/* # Original # Sarge AI System 1.5 Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod Author: Sarge https://github.com/Swiss-Sarge # Fork # Sarge AI System 2.0+ Modded for Arma 3: Exile Mod Changes: Dango https://www.hod-servers.com */ private ["_snipers","_soldiers","_group","_check","_probability","_chance","_playerlist","_triggername","_tmparr","_markername","_player","_valuearray","_max_grps","_rnd_grps","_max_p_grp","_grps_band","_grps_sold","_grps_surv","_grps_upd","_respawn"]; //if (!isServer) exitWith {}; _playerlist = _this select 0; _triggername = _this select 1; _tmparr = toArray (_triggername); _tmparr set[4,97]; _tmparr set[5,114]; _tmparr set[6,101]; _tmparr set[7,97]; _markername = toString _tmparr; {if(isPlayer _x) then {_player = _x;};} foreach _playerlist; if (SAR_DEBUG) then {diag_log format["Sarge's AI System: Triggered by: %1", _player];}; if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor before adding spawned groups."; call SAR_DEBUG_mon; }; if (SAR_dynamic_group_respawn) then { _respawn = true; }; _valuearray= [["max_grps","rnd_grps","max_p_grp","grps_band","grps_sold","grps_surv"],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_read; _max_grps = _valuearray select 0; _rnd_grps = _valuearray select 1; _max_p_grp = _valuearray select 2; _grps_band = _valuearray select 3; _grps_sold = _valuearray select 4; _grps_surv = _valuearray select 5; _grps_upd = []; _grps_upd = _grps_band; //for [{_i = (count _grps_band)},{_i < (_max_grps select 0)}, {_i=_i+1}] do for "_i" from (count _grps_band) to ((_max_grps select 0) - 1) do { if(_max_p_grp select 0 > 0) then { _probability = _rnd_grps select 0; _chance = (random 100); if(_chance < _probability) then { _snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 0)-1)); _soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 0)-1) - _snipers; _group = [_markername,3,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_fnc_AI_infantry; _grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group]; // update AI monitor _check = [["grps_band"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; if (SAR_HC) then { { _hcID = getPlayerUID _x; if(_hcID select [0,2] isEqualTo 'HC')then { _SAIS_HC = _group setGroupOwner (owner _x); if (_SAIS_HC) then { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: Now moving group %1 to Headless Client %2",_group,_hcID]; }; } else { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: ERROR! Moving group %1 to Headless Client %2 has failed!",_group,_hcID]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; }; }; }; _grps_upd = _grps_sold; //for [{_i = (count _grps_sold)},{_i < (_max_grps select 1)}, {_i=_i+1}] do for "_i" from (count _grps_sold) to ((_max_grps select 1) - 1) do { if(_max_p_grp select 1 > 0) then { _probability = _rnd_grps select 1; _chance = (random 100); if(_chance < _probability) then { _snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 1)-1)); _soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 1)-1) - _snipers; _group = [_markername,1,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_fnc_AI_infantry; _grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group]; // update AI monitor _check = [["grps_sold"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; if (SAR_HC) then { { _hcID = getPlayerUID _x; if(_hcID select [0,2] isEqualTo 'HC')then { _SAIS_HC = _group setGroupOwner (owner _x); if (_SAIS_HC) then { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: Now moving group %1 to Headless Client %2",_group,_hcID]; }; } else { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: ERROR! Moving group %1 to Headless Client %2 has failed!",_group,_hcID]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; }; }; }; _grps_upd = _grps_surv; //for [{_i = (count _grps_surv)},{_i < (_max_grps select 2)}, {_i=_i+1}] do for "_i" from (count _grps_surv) to ((_max_grps select 2) - 1) do { if(_max_p_grp select 2 > 0) then { _probability = _rnd_grps select 2; _chance = (random 100); if(_chance < _probability) then { _snipers=floor (random ((_max_p_grp select 2)-1)); _soldiers =((_max_p_grp select 2)-1) - _snipers; _group = [_markername,2,_snipers,_soldiers,"",_respawn] call SAR_fnc_AI_infantry; _grps_upd set [count _grps_upd,_group]; // update AI monitor _check = [["grps_surv"],[_grps_upd],_markername] call SAR_AI_mon_upd; if (SAR_HC) then { { _hcID = getPlayerUID _x; if(_hcID select [0,2] isEqualTo 'HC')then { _SAIS_HC = _group setGroupOwner (owner _x); if (_SAIS_HC) then { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: Now moving group %1 to Headless Client %2",_group,_hcID]; }; } else { if (SAR_DEBUG) then { diag_log format ["Sarge's AI System: ERROR! Moving group %1 to Headless Client %2 has failed!",_group,_hcID]; }; }; }; } forEach allPlayers; }; }; }; }; // DEBUG if (SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG) then { diag_log "SAR EXTREME DEBUG: Content of the Monitor after adding spawned groups."; call SAR_DEBUG_mon; };