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2017-10-26 01:36:31 +00:00
while {true} do
_cycle = ((random 1) + 1);
If (!IsNull _x) then
_grp = _x;
_members = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Origin") select 4;
_grpmission = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_GrpMission";
_grpstatus = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_Grpstatus";
_grpid = _grp getVariable "UPSMON_grpid";
_Ucthis = _grp getvariable "UPSMON_Ucthis";
_lastcurrpos = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Lastinfos") select 0;
_lastpos = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Lastinfos") select 1;
_lastattackpos = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Lastattackpos",[]];
_areamarker = _Ucthis select 1;
_surrended = false;
if (({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _grp) == 0 || _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Removegroup",false]) exitwith
[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_RESPAWN;
_npc = leader _grp;
_driver = driver (vehicle _npc);
// did the leader die?
_npc = [_npc,_grp] call UPSMON_getleader;
if (!alive _npc || isplayer _npc) exitwith {[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_RESPAWN;};
_buildingdist = 50;
_deadbodiesnear = false;
_stuck = false;
_makenewtarget = false;
_haslos = false;
_terrainscan = ["meadow",10];
_targetpos = [0,0];
_Attackpos = [];
_opfknowval = 0;
_wptype = "MOVE";
_targetdist = 1000;
_traveldist = 0;
_dist = 10000;
_ratio = 0.5;
_safemode = ["CARELESS","SAFE"];
_target = ObjNull;
_typeofeni = [];
_speedmode = speedmode _npc;
_behaviour = behaviour _npc;
_combatmode = "YELLOW";
// current position
_currPos = getposATL _npc;
If (count(waypoints _grp) != 0) then
_wppos = waypointPosition [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetpos = _wppos;
_wptype = waypointType [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetdist = [_currpos,_targetpos] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
_grpcomposition = [_grp] call UPSMON_analysegrp;
_typeofgrp = _grpcomposition select 0;
_capacityofgrp = _grpcomposition select 1;
_assignedvehicle = _grpcomposition select 2;
_weaponrange = _grpcomposition select 3;
_supstatus = [_grp] call UPSMON_supstatestatus;
_nowp = [_grp,_target,_supstatus] call UPSMON_NOWP;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_NOAI",false]) then
_fixedtargetPos = [_grp,_lastpos] call UPSMON_GetReinfPos;
if (count _fixedtargetPos > 0) then {_targetpos = _fixedtargetPos;};
_terrainscan = _currpos call UPSMON_sample_terrain;
_unitsneedammo = [_npc] call UPSMON_checkmunition;
_vehiclesneedsupply = [_assignedvehicle] call UPSMON_Checkvehiclesstatus;
// Acquisition of the target
_TargetSearch = [_grp] call UPSMON_TargetAcquisition;
_Enemies = _TargetSearch select 0;
_Allies = _TargetSearch select 1;
_target = _TargetSearch select 2;
_dist = _TargetSearch select 3;
_targetsnear = _TargetSearch select 4;
_attackPos = _TargetSearch select 5;
_suspectenies = _TargetSearch select 6;
_opfknowval = _TargetSearch select 7;
if (_opfknowval > 0) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_lastOpfknowval",0] < _opfknowval) then
_timeontarget = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",time]) - 10;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",_timeontarget];
// Reactions
_nowp = [_grp,_target,_supstatus] call UPSMON_NOWP;
If (!IsNull _target) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","RED"];
_haslos = [_npc,_target,_weaponrange,130] call UPSMON_Haslos;
//Analyse Targets && Allies
_Situation = [_grp,_Allies,_Enemies] call UPSMON_Checkratio;
_ratio = _Situation select 0;
_enicapacity = _Situation select 1;
_typeofeni = _Situation select 2;
[_grp,_dist,_ratio,_supstatus,_unitsneedammo,_typeofgrp,_attackpos,_assignedvehicle] call UPSMON_IsRetreating;
[_grp,_dist,_ratio,_supstatus,_unitsneedammo,_typeofgrp,_haslos] call UPSMON_IsSurrending;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] == "SURRENDER") exitwith {[_grp] call UPSMON_surrended;};
// Artillery Support
_artillery = [_grp] call UPSMON_ArtiChk;
If (_artillery) then
[_grp,_currpos,_attackpos,_dist,_enies] call UPSMON_FO;
// Reinforcement Support
_reinf = [_grp,_ratio,_typeofgrp] call UPSMON_ReinfChk;
If (_reinf) then
[_grp,_currpos,_attackpos,_radiorange,_enicapacity] spawn UPSMON_CallRenf;
if (_supstatus == "SUPRESSED") then
_timeontarget = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",time]) + 30;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",_timeontarget];
_nowp = [_grp,_target,_supstatus] call UPSMON_NOWP;
_maneuver = [_grp,_nowp,_attackpos,_typeofgrp] call UPSMON_Cangrpmaneuver;
If (_maneuver) then
If ("air" in _typeofgrp) then
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_typeofgrp,_dist] call UPSMON_PLANASSLT;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","ASSAULT"];
_grpstatus = "PURPLE";
If ("ship" in _typeofgrp) then
If (_dist < 300 && (surfaceIsWater _attackpos)) then
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_typeofgrp,_dist] call UPSMON_PLANASSLT;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","BLACK"];
