/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_selectvehicles.sqf Author: Azroul13 Description: Función que busca vehiculos cercanos y hace entrar a las unidades del lider Parameter(s): <--- Units <--- Array of vehicles <--- Do the unit needs to be spawn in the vehicle Returns: Array of units moving to vehicle ****************************************************************/ private["_units","_vehicles","_spawninveh","_grpid","_vehicle","_emptypositions","_i","_vehgrpid","_cargo"]; _units = _this select 0; _vehicles = _this select 1; _spawninveh = false; if ((count _this) > 2) then {_spawninveh = _this select 2;}; _grpid = (group (_units select 0)) getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpid",0]; _unitsIn = []; If (count _vehicles > 0) then { { if ((count _units) == 0 ) exitwith {_units}; _vehicle = _x select 0; _emptypositions = _x select 1; _i = 0; _unitsmoveIn = []; _cargo = _vehicle getVariable ["UPSMON_cargo",[]]; _vehicle setVariable ["UPSMON_grpid", _grpid, false]; _emptypositions = _emptypositions - (count crew _vehicle); while {_i < _emptypositions && _i < count _units} do { _unit = _units select _i; _unitsmoveIn pushback _unit; _unitsIn pushback _unit; _i = _i + 1; }; _units = _units - _unitsmoveIn; If (count _unitsmoveIn > 0) then { [_grpid,_unitsmoveIn,_vehicle,_spawninveh] spawn UPSMON_UnitsGetIn; if (UPSMON_Debug>0 ) then {player sidechat format["%1: Get in %2 %3 units of %4 available",_grpid,typeof _vehicle,count _unitsmoveIn,_emptypositions]}; if (UPSMON_Debug>0 ) then {diag_log format["UPSMON %1: Moving %3 units into %2 with %4 positions",_grpid,typeof _vehicle,count _unitsmoveIn,_emptypositions]}; }; } foreach _vehicles; }; _unitsIn