Teh Dango 3ac749d64b 2.1.0
This is the latest stable version of Sarge AI for Arma 3: Exile.
2016-02-19 21:49:51 -05:00

73 lines
2.2 KiB

File: UPSMON_Isgrpstuck.sqf
Author: Azroul13
Check if the group is stuck
private ["_npc","_lastcurrpos","_currpos","_grp","_stuck","_rstuckControl"];
_npc = _this select 0;
_lastcurrpos = _this select 1;
_currpos = _this select 2;
_grp = group _npc;
_stuck = false;
//Stuck control
If (alive _npc) then
If (canmove _npc) then
If (!((vehicle _npc) iskindof "air")) then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_NOWP",0] == 0) then
If (_lastcurrpos select 0 == _currpos select 0 && _lastcurrpos select 1 == _currpos select 1) then
//time > _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_TIMEONTARGET",time]
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "DEFEND") then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "FORTIFY") then
If (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpmission",""] != "AMBUSH") then
If (!(_npc getvariable ["UPSMON_searchingpos",false])) then
If (!(_grp getVariable ["UPSMON_movetolanding",false])) then
If (!(_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_embarking",false])) then
If (!((vehicle _npc) getvariable ["UPSMON_disembarking",false])) then
_rstuckControl = (_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_RSTUCKCONTROL",0]) + 1;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RSTUCKCONTROL",_rstuckControl];
If (_rstuckControl >= 10) then
//[_npc] call UPSMON_cancelstop;
//{if (alive _x && leader _x != _x) then {_x dofollow (leader _x)};} foreach units _grp;
_grp setvariable ["UPSMON_RSTUCKCONTROL",0];
_stuck = true;
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {player sidechat format["%1 stucked, moving",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpid",0]]};
if (UPSMON_Debug>0) then {diag_log format["%1 stuck for %2 seconds - trying to move again",_grp getvariable ["UPSMON_Grpid",0]]};