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_dist,_typeofgrp,_terrainscan,_areamarker,_haslos] call UPSMON_PLANFLANK;
If (_ratio < 1.2 && (_supstatus != "SUPRESSED")) then
_inmarker = [_attackpos,_areamarker] call UPSMON_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted;
// Offensive Behaviour
If (_dist <= 300 && ({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _grp) >= 4 && !("arti" in _typeofgrp) && (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_NOFOLLOW",false]) || !_inmarker)) then
If ("car" in _typeofgrp && !("infantry" in _typeofgrp)) then
_terrainscantarget = _attackpos call UPSMON_sample_terrain;
If (((_terrainscantarget) select 0 == "inhabited" || (_terrainscantarget) select 0 == "forest") && (_terrainscantarget) select 1 > 100) then
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_dist,_typeofgrp,_terrainscan,_areamarker,_haslos] call UPSMON_PLANFLANK;
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_typeofgrp,_dist] call UPSMON_PLANASSLT;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","BLACK"];
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_typeofgrp,_dist,_targetdist] call UPSMON_PLANASSLT;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","BLACK"];
If (("staticbag" in _typeofgrp) || (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_NOFOLLOW",false] && _inmarker)) then
If ((_haslos && _dist <= _weaponrange && _dist > 300) || (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_NOFOLLOW",false] && _inmarker)) then
//[_grp] call UPSMON_PLANSPT;
if (_wptype != "HOLD") then
_timeorder = time + 15;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEORDER",_timeorder];
[_grp,_currpos,"HOLD","LINE","LIMITED","STEALTH","YELLOW",1] call UPSMON_DocreateWP;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","SUPPORT"];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","PURPLE"];
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_dist,_typeofgrp,_terrainscan,_areamarker,_haslos,_targetpos,_currpos] call UPSMON_PLANFLANK;
[_grp,_attackpos,_lastattackpos,_dist,_typeofgrp,_terrainscan,_areamarker,_haslos,_targetpos,_currpos] call UPSMON_PLANFLANK;
//Defensive Behaviour
if (_wptype != "HOLD") then
[_grp,_dist,_target,_supstatus,_terrainscan] spawn UPSMON_DODEFEND;
_timeorder = time + 5;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEORDER",_timeorder];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","DEFEND"];
If (IsNull _target) then
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_attackpos",[]]) == 0) then
If (count _suspectenies > 0) then
_suspectenies = [_suspectenies, [], { _currpos distance ((_x getvariable "UPSMON_TargetInfos") select 0)}, "ASCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
_suspectpos = ((_suspectenies select 0) getvariable "UPSMON_TargetInfos") select 0;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_SuspectPos",_suspectpos];
If (_supstatus != "" || count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_SuspectPos",[]]) > 0) then
_artipos = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_SuspectPos",[]];
If (count _artipos > 0) then
[_grp,(_grp getvariable "UPSMON_SuspectPos"),_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
If ([] call UPSMON_Nighttime) then
If (!(UPSMON_FlareInTheAir)) then
If (count _artipos == 0) then
_artipos = [_currpos,[100,200],[0,360],0,[0,100],0] call UPSMON_pos;
If (count _artipos > 0) then
_artillery = [_grp] call UPSMON_ArtiChk;
If (_artillery) then
[_grp,_currpos,_artipos,_dist,_enies,"ILLUM"] call UPSMON_FO;
If (_supstatus != "SUPRESSED") then
//Fire Flare
[_grp,_artipos] call UPSMON_FireFlare;
If (_supstatus == "SUPRESSED") then
_smokepos = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_SuspectPos",[]];
If (count _smokepos == 0) then
_smokepos = [_currpos,[30,100],[0,360],0,[0,100],0] call UPSMON_pos;
If (count _smokepos > 0) then
_nosmoke = [_grp] call UPSMON_NOSMOKE;
If (!_nosmoke) then {[units _grp,_smokepos] spawn UPSMON_CreateSmokeCover;};
_targetdist = [_currpos,_targetpos] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
[_grp,_supstatus,_attackpos,_dist,_terrainscan,_haslos,_typeofgrp] call UPSMON_ChangeFormation;
If ("arti" in _typeofgrp) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "RETREAT") then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_OnBattery",false])) then
If (count _attackpos > 0 || count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) > 0) then
_artitarget = _attackpos;
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) > 0) then {_artitarget = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) select 0;};
[_grp,_typeofgrp,_nowp,_artitarget] spawn UPSMON_artillerysetbattery;
if (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "FIREMISSION") then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","FIREMISSION"];
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TRANSPORT",false]) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpInAction",false])) then
