/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_SetMinefield.sqf Author: MONSADA Description: Function to put a mine Parameter(s): <--- unit <--- position where to put the mine <--- Classname of the mine Returns: ****************************************************************/ private ["_grp","_attackpos","_currPos","_ATmine","_Atunit","_dir1","_mineposition","_roads"]; _grp = _this select 0; _attackpos = _this select 1; _currPos = getposATL (leader _grp); If (UPSMON_useMines) then { _ATmag = ObjNull; _unit = ObjNull; { If (alive _x) then { If (vehicle _x == _x) then { If (canstand _x) then { If ("ATMine_Range_Mag" in (magazines _x) || "SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag" in (magazines _x)) exitwith { If ("ATMine_Range_Mag" in (magazines _x)) then { _ATmag = "ATMine_Range_Mag"; } else { _ATmag = "SLAMDirectionalMine_Wire_Mag"; }; _Atunit = _x; }; }; }; }; } foreach units _grp; If (!IsNull _unit) then { If ((random 100) < 40) then { _dir1 = [_currPos,_attackpos] call BIS_fnc_DirTo;; _mineposition = [_currPos,_dir1, 30] call UPSMON_GetPos2D; _roads = _mineposition nearroads 25; if (count _roads > 0) then {_mineposition = getposATL (_roads select 0);}; [_unit,_grp,_mineposition,_currPos,_ATmag] spawn UPSMON_PutMine; }; }; };