/* # Original # Sarge AI System 1.5 Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod Author: Sarge https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge # Fork # Sarge AI System 2.0+ Modded for Arma 3: Exile Mod Changes: Dango https://www.hod-servers.com */ private ["_baseOwner","_attackAll","_friendlyPlayers","_ai","_entity_array"]; if (isServer OR !hasInterface) exitWith {}; // Do not execute on server or any headless client(s) _ai = _this select 0; _friendlyPlayers = _ai getVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", []]; _attackAll = _ai getVariable ["ATTACK_ALL", true]; _baseOwner = 0; while {alive _ai || !isNull _ai} do { _friendlyPlayers = _ai getVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", []]; _attackAll = _ai getVariable ["ATTACK_ALL", false]; _entity_array = (getPosATL _ai) nearEntities [["CAManBase","Air","Car","Motorcycle","Tank"],SAR_DETECT_HOSTILE + 200]; if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge AI System: Territory patrol gaurds ready. Friendly base UID array is: %1",_friendlyPlayers]; }; if (_attackAll) then { { if (isPlayer _x) then { _baseOwner = 0; if (_baseOwner == 0) then { if ((getPlayerUID _x) in _friendlyPlayers) then { _x addrating 50000; _x setVariable ["BaseOwner", 1, true]; if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge AI System: Rating has been adjusted for authorized player with UID %1",(getPlayerUID _x)]; }; } else { _x addrating -50000; if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge AI System: Rating has been adjusted for unauthorized player with UID %1",(getPlayerUID _x)]; }; }; } else { if (_baseOwner == 1 && rating _x < 50000) then { _x addrating 50000; }; }; } else { _tFriendlyPlayers = _x getVariable ["SAR_FLAG_FRIENDLY", []]; _result = [_tFriendlyPlayers, _friendlyPlayers] call BIS_fnc_arrayCompare; if (_result) then { _x addrating 50000; } else { _x addrating -50000; }; }; } forEach _entity_array; }; sleep 5; };