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) > 0) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","TRANSPORT"];
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Supply",false]) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpInAction",false])) then
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Supplymission",[]]) > 0) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","SUPPLY"];
If (_grpstatus == "GREEN") then
_dead = ObjNull;
//If in safe mode if find dead bodies change behaviour
if (UPSMON_deadBodiesReact)then
if (alive _x) then
if (vehicle _x == _x) then
_dead = [_x,_buildingdist] call UPSMON_deadbodies;
if (!IsNull _dead) exitwith
_deadbodiesnear = true;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","YELLOW"];
} foreach units _grp;
If (_deadbodiesnear) then
[_grp,getposATL _dead,_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
//Stuck control
_stuck = [_npc,_lastcurrpos,_currpos] call UPSMON_Isgrpstuck;
If (IsNull _target) then
_grpstatus = "YELLOW";
}; // End NOAI
If ("air" in _typeofgrp || "car" in _typeofgrp || "tank" in _typeofgrp) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "RESSUPLY") then
If ((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpstatus","GREEN"] == "GREEN") || (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] == "DEFEND") || ("air" in _typeofgrp)) then
If (_dist > 800) then
//_supplyunit = [_grp] call UPSMON_getsupply;
//If (!IsNull _supplyunit) then
//_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","RESSUPLY"];
//_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_SupplyGrp",_supplyunit];
//_supplypos = [_grp] call UPSMON_GetSupplyPos;
//_supplyunit setvariable ["UPSMON_Supplymission",[_grp,_vehiclesneedsupply,_supplypos]];
//If ("air" in _typeofgrp) then
//_basepos = (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Origin") select 0;
//[_grp,_basepos,"MOVE","COLUMN","FULL","CARELESS","YELLOW",1,UPSMON_flyInHeight] call UPSMON_DocreateWP;
//_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","RESSUPLY"];
switch (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_GrpMission") do
case "ASSAULT":
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpinAction",false])) then
If (_targetdist <= 300) then
If (IsNull _target) then
If (_targetdist <= 100) then
[_grp,_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_attackpos",[]],_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
If (vehicle _target == _target) then
If ([_target] call UPSMON_Inbuilding) then
If ((_target getvariable "UPSMON_TargetInfos") select 1 <= 10) then
If (_dist <= 100) then
//The target is in a building, what do we do ?
[_grp,_target] spawn UPSMON_AssltBld;
if (_dist > 50) then
If (_haslos) then
//[_grp,_target] spawn UPSMON_Assltposition;
case "FLANK":
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_targetdist <= 20) then
If (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_TIMEORDER" <= time) then
If (IsNull _target) then
[_grp,_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_attackpos",[]],_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
case "SUPPORT":
If (_targetdist <= 10) then
If (!IsNull _target) then
If (!(_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_GrpinAction",false])) then
If ("staticbag" in _typeofgrp) then
//Deploy static
[_grp,_currpos,_attackpos] call UPSMON_DeployStatic;
[_grp,(_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Attackpos"),_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
case "DEFEND":
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_wptype == "HOLD") then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GrpinAction",false])) then
If (_supstatus != "SUPRESSED") then
If (_targetdist <= 100) then
If (_dist > 500) then
If ("heavy" in _typeofeni || "medium" in _typeofeni) then
//Put minefield
[_grp,_attackpos] call UPSMON_SetMinefield;
[_grp,_attackpos] spawn UPSMON_FORTIFY;
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Alertpos",[]]) > 0) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_SRCHTIME",time] > time) then
if (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
if (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Disembarking",false])) then
If ((_targetpos select 0 == (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Alertpos") select 0 && _targetpos select 1 == (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Alertpos") select 1)
|| _targetdist <= 5
//|| _stuck
|| moveToFailed _npc
|| moveToCompleted _npc
|| (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",0] < time && !("air" in _typeofgrp))
//|| (("air" in _typeofgrp && !(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_landing",false])) && (_targetdist <= (30 + (_currpos select 2))))
|| ("air" in _typeofgrp && _wptype != "LOITER")) then
[_grp,_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Alertpos",_typeofgrp,_areamarker] spawn UPSMON_DOPATROLSRCH;
[_grp] spawn UPSMON_BackToNormal;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Alertpos",[]];
If (_targetdist <= 100) then
