// In: [position,marker] // Out: boolean private ["_pos","_area","_posX","_posY"]; _pos = _this select 0; _area = _this select 1; _posX = _pos select 0; _posY = _pos select 1; // Center point private ["_center","_centerX","_centerY"]; _center = getMarkerPos _area; _centerX = _center select 0; _centerY = _center select 1; // Size private ["_size"]; _size = getMarkerSize _area; _size = _size select 0; // Difference in coordinates private ["_difX","_difY"]; _difX = _posX - _centerX; _difY = _posY - _centerY; private ["_return"]; _return = false; // If distance from center of marker to the given position is // smaller than the radius of the circle, then position is inside. if (sqrt((_difX * _difX) + (_difY * _difY)) < _size) then { _return = true; }; _return