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2017-10-26 01:36:31 +00:00
File: UPSMON_WillSee.sqf
Author: Zorilaya
Make the AI watch openings.
<--- Parameters of the original group
<--- Minimum number of group to create
<--- Maximum number of group to create
// garrison func from Zorilaya
private ["_unit","_angle","_window","_essai","_eyes","_hyp","_adj","_opp","_infront","_obstruction","_see","_abx","_aby","_abz","_vec"];
_unit = _this select 0;
_angle = _this select 1;
_window = _this select 2;
_essai = 0;
If (count _this > 3) then {_essai = _this select 3;};
_eyes = eyepos _unit;
_hyp = 10;
_adj = _hyp * (cos _angle);
_opp = sqrt ((_hyp*_hyp) - (_adj * _adj));
_infront = if ((_angle) >= 180) then
[(_eyes select 0) - _opp,(_eyes select 1) + _adj,(_eyes select 2)]
[(_eyes select 0) + _opp,(_eyes select 1) + _adj,(_eyes select 2)]
_obstruction = (lineintersectswith [_eyes,_infront,_unit]) select 0;
_see = if (isnil("_obstruction")) then {true} else {false};
if (UPSMON_DEBUG > 0) then {diag_log format ["Unit: %1 See:%2 Essai:%3",_unit,_see,_essai];};
If (!_see && _essai < 20) exitwith
_essai = _essai + 1;
If (_window) then {_angle = _angle + 2} else {_angle = random 360};
[_unit,_angle,_window,_essai] call UPSMON_WillSee;
If (_see && _essai > 0) then
_posATL = getPosATL _unit;
_abx = (_infront select 0) - (_posATL select 0);
_aby = (_infront select 1) - (_posATL select 1);
_abz = (_infront select 2) - (_posATL select 2);
_vec = [_abx, _aby, _abz];
// Main body of the function;
_unit setVectorDir _vec;
sleep 0.02;
_unit dowatch ObjNull;
_unit dowatch [_infront select 0,_infront select 1, _posATL select 2];
if (UPSMON_DEBUG > 0) then
_ballCover = "Sign_Arrow_Large_BLUE_F" createvehicle [0,0,0];
_ballCover setposATL [_infront select 0,_infront select 1, _posATL select 2];