/**************************************************************** File: UPSMON_GetIn_NearestVehicles.sqf Author: Azroul13 Description: Función que busca vehiculos cercanos y hace entrar a las unidades del lider Parameter(s): <--- Leader <--- Types of vehicle the group must search <--- Radius of research <--- Do the unit needs to be spawn in the vehicle <--- Is there a area the unit must search in Returns: Array of units moving to vehicle ****************************************************************/ private["_npc","_types","_area","_spawn","_marker","_vehicles","_unitsmoveIn","_unitsIn","_vehicletypearray"]; _npc = _this select 0; _types = _this select 1; _area = _this select 2; _spawn = false; _marker = ""; If (count _this > 3) then {_spawn = _this select 3}; If (count _this > 4) then {_marker = _this select 4}; _grpid = (group _npc) getvariable ["UPSMON_grpid",0]; _validunits = [units _npc] call UPSMON_Getunits; _unitsIn = _validunits; if ( (count _validunits) > 0) then { _vehicles = []; if ("static" in _types) then { _vehicles = [_npc,_area,_marker] call UPSMON_GetNeareststatics; If (_npc in _validunits) then { _validunits = _validunits - [_npc]; _validunits pushback _npc; }; }; If !("static" in _types) then {_vehicles = [_npc,_types,_area,_marker] call UPSMON_GetNearestvehicles;}; _unitsIn = [_validunits,_vehicles,_spawn] call UPSMON_selectvehicles; }; sleep 0.01; _unitsIn;