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2017-10-26 01:36:31 +00:00
File: UPSMON_spawn.sqf
Author: Monsada
The script will spawn a squad based on a template.
Called by the mission creator:
nul = [1,[0,0,0],3,[mark, upsmon optional params]] EXECVM "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\MODULES\UPSMON_SPAWN.SQF";
<--- Id of the template to copy.
<--- Position to create new squad.
<--- Number of squads to create
<--- Array of parameters of UPSMON, first must be name of marker to patrol
//if (!isserver) exitWith {};
if (!isServer) exitWith {};
//Waits until UPSMON is init
waitUntil {!isNil("UPSMON_INIT")};
waitUntil {UPSMON_INIT==1};
private ["_template","_position","_params","_copies","_membertypes","_unittype","_side","_UCthis","_initstr","_grp","_lead","_newunit","_i","_newpos","_vehicle","_initlstr"];
//Parameter reading
_template = _this select 0;
_position = _this select 1;
_copies = _this select 2;
_params = _this select 3;
_membertypes = [];
_side = "";
_UCthis = [];
_initstr = "";
_initlstr = "";
_grp = grpnull;
_lead = objnull;
_newunit = objnull;
//Gets parameters of UPSMON
for [{_i=0},{_i<count _params},{_i=_i+1}] do {_e=_params select _i; if (typeName _e=="STRING") then {_e=toUpper(_e)};_UCthis set [_i,_e]};
_initstr = ["INIT:","",_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
_initlstr = ["INITL:","",_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
_initlstr = _initlstr + _initstr;
_spawned= if ("SPAWNED" in _UCthis) then {true} else {false};
if (!_spawned) then {_UCthis = _UCthis + ["SPAWNED"]};
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["Spawning %3 copies of template %1",_template,_position,_copies,count UPSMON_TEMPLATES]};
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["Spawning %3 copies of template %1 on %2 templates %4",_template,_position,_copies,UPSMON_TEMPLATES]};
//Search if any template
if ((_x select 0) == _template) then
_side = _x select 1;
_membertypes = _x select 2;
_vehicletypes = _x select 3;
//Gets leader type
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["template %1 side %2 membertypes %3",_template,_side,_membertypes]};
//if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["template %1:%2 ",_template,_membertypes]};
// any init strings?
_initstr = ["INIT:","",_UCthis] call UPSMON_getArg;
for [{_i=1},{_i<=_copies},{_i=_i+1}] do
// make the clones civilians
// use random Civilian models for single unit groups
//if ((_side == "Civilian") && (count _members==1)) then {_rnd=1+round(random 20); if (_rnd>1) then {_unittype=format["Civilian%1",_rnd]}};
_grp=createGroup _side;
_lead = ObjNull;
// copy team members (skip the leader)
_unittype = _x select 0;
_roletype = _x select 2;
_targetpos = _orgpos findEmptyPosition [5,50];
if (count _targetpos == 0) then {_targetpos = _orgpos};
_newunit = _grp createUnit [_unittype, _targetpos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_equipment = _x select 1;
[_newunit,_equipment] call UPSMON_addequipment;
if (isMultiplayer) then
[[netid _newunit, _initstr], "UPSMON_fnc_setVehicleInit", true, true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP;
} else
_unitstr = "_newunit";
_index=[_initstr,"this",_unitstr] call UPSMON_Replace;
call compile format ["%1",_index];
If (count _roletype > 0) then
_crews pushback [_newunit,_roletype];
[_newunit] join _grp;
If (_c == 0) then
_grp selectLeader _newunit;
_lead = _newunit;
sleep 0.1;
} foreach _membertypes;
_vehicle = _x;
_targetpos = _orgpos findEmptyPosition [10, 200];
sleep .4;
if (count _targetpos <= 0) then {_targetpos = _orgpos};
//if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player globalchat format["%1 create vehicle _newpos %2 ",_x,_targetpos]};
_newunit = (_x select 0) createvehicle (_targetpos);
_newunit setdir (_x select 1);
_crews = _x select 2;
_crew = _x select 1;
_role = (_x select 2) select 0;
_newunit = _grp createUnit [_crew, _orgpos, [], 0, "FORM"];
switch (_role) do
case "Driver":
_newunit moveindriver _vehicle
_newunit moveincommander _vehicle
case "TURRET":
_newunit moveInTurret [_vehicle,(_x select 2) select 1]
} foreach _crews;
} foreach _vehicletypes;
//Set new parameters
_params = [_lead] + _UCthis;
//Exec UPSMON script
if (true) exitwith{};