Teh Dango 3ac749d64b 2.1.0
This is the latest stable version of Sarge AI for Arma 3: Exile.
2016-02-19 21:49:51 -05:00

78 lines
1.8 KiB

private ["_grp","_enies","_npcpos","_capacitygrp","_typeofgrp","_list","_points","_armor"];
_grp = _this select 0;
_enies = _this select 1;
_npcpos = getposATL (leader _grp);
_capacitygrp = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_GroupCapacity",[]];
_typeofgrp = _grp getvariable ["UPSMON_typeofgrp",[]];
_list = [];
If (alive _x) then
_points = 0;
If ([leader _grp,_x,_npcpos vectordistance ((_x getvariable "UPSMON_TargetInfo") select 0),130] call UPSMON_Haslos) then
_points = _points + 200;
If (vehicle _x != _x) then
If ("ship" in _typeofgrp) then
If ((vehicle _x) iskindof "ship") then
_points = _points + 200;
If ("air" in _typeofgrp || "aa1" in _capacitygrp || "aa2" in _capacitygrp) then
if ("aa1" in _capacitygrp || "aa2" in _capacitygrp) then
If ((vehicle _x) iskindof "air") then
_points = _points + 300;
If ("at1" in _capacitygrp || "at2" in _capacitygrp || "at3" in _capacitygrp) then
_armor = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeof (vehicle _x) >> "armor");
If (_armor >= 500 && ("at2" in _capacitygrp || "at3" in _capacitygrp)) then
_points = _points + 300;
If (_armor < 500 && "at1" in _capacitygrp) then
_points = _points + 200;
If (_armor < 250) then
_points = _points + 200;
if (!IsNull (Gunner (vehicle _x))) then
_points = _points + 100;
_points = _points - ((_npcpos vectordistance ((_x getvariable "UPSMON_TargetInfos") select 0)) / 10);
If (_points < 0) then {_points = 0;};
_list pushback [_x,_points];
} foreach _enies;
_list = [_list, [], {(_x select 1)}, "DESCEND"] call BIS_fnc_sortBy;
_enies pushback (_x select 0);
} foreach _list;