AIroadkill);
{if !(_x in SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI)then{SEM_removeWeaponsFromDeadAI pushBack _x}}forEach ["launch_RPG32_F","Srifle_GM6_F","Srifle_LRR_F","m107_EPOCH","m107Tan_EPOCH"];
{if !(_x in SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI)then{SEM_removeMagazinesFromDeadAI pushBack _x}}forEach ["RPG32_F","RPG32_HE_F","5Rnd_127x108_Mag","5Rnd_127x108_APDS_Mag","7Rnd_408_Mag"];
SEM_AIdropGearChance = 0 max SEM_AIdropGearChance min 100;
SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance = 300 max SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance min 1000;
SEM_AIsniperDamageEHunits = [];
if(SEM_debug isEqualTo "full")then{ /* Load debug settings */
SEM_MinPlayerStatic = 0;
SEM_MinPlayerDynamic = 0;
SEM_MissionCleanup = 2;
SEM_AIdisableSniperDamage = true; SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance = 100;
[] spawn {
SEM_version = SEM_version + " - DEBUG IS ON!";
while{true}do{publicVariable "SEM_version"; UIsleep 180};
}else{publicVariable "SEM_version"; UIsleep 30};
SEM_worldData = call SEM_fnc_getWorldData;
if(SEM_debug in ["log","full"])then{diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: World Data received. Counting %1 locations on island %2", count (SEM_worldData select 2), str worldName]};
publicVariable "SEM_AIsniperDamageDistance";
SEM_lastMissionPositions = [];
SEM_MissionID = 0;
if(hasInterface && isServer)then{waitUntil{isPlayer player}};
SEM_createMissionMarker = {
private ["_create","_markerPos","_markerID","_markerA","_markerB","_markerC","_markerD","_markerC_Pos","_markerName","_markerColor"];
_create = _this select 0;
//Create Marker
if (_create) then {
_markerPos = _this select 1;
_markerID = _this select 2;
_markerName = _this select 3;
_markerColor = (
switch (_this select 4) do {
case 0: {"ColorWhite"};
case 1: {"ColorUNKNOWN"};
case 2: {"ColorOrange"};
case 3: {"ColorEAST"};
case 4: {"ColorCIV"};
case 5: {"ColorBlack"};
default {"Default"};
_staticMission = ( switch(_this select 5)do{
case "static": {true};
case "dynamic": {false};
default {true};
if (_staticMission)then { //Static Mission
_markerA = createMarker [format["SEM_MissionMarkerA_%1", _markerID], _markerPos];
_markerB = createMarker [format["SEM_MissionMarkerB_%1", _markerID], _markerPos];
_markerC = createMarker [format["SEM_MissionMarkerC_%1", _markerID], _markerPos];
_x setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE";
_x setMarkerSize [500,500];
_x setMarkerPos _markerPos
}forEach [_markerA,_markerB];
_markerA setMarkerBrush "Cross";
_markerA setMarkerColor _markerColor;
_markerB setMarkerBrush "Border";
_markerB setMarkerColor "ColorRed";
_markerC_Pos = [(_markerPos select 0) - (count _markerName * 15), (_markerPos select 1) - 530, 0];
_markerC setMarkerShape "Icon";
_markerC setMarkerType "HD_Arrow";
_markerC setMarkerColor _markerColor;
_markerC setMarkerPos _markerC_Pos;
_markerC setMarkerText _markerName;
_markerC setMarkerDir 37;
else { //Dynamic Mission
_markerD = createMarker [format["SEM_MissionMarkerD_%1", _markerID], _markerPos];
_markerD setMarkerShape "Icon";
_markerD setMarkerType "mil_circle"; //"HD_Destroy";
_markerD setMarkerColor _markerColor;
_markerD setMarkerPos _markerPos;
_markerD setMarkerText _markerName;
else { //else delete marker
_this spawn {
private ["_endCondition","_deleteMarkerID","_endMissionType"];
_endCondition = _this select 1;
_deleteMarkerID = _this select 2;
_endMissionType = _this select 3;
if(_endCondition == 3)then {
if (getMarkerColor format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID] != "") then {
format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID] setMarkerColor "ColorIndependent";
} forEach (
if (_endMissionType == "static") then {
else {
sleep 120;
else {
if (getMarkerColor format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID] != "")then{
format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID] setMarkerColor "ColorGrey";
} forEach (if(_endMissionType == "static")then {
else {
uisleep 30;
{ /* Only delete existing Marker */
if (getMarkerColor format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID] != "") then {
deleteMarker format["SEM_MissionMarker%1_%2", _x, _deleteMarkerID];
} forEach (
if (_endMissionType == "static") then {
else {
SEM_client_updateMissionMarkerPos = {
_updateMarkerID = _this select 0;
_updateMarkerPos = _this select 1;
if (getMarkerColor format["SEM_MissionMarkerD_%1", _updateMarkerID] != "")then{
format["SEM_MissionMarkerD_%1", _updateMarkerID] setMarkerPos _updateMarkerPos;
SEM_Client_VehDamage = compilefinal "
private ['_vk','_vP','_s'];
_vk = _this;
_vP = vehicle player;
if (!local _vk) exitWith {};
if (_vk != _vP) exitWith {};
_vk setHitIndex [_forEachIndex,((_vk getHitIndex _forEachIndex)+(0.15+(random 0.15)))];
} forEach ((getAllHitPointsDamage _vk) param [0,[]]);
SEM_Client_GlobalHint = compilefinal "
_this spawn {
if (isnil 'SEM_lastEvent') then {
SEM_lastEvent = 0;
waitUntil {
if(time - SEM_lastEvent > 20) exitwith {
SEM_lastEvent = time;
_sound = _this select 0;
case 0:{playSound 'UAV_05'};
case 1:{playSound 'UAV_01'};
case 2:{playSound 'UAV_04'};
case 3:{playsound 'UAV_03'};
hint parseText format['%1', _this select 1];
publicvariable 'SEM_Client_VehDamage';
publicvariable 'SEM_Client_GlobalHint';
[SEM_staticMissions, SEM_staticMissionsPath ,"static"],
[SEM_dynamicMissions, SEM_dynamicMissionsPath ,"dynamic"]
] call SEM_fnc_missionController;
}; |