/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_movetogunner.sqf Author: MONSADA Description: Función que mueve al soldado a la posición de conductor Parameter(s): <--- unit <--- Vehicle to mount Returns: ****************************************************************/ private["_vehicle","_npc"]; _npc = _this ; _vehicle = vehicle _npc; sleep 0.05; //Si está muerto if (vehicle _npc == _npc || !alive _npc || !canmove _npc || !(_npc iskindof "Man")) exitwith{}; if (isnull(gunner _vehicle) || !alive(gunner _vehicle) || !canmove(gunner _vehicle)) then { if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1: Moving to gunner of %2 ",_npc,typeof _vehicle]}; _npc action ["getOut", _vehicle]; doGetOut _npc; WaitUntil {vehicle _npc==_npc || !alive _npc || !canmove _npc}; //Si está muerto if (!alive _npc || !canmove _npc) exitwith{}; unassignVehicle _npc; _npc assignasgunner _vehicle; _npc moveingunner _vehicle; };