/* # Original # Sarge AI System 1.5 Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod Author: Sarge https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge # Fork # Sarge AI System 2.0+ Modded for Arma 3: Epoch Mod Changes: Dango https://www.hod-servers.com */ private ["_ai","_entity_array","_tracewhat","_player_rating","_clientmachine"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _ai = _this select 0; _tracewhat = "CAManBase"; while {alive _ai} do { _entity_array = (position _ai) nearEntities [_tracewhat, SAR_DETECT_HOSTILE_FROM_VEHICLE]; { if (isPlayer _x && {vehicle _x == _x}) then { // only do that for players that are not in a vehicle _player_rating = rating _x; //_respect = _x getVariable ["ExileScore",0]; if (rating player < SAR_RESPECT_HOSTILE_LIMIT && (_player_rating > -10000)) then { if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log format["SAR EXTREME DEBUG: reducing rating (trace_from_vehicle) for player: %1", _x]; }; //define global variable adjustrating = [_x,(0 - (10000+_player_rating))]; // get the players machine ID _clientmachine = owner _x; // transmit the global variable to this client machine _clientmachine publicVariableClient "adjustrating"; // reveal player to vehicle group _ai reveal [_x,4]; }; }; } forEach _entity_array; sleep SAR_DETECT_FROM_VEHICLE_INTERVAL; };