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# Original #
Sarge AI System 1.5
Created for Arma 2: DayZ Mod
Author: Sarge
# Fork #
Sarge AI System 2.0+
Modded for Arma 3: Exile Mod
Changes: Dango
PublicServerIsLoaded = false;
SAR_version = "2.1.0";
/* Debug & RPT Settings */
SAR_DEBUG = true; // Set to true for RPT info on AI
SAR_EXTREME_DEBUG = false; // Set to true for RPT info on damn near everything
SAR_HITKILL_DEBUG = true; // Set to true for RPT info on AI shooting and killing
SAR_log_AI_kills = true; // Set to true for kill logging by variable. *These variables do not save to the database currently*
SAR_KILL_MSG = true; // Set to true for announcing AI kills to the server *This is still in development*
/* Dynamic AI Settings */
SAR_dynamic_spawning = true; // Turn dynamic grid spawns on or off
SAR_Base_Gaurds = true; // Turn AI territory gurads on or off
SAR_dynamic_group_respawn = true; // Turn dynamic grid AI respawn on or off
SAR_AI_COMBAT_VEHICLE = false; // Turn the option for AI using vehicles when in combat on or off
SAR_AI_STEAL_VEHICLE = false; // Turn the option for AI using vehicles to reach their destination on or off
SAR_AI_disable_UPSMON_AI = false; // Turning this off could have unintended consequences
SAR_respawn_waittime = 300; // How long to wait before dynamic IA respawns
SAR_DESPAWN_TIMEOUT = 120; // How long to wait before despawning dynamic AI
SAR_DELETE_TIMEOUT = 300; // How long to wait before deleting dead AI
SAR_surv_kill_value = 250; // How much respect players lose if killing friendly AI
SAR_band_kill_value = 50; // How much respect players lose if killing hostile AI
SAR_RESPECT_HOSTILE_LIMIT = -2500; // Friendly AI will shoot at players with respect below this number
SAR_REAMMO_INTERVAL = 30; // How often AI will replenish their ammo count
SAR_DETECT_HOSTILE = 200; // How far away AI can detect hostile AI & players
SAR_DETECT_INTERVAL = 15; // How often AI can detect AI & players
SAR_DETECT_HOSTILE_FROM_VEHICLE = 500; // How far AI can detect hostile AI & players while in a vehicle
SAR_DETECT_FROM_VEHICLE_INTERVAL = 5; // How often AI can detect hostile AI & players while in a vehicle
SAR_chance_bandits = 75; // Chance to spawn 1-100%
SAR_chance_soldiers = 25; // Chance to spawn 1-100%
SAR_chance_survivors = 50; // Chance to spawn 1-100%
SAR_max_grps_bandits = 2; // Total groups per grid
SAR_max_grps_soldiers = 2; // Total groups per grid
SAR_max_grps_survivors = 2; // Total groups per grid
SAR_max_grpsize_bandits = 2; // Size of the group
SAR_max_grpsize_soldiers = 2; // Size of the group
SAR_max_grpsize_survivors = 2; // Size of the group
// Military AI ----------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
SAR_leader_sold_list = ["B_officer_F"];
SAR_sniper_sold_list = ["B_ghillie_lsh_F","B_sniper_F"];
SAR_soldier_sold_list = ["B_G_medic_F","B_G_engineer_F","b_soldier_survival_F","B_G_Soldier_TL_F"];
SAR_sold_leader_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_sold_leader_pistol_list = [];
SAR_sold_leader_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60],["Exile_Item_InstaDoc",100]];
SAR_sold_leader_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30],["NVGoggles",5],["ItemRadio",100]];
SAR_sold_rifleman_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_sold_rifleman_pistol_list = [];
SAR_sold_rifleman_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_sold_rifleman_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
SAR_sold_sniper_weapon_list = ["srifle_DMR_02_F","arifle_MXM_F","srifle_DMR_04_F"];
SAR_sold_sniper_pistol_list = [];
SAR_sold_sniper_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_sold_sniper_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
// Survivor AI ----------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SAR_leader_surv_list = ["B_G_Soldier_A_F"];
SAR_sniper_surv_list = ["B_G_Soldier_LAT_F"];
SAR_soldier_surv_list = ["B_G_Soldier_M_F"];
SAR_surv_leader_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_surv_leader_pistol_list = [];
SAR_surv_leader_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_surv_leader_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30],["NVGoggles",5],["ItemRadio",100]];
SAR_surv_rifleman_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_surv_rifleman_pistol_list = [];
SAR_surv_rifleman_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_surv_rifleman_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
SAR_surv_sniper_weapon_list = ["srifle_DMR_02_F","arifle_MXM_F","srifle_DMR_04_F"];
SAR_surv_sniper_pistol_list = [];
SAR_surv_sniper_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_surv_sniper_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
// Hostile AI ----------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SAR_leader_band_list = ["O_G_Soldier_lite_F"];
SAR_sniper_band_list = ["O_G_Soldier_lite_F"];
SAR_soldier_band_list = ["O_G_Soldier_lite_F"];
SAR_band_leader_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_band_leader_pistol_list = [];
SAR_band_leader_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_band_leader_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30],["NVGoggles",5],["ItemRadio",100]];
SAR_band_rifleman_weapon_list = ["arifle_Katiba_F","arifle_Mk20_F","arifle_MXC_F","arifle_MX_F","arifle_TRG21_F","arifle_TRG20_F"];
SAR_band_rifleman_pistol_list = [];
SAR_band_rifleman_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_band_rifleman_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
SAR_band_sniper_weapon_list = ["srifle_DMR_02_F","arifle_MXM_F","srifle_DMR_04_F"];
SAR_band_sniper_pistol_list = [];
SAR_band_sniper_items = [["Exile_Item_PlasticBottleFreshWater",75],["Exile_Item_Catfood_Cooked",60]];
SAR_band_sniper_tools = [["ItemMap",50],["ItemCompass",30]];
// Helicopter Types ----------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
SAR_heli_type = ["B_Heli_Light_01_stripped_F"];
/* -------------------------------- Do Not Edit Below. If you do the AI will not work properly. -------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------- Do Not Edit Below. If you do the AI will not work properly. -------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------- Do Not Edit Below. If you do the AI will not work properly. -------------------------------- */
SAR_HC = false;
SAR_AI_friendly_side = RESISTANCE;
SAR_AI_unfriendly_side = EAST;
SAR_leader_number = 0;
SAR_AI_monitor = []; |