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_bldposToCheck",[]]) > 0) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_InBuilding",false])) then
_units = [units _grp] call UPSMON_Getunits;
[_units,_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_bldposToCheck",[]],_grp,55] spawn UPSMON_patrolBuilding;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","PATROLSRCH"];
If (_targetdist <= UPSMON_Closeenough) then
[_grp,_targetpos,_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
_grpstatus = "YELLOW"
case "AMBUSH":
_ambush2 = if ("AMBUSH2:" in _UCthis || "AMBUSH2" in _UCthis || "AMBUSHDIR2:" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
_ambushdistance = [_currpos,(_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Positiontoambush")] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
_targetdistance = 1000;
_targetknowaboutyou = 0;
_linkactivate = false;
if (!isnull _target) then {_targetdistance = [_currpos,getposATL _target] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;_targetknowaboutyou = _target knowsabout _npc;};
//Ambush enemy is nearly aproach
//_ambushdist = 50;
// replaced _target by _NearestEnemy
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_LINKED",0] > 0) then
If (side _x == _side) then
If (round ([_currpos,getposATL (leader _x)] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr) <= (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_LINKED",0])) then
If (_x getvariable "UPSMON_AMBUSHFIRE")
exitwith {_linkactivate = true};
} foreach UPSMON_NPCs
If (((_supstatus != "") || _linkactivate || (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_AMBUSHWAIT",time]) < time)
|| ((!isNull _target && "Air" countType [_target] == 0)
&& ((_targetdistance <= _ambushdistance)
||(round ([getposATL _target,(_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Positiontoambush")] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr) < 10)
|| (_npc knowsabout _target > 3 && _ambush2)))) then
sleep ((random 0.5) + 1); // let the enemy then get in the area
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["%1: FIREEEEEEEEE!!! Gothit: %2 linkactivate: %3 Distance: %4 PositionToAmbush: %5 AmbushWait:%6 %7",_grpid,_supstatus,_linkactivate,(_targetdistance <= _ambushdistance),_target distance (_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Positiontoambush") < 20,_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_AMBUSHWAIT",time] < time,(_npc knowsabout _target > 3 && _ambush2)]};
_npc setBehaviour "COMBAT";
_npc setcombatmode "YELLOW";
_grpstatus = "PURPLE";
If !(isNil "bdetect_enable") then {_x setVariable ["bcombat_task", nil];};
} foreach units _grp;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_AMBUSHFIRE",true];
//No engage yet
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_grpmission","SUPPORT"];
case "FORTIFY":
If (!(IsNull _target)) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Checkbuild",false])) then
if (behaviour _npc != "COMBAT") then {_npc setbehaviour "COMBAT"};
[_grp,_dist] call UPSMON_unitdefend;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_OrgGrpMission",""] != "FORTIFY") then
If (_ratio > 1.2) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","SUPPORT"];
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_OrgGrpMission",""] != "FORTIFY") then
[_grp,(_grp getvariable "UPSMON_Attackpos"),_currpos] call UPSMON_GETINPATROLSRCH;
_grpstatus = "YELLOW"
case "RETREAT":
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_targetdist <= 50) then
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission","DEFEND"];
If (count _assignedvehicle > 0) then
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "MoveToRP" || ((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDRP") then
_grouptransported = [_grp] call UPSMON_CheckTransported;
If (!IsNull _grouptransported) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_embarking",false])) then
If (_targetdist <= 50) then
_destination = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 1;
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "MoveToRP") then
//Embark group in transport (LAND)
[_grouptransported,_assignedvehicle,_destination] spawn UPSMON_getinassignedveh;
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDRP") then
if (_currpos select 2 <= 3) then
//Embark group in transport (HELI)
[_grouptransported,_assignedvehicle,_destination] spawn UPSMON_getinassignedveh;
//If there are nobody anymore to transport then return to base
[_assignedvehicle select 0] call UPSMON_Returnbase;
If (_targetdist <= 100) then
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDING" || ((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDBASE" || ((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDPZ") then
If (unitReady (driver (_assignedvehicle select 0)) || toUpper(landResult (_assignedvehicle select 0)) != "NOTREADY" || (landResult (_assignedvehicle select 0)) == "") then
//Make heli land and stop or land and be ready to move :)
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDING") then {If (((getposATL (_assignedvehicle select 0)) select 2) > 20) then {(_assignedvehicle select 0) land "GET OUT";}};
