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Raw Normal View History

Version 0.23
Author: Shuko (shuko@quakenet,
Contributors: Hatifnat
Marker Based Selection
Required Parameters:
0 String Area marker's name.
Optional Parameters:
1 Number Water position. Default is only land positions allowed.
0 Find closest land. Search outwards 360 degrees (20 degree steps) and 20m steps.
1 Allow water positions.
2 Find only water positions.
2 Array or String One or multiple blacklist area markers which are excluded from the main marker area.
3 Array, Number, Object or Vehicle Type Force finding large enough empty position.
0 Max range from the selection position to look for empty space. Default is 200.
1 Vehicle or vehicle type to fit into an empty space.
[...,[300,heli]] Array with distance and vehicle object.
[...,350] Only distance given
[...,(typeof heli)] Only vehicle type given
[...,heli] Only vehicle object given
Position Based Selection
Required Parameters:
0 Object or Position Anchor point from where the relative position is calculated from.
1 Array or Number Distance from anchor.
Optional Parameters:
2 Array of Number Direction from anchor. Default is random between 0 and 360.
3 Number Water position. Default is only land positions allowed.
0 Find closest land. Search outwards 360 degrees (20 degree steps) and 20m steps.
1 Allow water positions.
2 Find only water positions.
4 Array Road positions.
0 Number Road position forcing. Default is 0.
0 Do not search for road positions.
1 Find closest road position. Return the generated random position if none found.
2 Find closest road position. Return empty array if none found.
1 Number Road search range. Default is 200m.
5 Array, Number, Object or Vehicle Type Force finding large enough empty position.
0 Max range from the selection position to look for empty space. Default is 200.
1 Vehicle or vehicle type to fit into an empty space.
[...,[300,heli]] Array with distance and vehicle object.
[...,350] Only distance given
[...,(typeof heli)] Only vehicle type given
[...,heli] Only vehicle object given
Preprocess the file in init.sqf:
call compile preprocessfile "SHK_pos\shk_pos_init.sqf";
Actually getting the position:
pos = [parameters] call SHK_pos;
// Functions
UPSMON_pos_getPos = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_getpos.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_getPosMarker = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_getposmarker.sqf";
// Sub functions
UPSMON_pos_fnc_findClosestPosition = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_findclosestposition.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getMarkerCorners = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getmarkercorners.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getMarkerShape = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getmarkershape.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getPos = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getpos.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getPosFromCircle = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getposfromcircle.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getPosFromEllipse = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getposfromellipse.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getPosFromRectangle = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getposfromrectangle.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_getPosFromSquare = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_getposfromsquare.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_isBlacklisted = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_isblacklisted.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_isInCircle = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_isincircle.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_isInEllipse = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_isinellipse.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_isInRectangle = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_isinrectangle.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_isSamePosition = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_issameposition.sqf";
UPSMON_pos_fnc_rotatePosition = compile preprocessfilelinenumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_fnc_rotateposition.sqf";
// Wrapper function
// Decide which function to call based on parameters.
UPSMON_pos = {
private ["_pos"];
_pos = [];
// Only marker is given as parameter
if (typename _this == "STRING") then {
_pos = [_this] call UPSMON_pos_getPosMarker;
// Parameter array
} else {
if (typename (_this select 0) == "STRING") then {
_pos = _this call UPSMON_pos_getPosMarker;
} else {
_pos = _this call UPSMON_pos_getPos;
// Return position