/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_doGetOut.sqf Author: MONSADA Description: Function for order a unit to exit Parameter(s): <--- unit <--- Vehicle to leave Returns: ****************************************************************/ private["_vehicle","_npc","_getout" ,"_gunner","_groupOne","_timeout","_dir"]; _npc = _this; _vehicle = vehicle (_npc); sleep 0.05; if (_vehicle == _npc) exitwith{}; //Wait until vehicle is stopped waituntil {!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || !alive _vehicle || ( (abs(velocity _vehicle select 0)) <= 0.5 && (abs(velocity _vehicle select 1)) <= 0.5 ) || ( _vehicle iskindof "Air" && ((getposATL _vehicle) select 2) <= 2.5)}; if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc) exitwith{}; unassignVehicle _npc; _npc action ["getOut", _vehicle]; doGetOut _npc; [_npc] allowGetIn false; nul = [_npc] spawn UPSMON_cancelstop; waituntil {!alive _npc || !canmove _npc || vehicle _npc == _npc}; if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc) exitwith{}; if (leader _npc != _npc) then { //Moves out with dispersion of 45º _dir = getDir _npc; _dir = _dir + 45 - (random 90); nul = [_npc,25,_dir] spawn UPSMON_domove; //if (UPSMON_Debug>0 ) then { player globalchat format["%1 Moving away from %2 %2º",_npc, typeof _vehicle,_dir];}; };