// only run on server (including SP, MP, Dedicated) and Headless Client if (!isServer && hasInterface ) exitWith {}; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // These Variables should be checked and set as required, to make the mission runs properly. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //1=Enable or 0=disable debug. In debug could see a mark positioning de leader and another mark of the destination of movement, very useful for editing mission UPSMON_Debug = 0; //Max waiting is the maximum time patrol groups will wait when arrived to target for doing another target. UPSMON_maxwaiting = 10; // Set How many time a unit will search around a suspect position UPSMON_SRCHTIME = 90; // if you are spotted by AI group, how close the other AI group have to be to You , to be informed about your present position. over this, will lose target UPSMON_sharedist = 800; // org value 800 => increased for ArmA3 map sizes for less predictable missions.. // knowsAbout 0.5 1.03 , 1.49 to add this enemy to "target list" (1-4) the higher number the less detect ability (original in 5.0.7 was 0.5) // it does not mean the AI will not shoot at you. This means: what must be knowsAbout you to UPSMON adds you to the list of targets (UPSMON list of target) UPSMON_knowsAboutEnemy = 1.5; // 5 //////////////////////// MODULES //////////////////////////////////////////// //Enable it to send reinforcements, better done it in a trigger inside your mission. UPSMON_reinforcement = false; // ToDo Set to true if UPSMON reinf is going ot be used //Artillery support, better control if set in trigger UPSMON_ARTILLERY_EAST_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing east to fire //ToDo verify if needed UPSMON_ARTILLERY_WEST_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing west to fire UPSMON_ARTILLERY_GUER_FIRE = false; //set to true for doing resistance to fire // Can the group surrender? UPSMON_SURRENDER = false; // Chance of Surrender/100 UPSMON_WEST_SURRENDER = 10; UPSMON_EAST_SURRENDER = 10; UPSMON_GUER_SURRENDER = 10; // Chance of Retreating/100 UPSMON_WEST_RETREAT = 0; UPSMON_EAST_RETREAT = 0; UPSMON_GUER_RETREAT = 0; /// Civilian Hostility (Set to 0 if you want to disable the function) UPSMON_Ammountofhostility = 0; UPSMON_WEST_HM = 10; UPSMON_EAST_HM = 100; UPSMON_GUER_HM = 100; //////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// //Height that heli will fly this input will be randomised in a 10% UPSMON_flyInHeight = 40; //80; //Max distance to target for doing para-drop, will be randomised between 0 and 100% of this value. UPSMON_paradropdist = 400; //Height that heli will fly if his mission is paradroping. UPSMON_paraflyinheight = 110; // Distance from destination for searching vehicles. (Search area is about 200m), // If your destination point is further than UPSMON_searchVehicledist, AI will try to find a vehicle to go there. UPSMON_searchVehicledist = 900; // 700, 900 // How far opfor disembark from non armoured vehicle UPSMON_closeenoughV = 800; // how close unit has to be to target to generate a new one target or to enter stealth mode UPSMON_closeenough = 300; // ToDo investigate effect of decrease of this value to e.g. 50 // 300 //Do the unit react to near dead bodies; UPSMON_deadBodiesReact = true; //Do unit can lay down mine (ambush and defense module) UPSMON_useMines = true; //Distance from ambush point UPSMON_ambushdist = 100; //% of chance to use smoke by team members when someone wounded or killed in the group in %(default 13 & 35). // set both to 0 -> to switch off this function UPSMON_USE_SMOKE = 20; // org 13: decreased while AI is popping smoke a bit too often //Allow Relax units during nightime to create fireplace UPSMON_Allowfireplace = false; //Allow Units to Rearm UPSMON_AllowRearm = false; //============================================================================================================================= //=============================== DO NOT TOUCH THESE VARIABLES ================================================================ //UPSMON_Version UPSMON_Version = "UPSMON"; //Misc Array UPSMON_Total = 0; UPSMON_Instances = 0; UPSMON_Exited = 0; UPSMON_AllWest = 0; UPSMON_AllEast = 0; UPSMON_AllRes = 0; upsmon_west_total = 0; upsmon_east_total = 0; UPSMON_GUER_Total = 0; //Reinforcement group array UPSMON_REINFORCEMENT_WEST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_REINFORCEMENT_EAST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_REINFORCEMENT_GUER_UNITS = []; //Artillery group array UPSMON_ARTILLERY_WEST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_ARTILLERY_EAST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_ARTILLERY_GUER_UNITS = []; //Transport group array UPSMON_TRANSPORT_WEST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_TRANSPORT_EAST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_TRANSPORT_GUER_UNITS = []; //Supply group array UPSMON_SUPPLY_WEST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_SUPPLY_EAST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_SUPPLY_GUER_UNITS = []; //Supply group array UPSMON_SUPPORT_WEST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_SUPPORT_EAST_UNITS = []; UPSMON_SUPPORT_GUER_UNITS = []; //tracked units array UPSMON_Trackednpcs = []; //Targetpos of groups UPSMON_targetsPos = []; //Units array by sides UPSMON_AllWest = []; UPSMON_AllEast = []; UPSMON_AllRes = []; //UPSMON Array groups UPSMON_NPCs = []; UPSMON_Civs = []; //Markers Array UPSMON_Markers = []; //Template Array UPSMON_TEMPLATES = []; //EH Killed Civ KILLED_CIV_COUNTER = []; UPSMON_FlareInTheAir = false; UPSMON_GOTKILL_ARRAY = []; UPSMON_GOTHIT_ARRAY = []; //=============================================================================== //======================== ===================================== // logic is needed to display rGlobalChat private ["_center","_group","_UPSMON_Minesclassname","_m"]; _center = createCenter sideLogic; _group = createGroup _center; UPSMON_Logic_civkill = _group createUnit ["LOGIC", [1,1,1], [], 0, "NONE"]; _group = nil; _center = nil; UPSMON = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; UPSMON_CreateGroup = compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\UPSMON_CreateGroup.sqf"; //Core call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Core\init.sqf"; call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\Get_pos\UPSMON_pos_init.sqf"; //Params call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Group\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\target\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\unit\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\Params\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\buildings\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\vehicles\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\cover\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\terrain\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\MP\init.sqf"; //Modules call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\FORTIFY\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\AMBUSH\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ARTILLERY\init.sqf"; //Orders call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_PATROL\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_REINFORCEMENT\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_Transport\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_PATROLSRCH\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_FLANK\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_ASSAULT\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_DEFEND\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_RELAX\init.sqf"; call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "Scripts\UPSMON\MODULES\ORDERS\UPSMON_SUPPLY\init.sqf"; [] execvm "Scripts\UPSMON\COMMON\CORE\fnc\UPSMON_TRACK.sqf"; [] execvm "Scripts\UPSMON\UPSMON_MAINLOOP.sqf"; [] execvm "Scripts\UPSMON\UPSMON_MAINLOOPCiv.sqf"; //get all mines types _UPSMON_Minesclassname = [] call UPSMON_getminesclass; UPSMON_Minestype1 = _UPSMON_Minesclassname select 0; // ATmines UPSMON_Minestype2 = _UPSMON_Minesclassname select 1; // APmines _m = createMarker ["DummyUPSMONMarker",[0,0]]; _m setmarkerColor "Colorblack"; _m setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _m setMarkerSize [100,100]; _m setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _m setmarkerAlpha 0; //Initialization done UPSMON_INIT=1;