Teh Dango c5e98f17e6 Epoch Update
Epoch Update
2017-10-25 21:36:31 -04:00

105 lines
2.7 KiB

File: UPSMON_moveBuildings.sqf
Author: Monsada
<--- array of units
<--- array of buildingsinfo [_bld,pos]
<--- must patrol or not
private ["_wait","_minpos","_units","_blds","_blds2","_UPSMON_Bld_ruins","_i","_arraybld","_bld","_bldpos1","_bldpos2","_cntobjs1","_movein","_result","_altura","_id2"];
_wait = 60;
_minpos = 2;
_units = _this select 0;
_blds = _this select 1;
_i = 0;
if ((count _this) > 2) then {_wait = _this select 2;};
if ((count _this) > 3) then {_i = _this select 3;};
if (_i > 7) exitwith {_units};
_UPSMON_Bld_ruins = ["Land_Unfinished_Building_01_F","Land_Unfinished_Building_02_F","Land_d_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F","Land_d_Stone_Shed_V1_F","Land_u_House_Small_02_V1_F","Land_i_Stone_HouseBig_V1_F","Land_u_Addon_02_V1_F","Land_Cargo_Patrol_V1_F"];
_blds2 = [];
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["MON_moveBuildings _units=%1 _blds=%2",count _units, count _blds];};
_arraybld = _x;
_bld = _x select 0;
_bldpos1 = (_x select 1) select 0;
_bldpos2 = (_x select 1) select 1;
If (count _bldpos1 < _minpos) then {_bldpos1 = (_x select 1) select 1;_bldpos2 = _bldpos1;};
if ("deletethis" in _bldpos1) then {_bldpos1 = _bldpos1 - ["deletethis"];};
if ( count _bldpos1 >= _minpos ) then
_cntobjs1 = 1;
_movein = [];
if (count _bldpos1 >= 3) then { _cntobjs1 = round(random 1) + 2;};
if (count _bldpos1 >= 8) then { _cntobjs1 = round(random 2) + 6;};
if (count _bldpos1 >= 10) then {_cntobjs1 = round(random 3) + 7;};
if (alive _x) then
If (canmove _x) then
If (vehicle _x == _x) then
If (_cntobjs1 > 0) then
_movein pushback _x;
_cntobjs1 = _cntobjs1 - 1;
} foreach _units;
if (count _movein > 0) then
If (count _bldpos1 > 0) then
_result = [_bldpos1] call UPSMON_Checkfreebldpos;
If (count _result > 0) then
_altura = _result select 0;
_id2 = _result select 1;
[_x,_bld,_altura,_wait,_arraybld] spawn UPSMON_movetoBuilding;
_bldpos1 set [_id2,"deletethis"];
_bldpos1 = _bldpos1 - ["deletethis"];
_units = _units - [_x];
} foreach _movein;
_blds2 pushback [_bld,[_bldpos1,_bldpos2]];
} foreach _blds;
_blds = _blds2;
if (count _units > 0) then
_i = _i + 1;
_units = [_units,_blds,_wait,_i] call UPSMON_moveBuildings;
if (_i <= 1) then
_bld = _x select 0;
If (!(typeof _bld in _UPSMON_Bld_ruins)) then {[_bld] execvm "\addons\sarge\UPSMON\COMMON\UPSMON_CloseDoor.sqf";};
} foreach _blds;