/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_assignasrole.sqf Author: MONSADA Description: Move unit to the position of a vehicle Parameter(s): <--- unit <--- vehicle <--- time before moving Returns: Nothing ****************************************************************/ private["_vehicle","_unit","_role","_wait","_spawninveh","_turretpath"]; _unit = _this select 0; _role = _this select 1; _vehicle = _this select 2; _wait = _this select 3; _turretpath = 0; if (count _this > 4) then {_turretpath = _this select 4;}; _spawninveh = true; if (count _this > 5) then {_spawninveh = _this select 5;}; Dostop _unit; sleep _wait; unassignVehicle _unit; switch (_role) do { case "DRIVER": {_unit assignasdriver _vehicle;}; case "COMMANDER": {_unit assignascommander _vehicle;}; case "GUNNER": { if (_spawninveh) then { _unit moveInTurret [_vehicle,_turretpath]; } else { _unit assignAsTurret [_vehicle,_turretpath]; }; }; case "CARGO": {_unit assignascargo _vehicle;}; }; [_unit] orderGetIn true; _unit forcespeed 40; //if ( UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: assigning to driver of %2 ",_driver, typeof _vehicle]};