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDRP") then {If (((getposATL (_assignedvehicle select 0)) select 2) > 20) then {(_assignedvehicle select 0) land "GET IN";}};
If (((_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]) select 0) == "LANDBASE") then {(_assignedvehicle select 0) land "LAND";};
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Transport",false];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Transportmission",[]]
_grouptransported = [_grp] call UPSMON_CheckTransported;
If (IsNull _grouptransported) then
[_grp,_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TransportDest",[]],"MOVE",_formation,_speedmode,_behaviour,"YELLOW",1] spawn UPSMON_DocreateWP;
case "SUPPLY":
If (true) then
case "RESUPPLY":
case "PATROL":
_speedmode = Speedmode _npc;
_behaviour = Behaviour _npc;
_wpformation = Formation _npc;
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_InTransport",false])) then
If ("arti" in _typeofgrp) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_targetdist <= 10 && (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",time] <= time)) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_embarking",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Disembarking",false])) then
If (!([_targetpos,_areamarker] call UPSMON_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted)
|| _stuck
|| _targetdist <= 5
//|| moveToFailed _driver
//|| Unitready _driver
//|| moveToCompleted _driver
|| count(waypoints _grp) == 0
|| ((("tank" in _typeofgrp) || ("ship" in _typeofgrp) || ("apc" in _typeofgrp) ||("car" in _typeofgrp)) && _targetdist <= 25)
|| (("air" in _typeofgrp && !(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_landing",false])) && (_targetdist <= 70 || Unitready _driver))) then
// Search new patrol pos
if (_makenewtarget) then
if (UPSMON_Debug > 0) then {diag_log format ["Grp%1 search newpos",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_grpid",0]];};
[_grp,_wpformation,_speedmode,_areamarker,_Behaviour,_combatmode,_typeofgrp] spawn UPSMON_DOPATROL;
If (count _attackpos > 0 || count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) > 0) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_OnBattery",false]) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Batteryfire",false])) then
_artitarget = _attackpos;
_firemission = "HE";
_roundsask = 1;
_area = 10;
If (count (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) > 0) then
_artitarget = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) select 0;
_firemission = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) select 1;
_roundsask = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) select 2;
_area = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Artifiremission",[]]) select 2;
[_grp,_artitarget,_area,_roundsask,_firemission] spawn UPSMON_artillerydofire;
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_RoundsComplete",false]) then
[_grp] call UPSMON_BackToNormal;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_OnBattery",false];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RoundsComplete",false];
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_RoundsComplete",false]) then
[_grp] call UPSMON_BackToNormal;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_OnBattery",false];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RoundsComplete",false];
case "RELAX":
[_grp,_areamarker] call UPSMON_DORELAX;
case "STATIC":
If (count(waypoints _grp) != 0) then
_wppos = waypointPosition [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetpos = _wppos;
_wptype = waypointType [_grp,count(waypoints _grp)-1];
_targetdist = [_currpos,_targetpos] call UPSMON_distancePosSqr;
if (!_nowp) then
/////////// Disembarking //////////////////
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_disembarking",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (_targetpos select 0 != 0 && _targetpos select 1 != 0) then
If (count _assignedvehicle > 0) then
[_grp,_assignedvehicle,_dist,_targetdist,_supstatus] call UPSMON_Disembarkment;
/////////// Embarking //////////////////
/* If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_embarking",false])) then
if (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Disembarking",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_landing",false])) then
[_grp,_typeofgrp,_targetpos,_dist,_targetdist,_assignedvehicle,_supstatus,_speedmode,_behaviour] call UPSMON_Embarkment;
}; */
};// !NOWP
if (({alive _x && !(captive _x)} count units _grp) == 0 || _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Removegroup",false]) exitwith
[_grp,_UCthis] call UPSMON_RESPAWN;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Lastinfos",[_currpos,_targetpos]];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_lastOpfknowval",_opfknowval];
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_LastGrpmission",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""]];
sleep 0.1;
} foreach UPSMON_NPCs;
If (ObjNull in UPSMON_NPCs) then {UPSMON_NPCs = UPSMON_NPCs - [ObjNull]};
sleep _cycle;