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Detect Threads in form of players.
Update 03.01.2015
Update 27.03.2017
By [Ignatz] He-Man
_this spawn {
diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: 1st Find Thread"];
_group = _this select 0;
_pos = _this select 1;
_checkPos = _pos; _checkPos set [2,2];
_units = units _group;
[_x, true] call SEM_fnc_AIdamageEH
} count _units;
_group reveal [_x,4];
} foreach (nearestobjects [_pos,[],50]);
while {{alive _x}count units _group > 0} do {
waitUntil {
uisleep 5;
_possibleThreads = []; //Check if any thread for the AI has been detected
//Check if any AI is shot by player
if (!isnull _x) then {
_attackervar = _x getVariable ["gotHitBy", Nil];
if (!isNil "_attackervar") then {
_attacker = _attackervar select 0;
_attacktime = _attackervar select 1;
if (isPlayer _attacker && !(_attacker in _possibleThreads)) then {
if ((time - _attacktime) < 150) then {
_possibleThreads pushBack _attacker;
diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: Attacker: %1",_attacker];
else {
_x setVariable ["gotHitBy", Nil]
} forEach _units; //Do NOT replace forEach with count!
//Check if any players are near
uisleep 0.1;
if (isPlayer _x && alive _x && !(_x in _possibleThreads)) then {
if (_x isKindOf "Epoch_Man_base_F" || _x isKindOf "Epoch_Female_base_F") then {
_possibleThreads pushBack _x
else {
_z = _x;
if (count crew _z > 0) then {
if (isPlayer _x) then {
_possibleThreads pushBack _x
} forEach crew _z;
} forEach (_pos nearEntities [["Epoch_Man_base_F","Epoch_Female_base_F","Helicopter","Car","Motorcycle"], 500]); //Do NOT replace forEach with count!
(count _possibleThreads > 0)
/* Thread has been detected */
if(SEM_debug in ["log","full"])then{
diag_log format["#SEM DEBUG: Possible threads: %1", _possibleThreads]
/* AI react immediately */
_group reveal [_x,2]
} count _possibleThreads; //Reveal threads
}; //End of while loop
}; |